Usage, you can download the quick DarkNightStrikeVideo.mp4 video to see how it works.
But basically, you download the .exe Click on it. Type you Ticker Symbol. And hit D for your Strike price, and that's it.
Works on Windows 10, and tested on Windows 10 x64 only. Calculates Strike Price based on @iamMarkMonroe's strike technique.
The Strike Price is based on Mark Monroe's "LEAP" trading style. And if one, want's to be safe or conservative they can round down the strike price to reduce risks. Or us this instead: which uses the 20% corretion versus the 10% correction.
References: TheComeUpSeries:
DarkNightStrikes (Strike Price Calculator)
Special shout out to DanTheMan, thank you!
$dateOfRelease="Released version: 04 Sep 2020"
$author="Script author: DanTheMan"
$nosupport="Script is not supported-Modified By MunYa"
$credit="All knowledge credit to: @IamMarkMonroe"