This repository holding a Power BI dashboard on Churn Analysis in Telecom industry.
The dataset used in this project is from IBM Sample Data Sets, which hosted on Kaggle. For more information, please refers to the Kaggle dataset description. And modified with adding in the prediction result from my Machine Learning Project on churn prediction
Power BI Public Link
Document | Progress | Version | Links | |
1 | Power BI Dashboard | ON-GOING | 1 | Churn_dashboard.pbix |
2 | Format Design | DONE | 1 | Background Image |
3 | Dashboard Data | DONE | 1 | Dashboard_data.ipynb data_dashboard.xlsx |
### Preview **1. Index Page**
For more information on the machine learning project, you can read the following articles,
【顧客流失預測項目】1. 數據說的故事要好好聽
【顧客流失預測項目】2. 模型會長怎樣
【顧客流失預測項目】3. 齊齊預測最快樂 - 將模型變成一個Web應用