This is the Cogswell test tool written in Java.
This project uses gradle: everything you need to run gradle will be automatically downloaded the first time you run gradlew. NOTE: You'll need to change directory to the directory you downloaded the project to before you launch gradlew from the command line.
./gradlew build
gradlew.bat build
If you do not use gradle, or are also updating the tools or sdk, you'll need to reference these projects:
You may specify a build number using the environment variable BUILD_NUMBER, otherwise a default dev buil number will be used. For example, in OSX or Linux:
BUILD_NUMBER=12345 ./gradlew build
After you have run the gradle build, a compressed file will be added to build/distributions.
In Windows:
- Unzip build/distributions/cogs-java-example-app-(version).zip
- Double click on cogs-java-example-app-(version)/bin/cogs-java-example-app.bat
Under OSX or Linux:
- cd build/distributions
- tar xvf cogs-java-example-app-1.0.15.tar
- cogs-java-example-app-(version)/bin/cogs-java-example-app
If you open these in IntelliJ IDEA, in the "Import Project from Gradle" dialog, select "Use customizable gradle wrapper".