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A tool that facilitates easy, efficient and high-quality fine-tuning of Cohere's models


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Cohere-finetune is a tool that facilitates easy, efficient and high-quality fine-tuning of Cohere's models on users' own data to serve their own use cases.

Currently, we support the following base models for fine-tuning:

We also support any customized base model built on one of these supported models (see Step 4 for more details).

Currently, we support the following fine-tuning strategies:

We will keep extending the base models and fine-tuning strategies we support, and keep adding more features, to help our users fine-tune Cohere's models more easily, more efficiently and with higher quality.

1. Prerequisites

  • You need to have access to a machine with at least one GPU, e.g., H100, H200, etc. The specific required number, memory and model of GPUs depend on your specific use case, e.g., the model to fine-tune, the batch size, the max sequence length in the data, etc.
  • You need to install necessary apps, e.g., Docker, Git, etc. on the GPU machine.

To help you better decide the hardware resources you need, we list some feasible scenarios in the following table as a reference, where all the other hyperparameters that are not shown in the table are set as their default values (see here).

Hardware resources Base model Finetune strategy Batch size Max sequence length
8 * 80GB H100 GPUs Command R, Command R 08-2024, Command R 7B 12-2024, Aya Expanse 8B, Aya Expanse 32B LoRA or QLoRA 8 16384
8 * 80GB H100 GPUs Command R, Command R 08-2024, Command R 7B 12-2024, Aya Expanse 8B, Aya Expanse 32B LoRA or QLoRA 16 8192
8 * 80GB H100 GPUs Command R Plus, Command R Plus 08-2024, Command A 03-2025 LoRA or QLoRA 8 8192
8 * 80GB H100 GPUs Command R Plus, Command R Plus 08-2024, Command A 03-2025 LoRA or QLoRA 16 4096

2. Setup

Run the commands below on the GPU machine.

git clone
cd cohere-finetune

3. Fine-tuning

Throughout this section and the sections below, we use the notation <some_content_you_must_change> to denote some content that you must change according to your own use case, e.g., names, paths to files or directories, etc. Meanwhile, for any name or path that is not between the angle brackets, you must use it as it is, unless otherwise stated.

You can fine-tune a base model on your own data by following the steps below on the GPU machine (the host).

Step 1. Build the Docker image

Run the command below to build the Docker image, which may take about 18min to finish if it is the first time you build it on the host.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --rm \
    --ssh default \
    --target peft-prod \
    -t <peft_prod_docker_image_name> \
    -f docker/Dockerfile \

Alternatively, you may directly use the image we built for you: skip this step and use our image name as <peft_prod_docker_image_name> in the next step, but this image could be outdated (the most up-to-date version is always on the main branch).

Step 2. Run the Docker container to start the fine-tuning service

Run the command below to start the fine-tuning service.

docker run -it --rm \
    --name <peft_prod_finetune_service_docker_container_name> \
    --gpus <gpus_accessible_by_the_container> \
    --ipc=host \
    --net=host \
    -v ~/.cache:/root/.cache \
    -v <finetune_root_dir>:/opt/finetuning \
    -e PATH_PREFIX=/opt/finetuning/<finetune_sub_dir> \
    -e HF_TOKEN=<hf_token> \
    -e WANDB_API_KEY=<wandb_api_key> \

Some parameters are explained below:

