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File metadata and controls

58 lines (43 loc) · 2.47 KB


This tool helps to directly compute densities from the output of V2T, using the equations given in Goes et al. (2000).


Before compilation make sure to have Qt and qmake installed. Then go to this folder and run


This generates the T2Rho executable.

Using T2Rho

Executing T2Rho -h displays the available console commands together with two examples.

usage: T2Rho File_In File_Out [options]

T2Rho is designed to directly process output files from V2T in
order to obtain densities from temperatures assuming a specific
mantle composition.

  Required input parameters:
  File_In          Path and name of grid file containing x y z Vs
  File_Out         Output file name and path

  Option    Value Default Description
  ------    ----- ------- -----------
  -h                      This information
  -ERM      string  AK135 P calculation method AK135 or PREM
  -compc    vals          Custom rock composition
                          -compc Ol Opx Cpx Sp Gnt
  -compp    val         0 Use predefined rock compositions:
                          0 - Garnet Lherzolite after (Jordan,
                              1979; Goes et al, 2000)
                          1 - On-cratonic (Shapiro and Ritzwoller, 2004)
                          2 - Off-cratonic (Shapiro and Ritzwoller, 2004)
                          3 - Oceanic (Shapiro and Ritzwoller, 2004)
  -xfe      val       0.1 Define iron content of the rock in mole fraction

Mandatory arguments

T2Rho requires the input file File_In, containing x y z and vs, and the name of the output file File_Out. Input units for z is masl, for vs km/s.

Pressure calculation

Standard calculation of pressure uses the earth reference model AK135.

  • options are AK135, PREM or simple
  • -ERM PREM activates pressure calculation with PREM
  • -ERM simple uses the average density defined with -ra
  • an experimental feature is the pressure calculation using topography and crustal thickness. This is activated by using -t_crust FILENAME and -z_topo FILENAME, which both require EarthVision formatted grids containing crustal thickness and topographic elevation. The pressure is then calculated assuming constant density for the crust (-rc 2890) and mantle (-rm 3300)
  • -ra defines an average density which is then used to calculate the pressure