Mandelbrot/Julia-set visualizer written in c++ and openFrameworks It features a smooth zoom that uses caching of calculations. It uses multi-threading by dividing the screen into four equal parts and letting each be calculated on a different core...
I included a pre-built version but I have no idea if this works on other machines... It was built on windows 8 with a quad-core processor. Good luck running this on your box... Please tell me if you are able to run this...
it resides in the openFramworks/examples/graphics folder, so it will be safest to clone the repo to this path...
'r' -> reset 'm' -> morphing on 'z' -> toggle auto-zoom 'l' -> toggle moving colors mouse l/r -> zoom in/out +/- -> change size of viewport 'c' -> randomize colors 's' -> toggle 'smooth' gradient 'j' -> toggle julia-set mode 't' -> visualize the iteration track