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+# Reproducible research software development using Python
+## Big-picture goal
+This is a hands-on course on research software engineering. Since most
+participants use Python in their work, we will use Python as the example
+language. We will work with an example project and go through all the steps of
+a typical software project. Once we have seen the building blocks, we will try
+to apply them to own projects. Workshop participants will receive and also
+learn to give constructive code feedback.
+## Prerequisites
+:::{prereq} Preparation
+1. Get a **GitHub account** following [these instructions](https://coderefinery.github.io/installation/github/).
+1. You will need a **text editor**. If you don't have a favorite one, we recommend
+ [VS Code](https://coderefinery.github.io/installation/vscode/).
+1. **If you prefer to work in the terminal** and not in VS Code, set up these two (skip this if you use VS Code):
+ - [Git in the terminal](https://coderefinery.github.io/installation/git-in-terminal/)
+ - [SSH or HTTPS connection to GitHub from terminal](https://coderefinery.github.io/installation/ssh/)
+1. **One of these two software environments** (if you are not sure which one to
+ choose or have no preference, choose Conda):
+ - {ref}`conda`
+ - {ref}`venv` (Snakemake is not available in this environment)
+1. **Optional** and only on Linux: [Apptainer](https://apptainer.org/) following
+ [these instructions](https://apptainer.org/docs/admin/1.3/installation.html#install-from-pre-built-packages).
+## Schedule
+The schedule will very soon contain links to lesson material and exercises.
+### Day 1 (Sep 16)
+- 13:00-13:30 (0.5h) - **Welcome and introduction**
+ - Motivation (reproducibility, robustness, distribution, improvement, trust, etc.)
+ - Practical information (tools, communication, breaks, etc.)
+ - What will learn and achieve from this course?
+ - Example Python project we will use and develop
+- 13:30-14:45 (1.25h) - **Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub (1/2)**
+ - Creating a repository and porting your project to Git and GitHub
+ - Basic commands
+- 15:00-16:30 (1.5h) - **Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub (2/2)**
+ - Branching and merging
+ - Recovering from typical mistakes
+- 16:45-18:00 (1.25h) - **Documentation**
+ - In-code documentation including docstrings
+ - Writing good README files
+ - Markdown
+ - Sphinx
+ - Building documentation with GitHub Actions
+ - Jupyter Notebooks
+### Day 2 (Sep 17)
+- 09:00-10:30 (1.5h) - **Collaborative version control and code review (1/2)**
+ - Practice code review using issues and pull requests
+ - Forking workflow
+ - Contributing changes to projects of others
+- 10:45-12:15 (1.5h) - **Collaborative version control and code review (2/2)**
+ - Organization strategies
+ - Merge vs. rebase
+ - Conflict resolution
+- 16:45-18:00 (1.25h) - **Debriefing and Q&A**
+ - Participants work on their projects
+ - Together we study actual codes that participants wrote or work on
+ - Constructively we discuss possible improvements
+ - Give individual feedback on code projects
+### Day 3 (Sep 18)
+- 09:00-10:30 (1.5h) - **Automated testing**
+ - Unit tests
+ - End-to-end tests
+ - pytest
+ - GitHub Actions
+- 10:45-12:15 (1.5h) - **How to make the project more reusable?**
+ - Tracking dependencies with requirements.txt and environment.yml
+ - Recording environments in containers
+- 13:00-14:45 (1.75h) - **Code quality and good practices**
+ - Naming (and other) conventions, project organization, modularity
+ - Refactoring (explained through examples)
+ - Design patterns: functional design vs. object-oriented design
+ - How to design your code before writing it
+ - Structuring larger software projects in a modular way
+ - Command-line interfaces
+ - Workflows with Snakemake
+- 15:00-16:30 (1.5h) - **How to release and publish your code**
+ - Packaging the code
+ - Licenses
+ - Sharing the code via PyPI
+ - Publishing the code via Zenodo
+- 16:45-18:00 (1.25h) - **Debriefing and Q&A**
+ - Participants work on their projects
+ - Together we study actual codes that participants wrote or work on
+ - Constructively we discuss possible improvements
+ - Give individual feedback on code projects
+### Extra material if we have time
+- Profiling memory and CPU usage
+- Strategies for parallelization
+:maxdepth: 1
+:caption: Software environment
+:maxdepth: 1
+:caption: Reference
+All lessons
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+# Conda environment
+A Conda environment is an isolated software environment that is used to manage dependencies for a project
+and you decide where it is located.
