All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Versions of ugt with new GTL structure (v2.0.0 and higher)
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.11 (updated versions)
- source file:
- ../hdl/packages/gt_mp7_core_pkg.vhd
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.10 (bug fix)
- source file:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/combinatorial_conditions_ovrm.vhd
- script:
- ../scripts/
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.9 (bug fix)
- source file:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/combinatorial_conditions.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/combinatorial_conditions_ovrm.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/gt_mp7_core_pkg.vhd
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.8 (gtl_pkg.vhd: inserted additional constants and subtypes, bug fix in function bx; lut_pkg.vhd: removed constants)
- source file:
- ../hdl/packages/gtl_pkg.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/lut_pkg.vhd
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.7 (bug fix in deta_lut.vhd and dphi_lut.vhd)
- source file:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/deta_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/dphi_lut.vhd
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.6 (replacing MUON/muon by MU/mu, bug fix in bx function, added esums to bx pipeline, updated use of charge correlation in conditions, updated transverse mass calculation, inserted bx-bx combination for correlations)
- source file:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_obj_cuts.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/gt_mp7_core_pkg.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/bx_pipeline.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/cos_dphi_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/cosh_deta_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/delta_r.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/deta_calc.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/deta_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/dphi_calc.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/dphi_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/invariant_mass.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/transverse_mass.vhd
- source file (replacing MUON/muon by MU/mu):
- ../hdl/data/gtl/gtl_fdl_wrapper.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comp_unsigned.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_muon_charge_corr.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/conversions.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/luts_corr_cuts.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/muon_charge_correlations.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/gtl_pkg.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/lut_pkg.vhd
- script:
- ../scripts/
- ../scripts/
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.5 (bugs fixed in scripts)
- source file:
- ../hdl/packages/gt_mp7_core_pkg.vhd
- scripts:
- ../scripts/
- ../scripts/
- ../scripts/
- ../scripts/
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.4 (bug fixed in "function bx")
- file name:
- ../hdl/packages/gtl_pkg.vhd
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.3 (bugs fixed)
- simulation do files:
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- file name:
- ../hdl/packages/gtl_pkg.vhd
- script:
- ../scripts/
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.2
- file name:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparator_muon_charge_corr.vhd to ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_muon_charge_corr.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/sub_eta.vhd to ../hdl/data/gtl/deta_calc.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/sub_phi.vhd to ../hdl/data/gtl/dphi_calc.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/diff_eta_lut.vhd to ../hdl/data/gtl/deta_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/diff_phi_lut.vhd to ../hdl/data/gtl/dphi_lut.vhd
- source file:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/muon_charge_correlations.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_muon_charge_corr.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/gt_mp7_core_pkg.vhd
- simulation do files:
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- synthesis dep file:
- ../cfg/uGT_algo.dep
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.1 (bug fixed in script)
- script:
- ../scripts/
mp7_ugt firmware release v2.4.0 (new condition: combinatorial_conditions_ovrm.vhd, updated two-body pt features)
moved files from directory mp7_ugt to ugt
- source file:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/combinatorial_conditions_ovrm.vhd
- source file:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/twobody_pt_calc.vhd
- script:
- ../scripts/
mp7_ugt firmware release v2.3.2 (32 bits for fractional prescaler, two different implementation in repo)
deleted amc502_extcond, amc502_finor, amc502_finor_pre and mp7_tdf from repo
future developments for amc502 firmwares at:
- source files:
- ../hdl/data/fdl/algo_pre_scaler_fractional_float.vhd
- ../hdl/data/fdl/algo_pre_scaler_fractional_num_denom.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/fdl_pkg_prescale_float.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/fdl_pkg_prescale_float_sim.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/fdl_pkg_prescale_num_denom.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/fdl_pkg_prescale_num_denom_sim.vhd
- simulation do files:
- ../sim/scripts/
- ../sim/scripts/
- ../sim/scripts/
- ../sim/scripts/
- simulation testbench files:
- ../sim/testbench/algo_pre_scaler_fractional_float_tb.vhd
- ../sim/testbench/algo_pre_scaler_fractional_num_denom_tb.vhd
- tag name to release version
- source files:
- ../hdl/data/fdl/fdl_module.vhd
- ../hdl/data/fdl/algo_slice.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/fdl_pkg.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/gt_mp7_core_pkg.vhd
- simulation do files:
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- synthesis dep file:
- ../cfg/uGT_algo.dep
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.3.1
- source files:
- ../hdl/packages/gt_mp7_core_pkg.vhd
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.3.0
