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Check branch bge.develop.add_select_se.20240304 on push by brgew #169

Check branch bge.develop.add_select_se.20240304 on push by brgew

Check branch bge.develop.add_select_se.20240304 on push by brgew #169

Workflow file for this run

# Check Monocle3 repository on push event.
# There is information on Docker container security at
# URL:
# URL:
# Note: I don't see how one can specify the 'user' for the
# Actions runs so I don't see the value of creating
# a non-root user when the container is built.
# There is information on Github Actions security at
# URL:
# URL:
# This Github Actions page notes:
# o Using CODEOWNERS to monitor changes: specifically changes to.github/workflows/*
# o Preventing GitHub Actions from creating or approving pull requests
# Security notes:
# o secure the docker container against meddling
# o secure the monocle3 repository against meddling
name: Monocle3 check on push
run-name: Check branch ${{ github.ref_name }} on push by ${{ }}
on: [push]
# Notes: ubuntu.
# o use Ubuntu - there are messages on line about needing to use Ubuntu
# for use with Github Actions.
# o use a Docker container that has the Monocle3 dependencies installed.
# see '' and
# ''.
# o Github Actions has a limited variety of Linux runners. See
# URL:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# One can add fine-grain-control over GITHUB_TOKEN permissions but
# I have not found authoratative descriptions of the permissions
# targets. www pages have some information
# URL:
# URL:
# permissions:
# actions: read|write|none
# checks: read|write|none
# contents: read|write|none
# deployments: read|write|none
# id-token: read|write|none
# issues: read|write|none
# discussions: read|write|none
# packages: read|write|none
# pages: read|write|none
# pull-requests: read|write|none
# repository-projects: read|write|none
# security-events: read|write|none
# statuses: read|write|none
# Note:
# in order for the GITHUB_TOKEN to work as a credential one must
# allow the Monocle3 repository to access the container 'package'.
# Navigate to the Packages tab -> <repository> tab -> Package settings ->
# Manage Actions access: click on Add Repository; give repository name
# The following Docker image was pushed initially to the Docker container
# but we use now the Github container registry. The following image and
# credential lines are here for documentation, if require in the future.
# image:
# The following three (commented out) lines give credentials for a docker
# image stored at the Docker container registry.
# credentials:
# username: brgew
# password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_READ }}
# The following Docker image was pushed to the Github container registry,
# which is found at the Github Packages tab.
# image: # old and replaced
# The following three uncommented lines give credentials for a Github
# container registry. There is information about github.ACTOR at
# URL:
# where there is the statement
# string The username of the user that triggered the
# initial workflow run. If the workflow run is
# a re-run, this value may differ from
# github.triggering_actor. Any workflow re-runs
# will use the privileges of, even
# if the actor initiating the re-run
# (github.triggering_actor) has different
# privileges.
username: ${{ github.ACTOR }}
password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# TRAVIS: the testthat scripts check for the TRAVIS environment variable
# in order to choose the correct set of target values and to avoid
# running interactive code. For convenience, I keep the name TRAVIS after
# switching to Github Actions CI.
# _R_CHECK_TESTS_NLINES_: instruct the devtools::test scripts to output all
# error lines rather than the last 13. See
TRAVIS: true
# Get current repository contents.
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Run tests.
# Notes:
# o the RCMD check command appears to not output the regression tests
# output unless an error occurs, in which case, the output of all
# regressions tests is output.
# Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("ggdist", "ggforce"))'
- name: Run R CMD build and R CMD check
run: |
Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("rlang"))'
R CMD build .
R CMD check monocle3*tar.gz
shell: bash