Name | GitHub username | |
Amanda Castro López | | latinyloco |
- User
- Groups
- Tickets
- Notifications
User permissions:
- Registered user: edit own profile; create groups; create tickets; send friend notification.
- Unregistered user: log in; sign up.
Asociated Images to profiles and groups.
Use of Line Grafics for average profit.
Advanced Query Algorithm: search groups, profiles and tickets (by date and by ticket type).
Profile: On this screen, registered users will be able to view their profile, their friends, personal stats...
Edit Profile: in this screen registered users will be able to edit their profile: photo, name, friends...
One group: where they can view a specific group and edit it (adding or delete friends).
Individual resume by group: where they can view this individual resume and pay their debts.
Ticket by group: where they can add a new teacher to a subject.
Edit ticket by group: where they can add a new teacher to a subject.
This diagram shows how you can move through the different pages according to the type of user you are.
Forum: We have created a new template for forums which will show the forum of each subject in which the students and teachers are gonna be able to talk and solve any question.
So the new navigation diagram will be this one (the same as the other one but at the top we added forum.html):
Requirements: JDK 17, SprinBoot 3.0.0, MYSQL database (we used MySql Workbench), in VSCode download extensions "Extension Pack for Java" and "Spring Boot Extension Pack"
- Download this repository
- Configure database in MySQLWorkbench, creating a local instance of the database
- In our navigator web (we recommend Chrome) we go to ""https://localhost:8443" and when it gives us the notice that the connection is not private we must click on "Advanced" and then on "Proceed to localhost (unsafe)"
- Now everything should work and you can enjoy our application :)
Commit | Description |
1 | Update TeacherController p2 |
2 | Update AdminController p2 |
3 | Udate Admincontroller p1 |
4 | Update TeacherController p1 |
5 | Creates AdminController and StudentController |
File number | File |
1 | TeacherController |
2 | StudentController |
3 | AdminController |
4 | UserController |
5 | SubjectController |
Commit | Description |
1 | Security module |
2 | Integration of administrator and teacher logic |
3 | Integration of administrator and teacher logic pt2 |
4 | Migrate to a mysql database |
5 | AYAX |
File number | File |
1 | SecurityConfiguration |
2 | TeacherController |
3 | AdminController |
4 | |
5 | SubjectController |
- Clone the repository with
git clone
- Switch to "docker" directory
cd webapp09a/docker
- Install docker on your system here
- Find the installed docker, and run it
- While being on the directory backend/docker, excute on terminal:
docker-compose up
- Once the previous step is finished, open an internet browser, and search for https://localhost:8443
- Use a browser to create an account on Dockerhub
- Clone the repository with
git clone
- Switch to "docker" directory
cd webapp09a/docker
- Install docker on your system here
- Find the installed docker, and run it
- Connect your account to Docker. You can use:
docker login
And then type your credentials
- While being on the directory backend/docker, excute on terminal:
Make sure to have the SSH key on the directory you execute these commands. Place it in the directory where prAppWeb12.key is located.
chmod 600 prAppWeb12.key
ssh -i prAppWeb09.key vmuser@
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \
$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
sudo docker run hello-world
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
git clone
As it is a private repository (for now), you will need a token and permissions to the repository.
cd webapp12a/docker
chmod u+x
To keep the application running when closing the SSH connection, it is necessary to instruct Docker Compose to launch the application in daemon mode with "-d" (docker-compose up -d).
Now change "docker-compose up" to "docker-compose up -d". And save the file and exit the editor (Ctrl + O, Enter and Ctrl + x)
If you encounter any issues while executing the script, do the following:
sudo ./
Commit | Description |
1 | Show user image profile and anuyrest User uses |
2 | Dowload file in UserRestController |
3 | UserRestController and UserDTO done |
4 | ExamRestController done |
5 | Update the banner with user photo and name |
File number | File |
[1] | UserRestControler and his DTO |
[2] | SubjectRestController and his DTO |
[3] | AjaxController |
[4] | Reposotories and services |
[5] | ExamRestController and ExamRestController |
Commit | Description |
1 | Charts API and logic in services |
2 | Complete login/logout with API |
3 | Allow teachers to download exams for their subjects |
4 | Application deployment with Docker and Docker-compose |
5 | Documentation of the REST API |
File number | Files |
[1] | ChartRestController and ChartService |
[2] | LoginRestController, SecurityConfiguration and package jwt |
[3] | TeacherRestController |
[4] | Package docker |
[5] | Package api-docs and pom |
-g option allows a global instalation, aviable for all your directories
npm install -g @angular/cli
If you havent cloned the repository yet, then run
git clone
If you have already cloned the repository, then you could try to pull for new changes. Make sure to execute the command on the root of the cloned project
git pull
cd webapp09a/frontend
Now, you can install the Angular modules defined on the Angular project with:
npm install
Once finished, you can run the following
npm start
And access the index with: https://localhost:8443/new/index.html
Commit | Description |
1 | Teacher examStudent completed and create new exam |
2 | Teacher exam completed and teacher examStudent in progress |
3 | General information completed for all users (login fixed) |
4 | Add new or notnew teacher added and user subjects ajax added |
5 | All from admin view one subject and add and create teacher |
File number | File |
[1] | main.component |
[2] | add_user.component, add_exam.component |
[3] | exam.component, exam_student.component |
[4] | nav_tab.component, banner.component |
[5] | general_information.componente |
Commit | Description |
1, 1 | Login and signup |
2 | View profile |
3 | Edit profile |
4, 4 | View marks for student and teacher |
5 | Forum |
File number | File |
[1] | login.component and signup.component |
[2] | profile.component |
[3] | editProfile.component |
[4] | marks_student.component and marksExamStudent.component |
[5] | forum.component |