  • <gpus_accessible_by_the_container> specifies the GPUs the service can access, which can be, e.g., '"device=0,1,2,3"' (for GPUs 0, 1, 2, 3) or all (for all GPUs).
  • By default, HuggingFace will cache all downloaded models in ~/.cache/huggingface/hub and try to fetch the cached model from there when you want to load a model again. Therefore, it is highly recommended to mount ~/.cache on your host to /root/.cache in the container, such that the container will have access to these cached models on your host and avoid going through the time-consuming model downloading process.
  • <finetune_root_dir> is the root directory on your host to store all your fine-tunings, and /opt/finetuning is the corresponding fine-tuning root directory in your container (it can also be changed but you do not have to).
  • PATH_PREFIX is an environment variable that specifies the fine-tuning sub-directory in your container, where <finetune_sub_dir> can be an empty string, i.e., the fine-tuning sub-directory can be equal to the fine-tuning root directory.
  • ENVIRONMENT is an environment variable that specifies the mode of your working environment, which is mainly used to determine the level of logging. If you explicitly set it as DEV, more debugging information will be printed, but if you do not set it or set it as any other value, these debugging information will not be printed.
  • HF_TOKEN is an environment variable that specifies your HuggingFace User Access Token.
  • WANDB_API_KEY is an environment variable that specifies the authentication key of your Weights & Biases account. If you are not going to use Weights & Biases for logging during the fine-tuning, you do not have to set it.

If you want the service to run in the background, now you can detach from the Docker container.

Step 3. Prepare the training and evaluation data

Put one and only one file as the training data in the directory <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/input/data/training, where this file must be one of the followings:

  • A CSV file with file extension .csv in the prompt-completion format. The file must not have a header and must have two columns, where the first column consists of prompts and the second column consists of completions.
  • A JSONL file with file extension .jsonl in the prompt-completion format. Each record (line) in the file must have two keys: "prompt" and "completion" for prompt and completion, respectively.
  • A JSONL file with file extension .jsonl in the chat format. See here for the specific requirements. See an example at here.

Optionally, you can also put one and only one file as the evaluation data in the directory <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/input/data/evaluation, where this file must be in one of the three formats above. If you do not provide any evaluation data, we will split the provided training data into training and evaluation sets according to the hyperparameter eval_percentage (see Step 4 below).

Step 4. Submit the request to start the fine-tuning

Throughout this section and the sections below, we use cURL to send the requests, but you can also send the requests by Python's requests or in any other way you want. Also, you can send the requests from the host where the service is running, or from any other machine, e.g., your laptop (as long as you run, e.g., ssh -L 5000:localhost:5000 -Nf <username>@<host_address> for local port forwarding on that machine).

Run the following command to submit a request to start the fine-tuning.

curl --request POST http://localhost:5000/finetune \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{
        "finetune_name": "<finetune_name>",
        "base_model_name_or_path": "command-r-08-2024",
        "parallel_strategy": "fsdp",
        "finetune_strategy": "lora",
        "use_4bit_quantization": "false",
        "gradient_checkpointing": "true",
        "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1,
        "train_epochs": 1,
        "train_batch_size": 16,
        "validation_batch_size": 16,
        "learning_rate": 1e-4,
        "eval_percentage": 0.2,
        "lora_config": {"rank": 8, "alpha": 16, "target_modules": ["q", "k", "v", "o"], "rslora": "true"},
        "wandb_config": {"project": "<wandb_project_name>", "run_id": "<wandb_run_name>"}

The <finetune_name> must be exactly the same as that used in Step 3. If you are not going to use Weights & Biases for logging during the fine-tuning, the hyperparameter "wandb_config" can be removed. See table below for details about all the other hyperparameters we support.

