class: center, middle
CodeRefinery flashtalk in BoF at ISC
Matias Jääskeläinen (CSC – IT Center for Science)
Next workshop: Sep, 2023
- 6 half-days, twice per year
- Online, free, live-streamed, recorded
- Asynchronous Q&A in collaborative document
- Version control, Collaborative coding, Reproducible research ...
Lessons in and Recordings in YouTube
.cite[(c) Samantha Wittke]
Issue with hybrid:
- People onsite ≠ people online.
Large courses:
- Most students don't have time to ask a question f2f
- They online chat with the teacher anyway
Reverse hybrid:
- Teachers via video and online chat
- Students in onsite groups
- Those who want interaction can get it
- The course isn't bound to one location, anyone can attend.
It is actually scaling up!
First challenge: Explain how to join :D
R. Darst's streaming setup during "Python for Scientific Computing".
Many moving parts:
- Screenshare material and terminal / Jupyter
- Zoom + OBS: audio and video in both (mute, on/off…)
- Sound levels have to be checked with every speaker
- Different scenes to screensharing, discussion, breaks…
New bottlenecks:
What we worry the most: The Q&A document
- We get up to 40 questions per hour
- Collaborative document might crash
- User errors: someone selects all and delete…
- Needs a few people to moderate
More people -> more technical problems -> overhead in solving them
.cite[(c) Samantha Wittke]
Preparation and afterwork
- Coordination effort > lesson preparation and teaching
- We removed Zoom teams
- Volunteer retention and building lasting relationships takes effort
More people:
- Level of teaching:
- No common prerequisite level
- Take the novices into account -> Again a basic course
- Meeting expectations:
- Walkthrouhgs vs. proper problem-solving exercises
- Level of teaching:
Remote people:
- How to ensure a common understanding about the topic
- How to know how people are doing?
- We don't see them, but the Q&A document
- Certificates: how do we assess what people have been done?
- Radovan Bast (project manager – and whatever that might require)
- Richard Darst (design of the current workshop streaming format, developed many novel teaching techniques that we use)
- Samantha Wittke (graphics explaining the concepts, developed workshop on-boarding scheme)
- Matias Jääskeläinen (workshop coordination)
- CodeRefinery team (teaching, materials, everything)
- Aalto RSE group
- Nordic-RSE
- Use material, give feedback
- Join workshop as learner, observer or co-organiser
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