diff --git a/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-4.png b/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-4.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27ebd4b8ed6
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-4.png differ
diff --git a/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-5.png b/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-5.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f1a45f5faf5
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-5.png differ
diff --git a/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-6.png b/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-6.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06dac73831b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/current/images/v25.1/contention-6.png differ
diff --git a/src/current/v25.1/monitor-and-analyze-transaction-contention.md b/src/current/v25.1/monitor-and-analyze-transaction-contention.md
index 00fd1aae3d0..1432cc5053a 100644
--- a/src/current/v25.1/monitor-and-analyze-transaction-contention.md
+++ b/src/current/v25.1/monitor-and-analyze-transaction-contention.md
@@ -371,7 +371,194 @@ A similar process can be applied to the second set (`row_number 2`) of blocking
This process provides a view of the actual statements that are involved in the highest frequency of contention events.
-## Analysis of production scenario
+## Analysis of support scenario
+This section applies a variation of the previously described analysis process to a support scenario where high contention occurred during a period of increased errors.
+Review the DB Console Metrics graphs to get a high-level understanding of the contention events. The [SQL Statement Errors]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/ui-sql-dashboard.md %}#sql-statement-errors) graph show an increase of errors during the time period of 9:16 to 9:23 UTC:
+The [SQL Statement Contention]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/ui-sql-dashboard.md %}#sql-statement-contention) graph show a corresponding increase during the time period of 9:16 to 9:23 UTC:
+The [Transaction Restarts]({% link {{ page.version.version }}/ui-sql-dashboard.md %}#transaction-restarts) graph also show a corresponding increase during the time period of 9:16 to 9:23 UTC:
+These graphs help to understand the incident at a high-level, but not the specific transactions that are involved. To understand that, query `crdb_internal.transaction_contention_events` table.
+### `transaction_contention_events` for support scenario
+#### Query 1 frequency and duration
+Determine the frequency, total duration, and average duration of contention events per database, schema, table, and index for the time period. Internal contention events (e.g., to `system` tables) are excluded by omitting the fingerprints with the pattern `'0000000000000000'`.
+~~~ sql
+SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt,
+ SUM(contention_duration) as duration,
+ SUM(contention_duration)/count(*) as avg_duration,
+ database_name, schema_name, table_name, index_name, contention_type
+FROM crdb_internal.transaction_contention_events
+WHERE collection_ts BETWEEN '2025-02-20 09:16:00' AND '2025-02-20 09:23:00'
+ AND encode(blocking_txn_fingerprint_id, 'hex') != '0000000000000000'
+ AND encode(waiting_txn_fingerprint_id, 'hex') != '0000000000000000'
+GROUP BY database_name, schema_name, table_name, index_name, contention_type
+ORDER BY COUNT(*) desc;
+ cnt | duration | avg_duration | database_name | schema_name | table_name | index_name | contention_type
+ 4756 | ... | ... | Support-permissions | public | UserOptions | UserOptions+userKey | SERIALIZATION_CONFLICT
+ 8 | ... | ... | Support-permissions | public | UserOptions | UserOptions+id | SERIALIZATION_CONFLICT
+The results indicate that the main source of the contention is the `UserOptions+userKey` index on the `UserOptions` table.
+Examine the table schema for `UserOptions`. Notice that the `UserOptions+userKey` index is a secondary unique index on the `userKey` column.
+~~~ sql
+SHOW CREATE UserOptions;
+ table_name | create_statement
+"UserOptions"| CREATE TABLE public."UserOptions" (
+ | id INT8 NOT NULL DEFAULT unordered_unique_rowid(),
+ | "updatedUtc" INT8 NOT NULL,
+ | "userKey" STRING(40) NOT NULL,
+ | ...
+ | CONSTRAINT "UserOptions+id" PRIMARY KEY (id ASC),
+ | UNIQUE INDEX "UserOptions+userKey" ("userKey" ASC),
+ | ...
+ | )
+#### Query 2 specific `contending_key`
+Determine which specific keys were involved in the contention events on that index:
+~~~ sql
+SELECT contending_key, crdb_internal.pretty_key(contending_key, 0) as pretty_key, count(*)
+FROM crdb_internal.transaction_contention_events
+WHERE collection_ts BETWEEN '2025-02-20 09:16:00' AND '2025-02-20 09:23:00'
+ AND database_name = 'Support-permissions' AND table_name = 'UserOptions' AND index_name = 'UserOptions+userKey'
+GROUP BY contending_key, crdb_internal.pretty_key(contending_key, 0)
+ORDER BY count(*) DESC;
+ contending_key | pretty_key | count
+ \xf67f8a123739635a316b6a64316f303d2d31000188 | /127/2/"abcdefghijklmn"/0 | 4756
+The results indicate that a single key (`"abcdefghijklmn"`) accounts for all of the contention events during the incident time period.
+#### Query 3 blocking and waiting transaction fingerprint IDs
+Next, determine which specific transactions and statements were involved in the contention events. Modify the query by updating the `database_name`, `table_name`, and `index_name`. Increase the limit to `5`.