Hyperparameter Definition Default value Valid values or range
base_model_name_or_path The name of the base model or the path to the checkpoint of a customized base model "command-r-08-2024" "command-r", "command-r-08-2024", "command-r-plus", "command-r-plus-08-2024", "command-r-7b-12-2024", "command-a-03-2025", "aya-expanse-8b", "aya-expanse-32b", "/opt/finetuning/<path_to_checkpoint>"
parallel_strategy The strategy to use multiple GPUs for training "fsdp" "vanilla", "fsdp", "deepspeed"
finetune_strategy The strategy to train the model "lora" "lora"
use_4bit_quantization Whether to apply 4-bit quantization to the model "false" "false", "true"
gradient_checkpointing Whether to use gradient (activation) checkpointing "true" "false", "true"
gradient_accumulation_steps The gradient accumulation steps 1 integers, min: 1
train_epochs The number of epochs to train 1 integers, min: 1
train_batch_size The batch size during training 16 integers, min: 1
validation_batch_size The batch size during validation (evaluation) 16 integers, min: 1
learning_rate The learning rate 1e-4 real numbers, min: 1e-5, max: 1
eval_percentage The percentage of data split from training data for evaluation (ignored if evaluation data are provided) 0.2 real numbers, min: 0.05, max: 0.5
lora_config.rank The rank parameter in LoRA 8 integers, min: 1
lora_config.alpha The alpha parameter in LoRA 2 * rank integers, min: 1
lora_config.target_modules The modules to apply LoRA ["q", "k", "v", "o"] Any non-empty subset of ["q", "k", "v", "o", "ffn_expansion"]
lora_config.rslora Whether to use rank-stabilized LoRA (rsLoRA) "true" "false", "true"

Note that you can set base_model_name_or_path as either the name of a supported model or the path to the checkpoint of a customized base model. However, if it is a path, the following requirements must be satisfied:

  • The customized base model must have the same architecture as one of the supported models (the weights can be different). For example, it can be a model obtained by fine-tuning a supported model like Command R 08-2024.
  • The checkpoint of the customized base model must be a HuggingFace checkpoint like this. It must contain a config.json file, as we will use it to infer the type of your model.
  • The checkpoint must be put in <finetune_root_dir>/<path_to_checkpoint> on your host, and the base_model_name_or_path must be in the format of /opt/finetuning/<path_to_checkpoint> (recall that we mount <finetune_root_dir> on the host to /opt/finetuning in the container).

Also note that finetune_strategy = "lora", use_4bit_quantization = "false" corresponds to the fine-tuning strategy of LoRA, while finetune_strategy = "lora", use_4bit_quantization = "true" corresponds to the fine-tuning strategy of QLoRA.

After the fine-tuning is finished, you can find all the files about this fine-tuning in <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>. More specifically, our fine-tuning service will automatically create the following folders for you:

  • <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/finetune that stores all the intermediate results generated during fine-tuning, which contains the following sub-folders:
    • <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/finetune/data that stores the preprocessed data (the data split into train & eval and rendered by the Cohere template)
    • <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/finetune/checkpoints that stores the checkpoints of adapter weights during fine-tuning
    • <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/finetune/logs that stores the Weights & Biases logs
    • <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/finetune/configs that stores the configuration files used by fine-tuning
  • <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/output that stores the final fine-tuning outputs, which contains the following sub-folder:
    • <finetune_root_dir>/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/output/merged_weights that stores the final model weights after we merge the fine-tuned adapter weights into the base model weights

At any time (before, during or after the fine-tuning), you can run the following command to check the status of the fine-tuning service.

curl --request GET http://localhost:5000/status

After you finish the current fine-tuning, you can do another fine-tuning (probably with different data and/or hyperparameters) by doing Step 3 and Step 4 again, but you must use a different <finetune_name>.

Step 5. Terminate the fine-tuning service

When you do not want to do any more fine-tunings, you can run the following command to termintate the fine-tuning service.

curl --request GET http://localhost:5000/terminate

Next steps

Now you have one or more fine-tuned models. If you want to deploy them in production and efficiently serve a large number of requests, here are your options:

4. Inference

We also provide a simple inference service to facilitate quick experiments or small-scale evaluations with the fine-tuned models, but this service should not be used for large-scale inference in production.

Step 1. Build the Docker image

Do Step 1 if you have not done so. Otherwise, skip this step.

