Hakyll website for the info.codetalk.io site.
If you change something in site.hs
, then it needs to be recompiled, using GHC. Everything else, should just need a rebuild via Hakyll.
$ stack install
After this, rebuilding the site is as simple as,
$ ./hakyll rebuild
or, alternatively use watch
to launch a preview server while developing,
$ ./hakyll watch
For the initial compile, use,
$ sass css/main.scss:css/main.css
and while developing, you can automatically compile it using,
$ sass --watch css/main.scss:css/main.css
NOTE: that these are actually be compiled on the build, by hakyll itself.
To remove some of the hassle associated with updating the site, a git pre-push hook can be created.
Copy the following into .git/hooks/pre-push
and chmod +x pre-push
to make
it executable.
# Get the project root
rootDir=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
# Clean and build the site
$rootDir/hakyll clean
$rootDir/hakyll build
# Upload (rsync) the site to the remote server
rsync -rave ssh $rootDir/_site/* ec2-user@codetalk:/usr/share/nginx/info.codetalk.io
# Set the right permissions on the images folder
ssh ec2-user@codetalk "chmod -R +rx /usr/share/nginx/info.codetalk.io/images"
This is caused by missing permissions, and can be fixed by running chmod -R +rx /usr/share/nginx/info.codetalk.io/images
on the folder on the server.