All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Function names changed
- Gender can be passed as a parameter
- Credit/Debit information will be generate
- [x]
- server can be start from cli
- More Endpoints exposed to the API/CLI
- Code refactored
Beautiful command line output Moved test files to random_profile to avoid flake8:402 error Following proper changelog format, added changelog file Docs: Added documentation for the project Bug fixed: Fixed a bug with random_profile import
- Flask app added
- Date of Birth Added
- Age added
- Height and Weight Added
- Blood Group and hair color added
- Job title added
- More email domains added
- Bugs Fixed
- More variation added to the data
- Test cases added
- Created a separate file for data loadings
- Fixed some bugs
- Initial Release