Step 2. Run the Docker container to start the inference service

Run the command below to start the inference service. This command is similar to the one in Step 2. The main difference is that you need to set the environment variable TASK=INFERENCE to indicate now you want to do inference, not fine-tuning.

docker run -it --rm \
    --name <peft_prod_inference_service_docker_container_name> \
    --gpus <gpus_accessible_by_the_container> \
    --ipc=host \
    --net=host \
    -v ~/.cache:/root/.cache \
    -v <finetune_root_dir>:/opt/finetuning \
    -e HF_TOKEN=<hf_token> \

Step 3. Submit the request to get model response

Run the following command to submit a request to the fine-tuned model and get model response. Note that this inference service is designed to be similar to Cohere's Chat API, and the port for this inference service is 5001, not 5000.

curl --request POST http://localhost:5001/inference \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{
        "model_name_or_path": "<model_name_or_path>",
        "message": "<message>",
        "chat_history": <chat_history>,
        "preamble": "<preamble>",
        "max_new_tokens": 1024,
        "do_sample": "false"

The parameters are explained below.

  • The parameter model_name_or_path is required, where the valid values of <model_name_or_path> are the same as those of base_model_name_or_path in Step 4. For example, it can be a path to the merged weights of any fine-tuned model in the format of /opt/finetuning/<finetune_sub_dir>/<finetune_name>/output/merged_weights.
  • The parameter message is optional (but at least one of message and chat_history must be provided), where its value can be any string. If a non-empty string is provided, we will add it as a user message {"role": "User", "content": "<message>"} at the end of the input.
  • The parameter chat_history is optional (but at least one of message and chat_history must be provided), where <chat_history> is a list of messages in the format of [{"role": "User", "content": "<user_content_1>"}, {"role": "Chatbot", "content": "<chatbot_content_1>"}, ...].
  • The parameter preamble is optional, where its value can be any string. If a non-empty string is provided, we will add it as a system message {"role": "System", "content": "<preamble>"} at the beginning of the input.
  • You must explicitly set the parameter max_new_tokens as a large enough number; if you do not set it or set it as a small number, the model generation could be truncated and our inference service currently does not allow such an incomplete generation.
  • You can also add any other parameters accepted by the generate method, e.g., "do_sample": "false", etc.

Here are several caveats:

  • If the inference service finds the model you want to use is different from the current model it is holding, it will spend some time loading the model you want. Therefore, please do not frequently switch models during inference; you want to finish all the inferences with one model before switching to another model.
  • If you use cURL to send the request, and <message>, <chat_history> or <preamble> contains the single quote ' or double quotes ", then you must replace ' with '\'' and replace " with \" to escape them.

You can also run the following command to get some information of the inference service, e.g., the current model it is holding, etc.

curl --request GET http://localhost:5001/info

Step 4. Terminate the inference service

When you do not want to do any more inferences, you can run the following command to termintate the inference service.

curl --request GET http://localhost:5001/terminate

5. Development

If you want to write and run your own codes for fine-tuning by, e.g., Jupyter Notebook, you can use our tool in a development mode that provides you with more flexibility and more control on fine-tuning.

Step 1. Build the Docker image for development

Run the command below to build the Docker image, which may take about 18min to finish if it is the first time you build it on the host.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --rm \
    --ssh default \
    --target peft-dev \
    -t <peft_dev_docker_image_name> \
    -f docker/Dockerfile \

You can also edit the peft-dev stage in docker/Dockerfile to install any apps you need for development, and build your own Docker image for development.

Step 2. Run the Docker container for development

Run the command below to enter the container for development, where you can mount any directory on the host <dir_on_host> to the directory in the container <dir_in_container> and do as many mounts as you want. For example, it could be helpful to do -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh if you want to use your host's ~/.ssh in the container.

docker run -it --rm \
    --name <peft_dev_docker_container_name> \
    --gpus <gpus_accessible_by_the_container> \
    --entrypoint=bash \
    --ipc=host \
    --net=host \
    -v ~/.cache:/root/.cache \
    -v <dir_on_host>:<dir_in_container> \
    -e HF_TOKEN=<hf_token> \
    -e WANDB_API_KEY=<wandb_api_key> \

Now you can start your development work and do anything you want there.


A tool that facilitates easy, efficient and high-quality fine-tuning of Cohere's models








Contributors 4
