A collection of Discord Bot extensions ("cogs") built for users with a self-hosted instance of Red Discord Bot.
To start using it for your Red Discord Bot, type:
[p]repo add coffee-cogs https://github.com/coffeebank/coffee-cogs
[p]cog install coffee-cogs insertCogNameHere
This repo was first started as a way to experiment with Discord.py and adapt existing cogs for certain servers. They were often niche and targeted specific pain points, such as msgmover
and hellohook
These cogs are open-source in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Please feel free to review code and leave comments! Let me know of broken things, Red updates, and/or suggestions in GitHub Issues.
This is a free, unpaid project. Updates and support are not guaranteed, but I'll try to respond.
There is currently no paid support tier or donation link.
A shoutout to the following resources that enabled me to create all this: (No affiliation)
- Red Discord Server and Red DiscordBot
- Flame442 and Drapersniper for helping with End User data statements
- Crossedfall and aikaterna, for MIT license, which I have used as a reference at times on how to scaffold cogs
Red DiscordBot has been a staple of my Discord usage, and I sincerely thank the team who work tirelessly to maintain it, the community in Discord who are always helpful, and the many cog creators who develop all these bot features -- free and open source!
See the full collection and documentation at:
Name | Info |
bartender | Serve some yummy drinks to your fellow server members! |
bookery | Search books and find more about a book. Results from Google Books API. |
coffeeani | Search anime, manga (manhwa/manhua/light novels), and characters. See series info, status, episodes/chapters, and tags. Searches Anilist, MangaDex, and Batoto. Forked from anisearch by Jintaku and Wyn. |
coffeetime | Check timezones, user times, or times in specific places. Forked from aikaterna's improvements, cog originally by Fishyfing. |
coffeetools | Replacement for 'General' cog, since it needs to be disabled to override certain commands. Changes 'choose' to use | divider. |
dmreply | Replacing the built-in DM feature to be more customizable. Allows users specified as mods to send a customized DM embed to users via a User ID. Made with the goal of helping support teams responding to queries via DM, when used in conjunction with a cog that forwards received DMs to a server channel. Uses global settings, so only use this feature on bots hosted for a single server. |
emotes | Custom emote solution for non-nitro users. Use animated emotes in your server, even without Nitro. Make your own emote storage spreadsheet and generate emote-like image links for use in DMs and elsewhere. |
hellohook | Create your own welcome bot with a custom profile picture! Set the welcome message to be regular text and/or an embed. Comes with usernames, user avatars, pings/mentions, server member counts, and leave messages. Send invite-based welcome messsages, and assign custom roles when new members join with the invite! |
jadict | Japanese dictionary bot. Searches Jisho using Jisho API. Includes alternate links to Wiktionary, DeepL, and Google Translate. |
jsonrequest | Send and receive a json request from Discord. Includes domain whitelisting by server. |
kodict | Korean dictionary bot. Searches National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-English Learners' Dictionary (í•œêµì–´ê¸°ì´ˆì‚¬ì „), translates Korean using DeepL, and resources including Wiktionary, Google Translate, and romanization. |
kyarutail | Convert your messages into a message written with emotes of Kyaru's tail. Kyaru (aka. Karyl) is a character from Princess Connect! Re:Dive. |
loveplay | Send love to other members of the server with reaction gifs from Purrbot API. Does not require a user @mention (say '=hug server' all you like!). Includes: blush, cuddle, dance, hug, kiss, lick, neko, nom, pat, poke, slap. Also includes a custom reaction gif builder that works for any gif type from the Purrbot API. To replace built-in hug command, unload 'General' cog and install 'coffeetools' cog. |
msgmover | Make moving messages between channels/servers easy and integrated, using webhooks. msgcopy: Copy messages from one channel to another. Move whole conversations, or merge channels easily with re-uploaded attachments, bot messages, and usernames/profiles replicated in full. Includes timestamp spacers. msgrelay: Relay messages from one channel to another channel/server. Supports usernames/profile pics, replies, attachments (files/images/video), and embeds (bot command replies). Supports edited/deleted messages. Supports forwarding to multiple webhooks/channels. Updated for Red 3.5 |
pinboard | Make a bulletin board pinned message! Users can add/remove their own content to/from a shared, "bulletin board" style pinned message. |
quarantine | Quarantine a user easily. Set a muterole and mod log channel, and any users specified will have their roles removed and replaced with the muterole. |
sendhook | The comprehensive webhooks cog, with sending, listing, and creating of webhooks. Comes with support for webhook aliases and sending messages as your username/avatar. Perfect for users stuck on mobile Discord. |
spotifyembed | Automatically send a reply to Spotify links with a link to the embed preview. Convenient for mobile users who can finally listen to music samples from Discord, without needing an account. |
websearch | A simple Discord bot feature that returns links to search engines without needing to copy-paste a search term into a website/app separately. Comes preset with search strings for Google, Bing, Ecosia, DuckDuckGo, and Wikipedia. Custom search strings can be added. Works similarly to LMGTFY, but without the passive aggressiveness. |
zidian | Chinese dictionary bot. Can search Chinese characters, Pinyin, and English. Fetches results locally from saved dictionaries. Uses CC-CEDICT. Inspired by Pleco and Jisho. |