+You will need a `environment.yml` file that documents the dependencies:
+name: coderefinery
+ - conda-forge
+ - bioconda
+ - python >= 3.10
+ - black
+ - click
+ - flit
+ - ipywidgets
+ - isort
+ - jupyterlab
+ - jupyterlab_code_formatter
+ - jupyterlab-git
+ - matplotlib
+ - myst-parser
+ - nbdime
+ - numpy
+ - pandas
+ - pytest
+ - pytest-cov
+ - scalene
+ - seaborn
+ - snakemake-minimal
+ - sphinx
+ - sphinx-autoapi
+ - sphinx-autobuild
+ - sphinx_rtd_theme >= 2.0
+ - vulture
+ - scikit-image
+## Before you create a virtual environment
+1. Create a new directory for this course.
+1. In this directory, create an `environment.yml` file and copy-paste the dependencies above into it.
+## Choose the tool to manage the environment
+If you are already using one of these tools, please continue using the tool that you like and know.
+If you are new to this, **we recommend using Miniconda or Miniforge**.
+- [Anaconda](https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/)
+ - Advantages: easy to install, easy to use, good for beginners
+ - Disadvantages: large download, installs more than we will need, license restrictions
+- [Miniconda](https://docs.anaconda.com/miniconda/)
+ - Advantages: small size, installs only what you need
+ - Disadvantages: no graphical interface, license restrictions
+- [Miniforge](https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge)
+ - Advantages: small size, no license restrictions
+ - Disadvantages: no graphical interface
+- [Micromamba](https://mamba.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/micromamba.html)
+ - Advantages: fast, small size
+ - Disadvantages: no graphical interface
+- [Pixi](https://pixi.sh/latest/)
+ - Advantages: fast and new
+ - Disadvantages: new and less tested and not documented here
+## Creating the virtual environment
+1. Open your terminal shell (e.g. Bash or Zsh).
+2. Activate `conda` using `conda activate` or `source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate`.
+3. Run the following command:
+ ```console
+ $ conda env create --file environment.yml
+ ```
+4. Make sure that you see "coderefinery" in the output when you ask for a list of all available environments:
+ ```console
+ $ conda env list
+ ```
+## How to verify that this worked
+(this will be added)
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+# Virtual environment
+A virtual environment is an isolated software environment that is used to manage dependencies for a project
+and you decide where it is located.
+You will need a `requirements.txt` file that documents the dependencies:
+sphinx_rtd_theme >= 2.0
+## Before you create a virtual environment
+1. Create a new directory for this course.
+1. In this directory, create a `requirements.txt` file and copy-paste the dependencies above into it.
+## Creating the virtual environment
+Now create a virtual environment in this directory either using [pip and
+(more traditional and safer) or using [uv](https://docs.astral.sh/uv/) (more modern but also less tested):
+::::{group-tab} pip and venv
+Create a new virtual environment and activate it:
+$ python3 -m venv coderefinery-environment
+$ source coderefinery-environment/bin/activate
+Install the dependencies into the environment:
+$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
+::::{group-tab} uv
+Create a new virtual environment and activate it:
+$ uv venv coderefinery-environment
+$ source coderefinery-environment/bin/activate
+Install the dependencies into the environment:
+$ uv pip install -r requirements.txt
+## How to verify that this worked
+(this will be added)