+~~~ sql
+With x AS (
+ SUM(contention_duration) as duration,
+ SUM(contention_duration)/count(*) as avg_duration,
+ blocking_txn_fingerprint_id, waiting_txn_fingerprint_id, waiting_stmt_fingerprint_id,
+ database_name, schema_name, table_name, index_name, contention_type
+FROM crdb_internal.transaction_contention_events
+WHERE collection_ts BETWEEN '2025-02-20 09:16:00' AND '2025-02-20 09:23:00'
+ AND encode(blocking_txn_fingerprint_id, 'hex') != '0000000000000000'
+ AND encode(waiting_txn_fingerprint_id, 'hex') != '0000000000000000'
+ AND database_name = 'Support-permissions' AND table_name = 'UserOptions' AND index_name = 'UserOptions+userKey'
+GROUP BY blocking_txn_fingerprint_id, waiting_txn_fingerprint_id, waiting_stmt_fingerprint_id, database_name, schema_name, table_name, index_name, contention_type
+SELECT row_number() OVER (), *
+ FROM (
+ SELECT cnt, blocking_txn_fingerprint_id, waiting_txn_fingerprint_id, waiting_stmt_fingerprint_id
+ );
+ row_number | cnt | blocking_txn_fingerprint_id | waiting_txn_fingerprint_id | waiting_stmt_fingerprint_id
+ 1 | 1331 | \x9b06dfa27c208be3 | \x9b06dfa27c208be3 | \x346562eefa213c3c
+ 2 | 1164 | \x9b06f0a27c20af50 | \x9b06dfa27c208be3 | \x346562eefa213c3c
+ 3 | 1115 | \x9b06dfa27c208be3 | \x9b06f0a27c20af50 | \x346562eefa213c3c
+ 4 | 968 | \x9b06f0a27c20af50 | \x9b06f0a27c20af50 | \x346562eefa213c3c
+ 5 | 52 | \xcbf29ce484222325 | \x9b06dfa27c208be3 | \x346562eefa213c3c
+The results indicate that the top 4 rows, which accounted for the vast majority of the contention events, all involved two blocking transaction fingerprints: `\x9b06dfa27c208be3` and \x9b06f0a27c20af50. There is a single statement fingerprint that does all of the waiting: `\x346562eefa213c3c`.
+### `transaction_statistics` and `statement_statistics`
+To examine the statements associated with the two transaction fingerprints, query the `crdb_internal.transaction_statistics` and `crdb_internal.statement_statistics` tables.
+#### Query 4 row 1 blocking statement fingerprint IDs
+~~~ sql
+SELECT fingerprint_id as blocking_txn_fingerprint_id, app_name, metadata->>'stmtFingerprintIDs' AS blocking_stmt_fingerprint_ids
+FROM crdb_internal.transaction_statistics
+WHERE fingerprint_id = '\x9b06dfa27c208be3' LIMIT 1;
+ blocking_txn_fingerprint_id | app_name | blocking_stmt_fingerprint_ids
+ \x9b06dfa27c208be3 | permissions-api | ["346562eefa213c3c"]
+#### Query 5 row 1 blocking statement metadata
+~~~ sql
+SELECT fingerprint_id as blocking_stmt_fingerprint_id, app_name, jsonb_pretty(metadata) AS metadata
+FROM crdb_internal.statement_statistics
+WHERE transaction_fingerprint_id='\x9b06dfa27c208be3' and fingerprint_id in ('\x346562eefa213c3c')
+ORDER BY fingerprint_id;
+ fingerprint_id | app_name | metadata
+ \x346562eefa213c3c | permissions-api | {
+ | | "db": "Support-permissions",
+ | | "distsql": false,
+ | | "failed": true,
+ | | "fullScan": false,
+ | | "implicitTxn": true,
+ | | "query": "INSERT INTO \"UserOptions\"(\"userKey\", \"updatedUtc\") VALUES ($1, $1) ON CONFLICT (\"userKey\") DO UPDATE SET \"updatedUtc\" = excluded.\"updatedUtc\" ...
+ | | "querySummary": "INSERT INTO \"UserOptions\".(\"userKey\", \"updatedUtc\")",
+ | | "stmtType": "TypeDML",
+ | | "vec": false
+ | | }
+#### Query 6 row 2 blocking statement fingerprint IDs
+~~~ sql
+SELECT fingerprint_id as blocking_txn_fingerprint_id, app_name, metadata->>'stmtFingerprintIDs' AS blocking_stmt_fingerprint_ids
+FROM crdb_internal.transaction_statistics
+WHERE fingerprint_id = '\x9b06f0a27c20af50' LIMIT 1;
+ blocking_txn_fingerprint_id | app_name | blocking_stmt_fingerprint_ids
+ \x9b06f0a27c20af50 | permissions-api | ["x34654deefa21188f"]
+#### Query 7 row 2 blocking statement metadata
+~~~ sql
+SELECT fingerprint_id as blocking_stmt_fingerprint_id, app_name, jsonb_pretty(metadata) AS metadata
+FROM crdb_internal.statement_statistics
+WHERE transaction_fingerprint_id='\x9b06f0a27c20af50' and fingerprint_id in ('\x34654deefa21188f')
+ORDER BY fingerprint_id;
+ fingerprint_id | app_name | metadata
+ \x34654deefa21188f | permissions-api | {
+ | | "db": "Support-permissions",
+ | | "distsql": false,
+ | | "failed": false,
+ | | "fullScan": false,
+ | | "implicitTxn": true,
+ | | "query": "INSERT INTO \"UserOptions\"(\"userKey\", \"updatedUtc\") VALUES ($1, $1) ON CONFLICT (\"userKey\") DO UPDATE SET \"updatedUtc\" = excluded.\"updatedUtc\" ...
+ | | "querySummary": "INSERT INTO \"UserOptions\".(\"userKey\", \"updatedUtc\")",
+ | | "stmtType": "TypeDML",
+ | | "vec": false
+ | | }
+Transactions from row 1 and row 2 are both the `InsertOrUpdate` operations with the first having failed executions (`"failed": true`) and the second successful (`"failed": false`).
+From this analysis, we can conclude that a large number of `InsertOrUpdate` operations were operating on the same `userKey` ("abcdefghijklmn") in the `UserOptions@UserOptions+userKey` index during the time period of the incident.
+The next steps would be to investigate what on the application side may have caused this large number of updates on a single key.
## Analyze using Insights page