- source files:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparator_muon_cc_double.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparator_muon_cc_triple.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparator_muon_cc_quad.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/delta_r_calc.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/correlation_conditions_ovrm.vhd
- source files:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/conversions.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparator_muon_charge_corr.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_obj_cuts.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/invariant_mass.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/inv_mass_calc.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/combinatorial_conditions.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_corr_cuts.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_obj_cuts.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/cos_dphi_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/cosh_deta_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/diff_eta_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/diff_phi_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/sub_eta.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/sub_phi.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/gtl_pkg.vhd
- do files and dep file:
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- ../cfg/uGT_algo.dep
- ../hdl/data/gtl/threshold_comparator.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/range_comparator.vhd
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.2.1
- ../hdl/data/gtl/inv_mass_calc.vhd (splitted equation for DSP)
- inserted cases for "same objects" and "different objects" (less resources for "same objects") in:
- ../hdl/data/gtl/cos_dphi_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/cosh_deta_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/diff_eta_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/diff_phi_lut.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/sub_eta.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/sub_phi.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/delta_r.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/invariant_mass.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_corr_cuts.vhd
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.2.0
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comparators_obj_cuts.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/comp_unsigned.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/inv_mass_calc.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/luts_corr_cuts.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/sub_eta_calc.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/sub_phi_calc.vhd
- types for inputs and outputs in diff_eta_lut.vhd, diff_phi_lut.vhd and delta_r.vhd
- modules which instantiate added modules
- do files and dep file
- directory ../firmware/sim_vivado, not used anymore, simulation is done with Questa simulator
- ../hdl/packages/rb_pkg.vhd, not used anymore (see control_pkg.vhd)
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.1.0
- ../hdl/data/gtl/twobody_pt.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/fdl_pkg.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/control_pkg.vhd
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- moved all VHDL package files to ../hdl/packages:
- ../hdl/control/frame_addr_decode.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/gtl_pkg.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/lut_pkg.vhd
- ../hdl/data/fdl/fdl_addr_decode.vhd
- do files and dep file:
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- ../sim/scripts/templates/
- ../cfg/uGT_algo.dep
- inserted use clause fdl_pkg in files
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.0.2
- bug fix in gtl_pkg.vhd and fdl_module.vhd
- deleted obsolete files:
- ../hdl/control/rb_pkg_sim.vhd
- ../hdl/data/fdl/algo_mapping_rop_tpl.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/gtl_module_tpl.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/gtl_pkg_sim.vhd
- ../hdl/data/gtl/gtl_pkg_tpl.vhd
- ../hdl/packages/gt_mp7_core_pkg_sim.vhd
- script (exit on error)
- mp7_ugt firmware release v2.0.0
- GTL structure (v2.0.0), init version.
- "frame" to "control" (v2.0.0), init version [based on frame v1.2.3].
Versions of ugt with old GTL structure (v1.9.0 and lower)
- mp7_ugt firmware release v1.9.0 is created for use with IPBus builder and based on frame v1.2.3, gtl v1.8.0 and fdl v1.3.0.
- calo, muon and correlation modules for "five eta cuts"
- fdl version to v1.3.0 (v1.2.3 was not correct)
- and (inserted arguments checks)
- mp7_ugt firmware release v1.8.1 is created for use with IPBus builder and based on frame v1.2.3, gtl v1.7.0 and fdl v1.2.3.
- algo_pre_scaler_fractional.vhd in fdl v1.2.3 for use of floating point prescale values with precision 2
- algo_pre_scaler_fractional_pkg.vhd for mode sequence LUTs
- calo_cond_matrix.vhd, calo_cond_matrix_orm.vhd, calo_obj_cuts.vhd, muon_cond_matrix.vhd and muon_obj_cuts.vhd (Dinyar/Hannes proposal for calo quad conditions) in gtl v1.7.0
- to ../mp7_ugt/scripts for simulation
- to ../mp7_ugt/scripts for generating Vivado simulation libs for Questa
- to ../mp7_ugt/firmware/sim/scripts for simulating algo_pre_scaler_fractional_tb.vhd in a loop
- fdl_module.vhd and algo_slice.vhd for algo_pre_scaler_fractional.vhd in fdl v1.2.3
- gtl_pkg_tpl.vhd (inserted PRESCALER_FRACTION_WIDTH and types for cond_matrix) in gtl v1.7.0
- file names in gtl v1.7.0 (from now names without _vx used)
- for possibility of simulation
- mp7_ugt firmware release v1.7.0 is created for use with IPBus builder and based on frame v1.2.3, gtl v1.6.0 and fdl v1.2.2.
- used "FRAME_VERSION" in gt_mp7_core_pkg.vhd for mp7_ugt firmware release number.
- added ugt_strategy.tcl for ugt specific strategy and inserted it into top.dep.
- modified uGT_algo.dep: removed "doubled" commands (these commnads are in MP7 dep files).
- added scripts for IPBB synthesis (all 6 mp7_ugt modules), and
- amc502_extcond firmware release v1.7.0 is created for use with IPBus builder and based on same features as firmware build v1010.
- added scripts, and
- amc502_finor firmware release v1.9.0 is created for use with IPBus builder and based on same features as firmware build v1012.
- added scripts, and
- amc502_finor_pre firmware release v1.9.0 is created for use with IPBus builder and based on same features as firmware build v1002.
- added scripts, and