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Workshop 03 - Workloads

Workloads within Kubernetes are higher level objects that manage Pods or other higher level objects.

In ALL CASES a Pod Template is included, and acts as the base tier of management.


  1. If you are coming directly from the previous tutorials (core), you may still be configured to use the minidev context. Switch to the minikube context before proceeding with the rest of the tutorials.

  2. Unlike some of the other tutorials, the workload exercises should be cleaned up before moving onto the next workload type. The clean-up commands will included after Summary section of the exercise.



ReplicaSets are the primary method of managing Pod replicas and their lifecycle. This includes their scheduling, scaling, and deletion.

Their job is simple, always ensure the desired number of replicas that match the selector are running.

Exercise: Understanding ReplicaSets

Objective: Create and scale a ReplicaSet. Explore and gain an understanding of how the Pods are generated from the Pod template, and how they are targeted with selectors.

  1. Begin by creating a ReplicaSet called rs-example with 3 replicas, using the nginx:stable-alpine image and configure the labels and selectors to target app=nginx and env=prod. The yaml block below or the manifest manifests/rs-example.yaml may be used.


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: example-rs
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
      env: prod
        app: nginx
        env: prod
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:stable-alpine
        - containerPort: 80


$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/rs-example.yaml
  1. Watch as the newly created ReplicaSet provisions the Pods based off the Pod Template.
$ kubectl get pods --watch --show-labels

Note that the newly provisioned Pods are given a name based off the ReplicaSet name appended with a 5 character random string. These Pods are labeled with the labels as specified in the manifest.

  1. Scale ReplicaSet rs-example up to 5 replicas with the below command.
$ kubectl scale replicaset rs-example --replicas=5

Tip: replicaset can be substituted with rs when using kubectl.

  1. Describe rs-example and take note of the Replicas and Pod Status field in addition to the Events.
$ kubectl describe rs rs-example
  1. Now, using the scale command bring the replicas back down to 3.
$ kubectl scale rs rs-example --replicas=3
  1. Watch as the ReplicaSet Controller terminates 2 of the Pods to bring the cluster back into it's desired state of 3 replicas.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch
  1. Once rs-example is back down to 3 Pods. Create an independent Pod manually with the same labels as the one targeted by rs-example from the manifest workshop-03/manifests/pod-rs-example.yaml.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-example
    app: nginx
    env: prod
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:stable-alpine
    - containerPort: 80


$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/pod-rs-example.yaml
  1. Immediately watch the Pods.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

Note that the Pod is created and immediately terminated.

  1. Describe rs-example and look at the events.
$ kubectl describe rs rs-example

There will be an entry with Deleted pod: pod-example. This is because a ReplicaSet targets ALL Pods matching the labels supplied in the selector.

  1. Try to delete one pod manually and observe what happens...
$ kubectl delete pods rs-example-<pod-template-id>

As expected k8s restores the number of replicas automatically for you

Summary: ReplicaSets ensure a desired number of replicas matching the selector are present. They manage the lifecycle of ALL matching Pods. If the desired number of replicas matching the selector currently exist when the ReplicaSet is created, no new Pods will be created. If they are missing, then the ReplicaSet Controller will create new Pods based off the Pod Template till the desired number of Replicas are present.

Clean Up Command

kubectl delete rs rs-example

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Deployments are a declarative method of managing Pods via ReplicaSets. They provide rollback functionality in addition to more granular update control mechanisms.

Exercise: Using Deployments

Objective: Create, update and scale a Deployment as well as explore the relationship of Deployment, ReplicaSet and Pod.

  1. Create a Deployment deploy-example. Configure it using the example yaml block below or use the manifest workshop-03/manifests/deploy-example.yaml. Additionally pass the --record flag to kubectl when you create the Deployment. The --record flag saves the command as an annotation, and it can be thought of similar to a git commit message.


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: deploy-example
  replicas: 3
  revisionHistoryLimit: 3
      app: nginx
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxSurge: 1
      maxUnavailable: 0
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:stable-alpine
        - containerPort: 80


$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/deploy-example.yaml --record
  1. Check the status of the Deployment.
$ kubectl get deployments
  1. Once the Deployment is ready, view the current ReplicaSets and be sure to show the labels.
$ kubectl get rs --show-labels

Note the name and pod-template-hash label of the newly created ReplicaSet. The created ReplicaSet's name will include the pod-template-hash.

  1. Describe the generated ReplicaSet.
$ kubectl describe rs deploy-example-<pod-template-hash>

Look at both the Labels and the Selectors fields. The pod-template-hash value has automatically been added to both the Labels and Selector of the ReplicaSet. Then take note of the Controlled By field. This will reference the direct parent object, and in this case the original deploy-example Deployment.

  1. Now, get the Pods and pass the --show-labels flag.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

Just as with the ReplicaSet, the Pods name are labels include the pod-template-hash.

  1. Describe one of the Pods.
$ kubectl describe pod deploy-example-<pod-template-hash-<random>

Look at the Controlled By field. It will contain a reference to the parent ReplicaSet, but not the parent Deployment.

Now that the relationship from Deployment to ReplicaSet to Pod is understood. It is time to update the deploy-example and see an update in action.

  1. Update the deploy-example manifest and add a few additional labels to the Pod template. Once done, apply the change with the --record flag.
$ kubectl apply -f workshop-03/manifests/deploy-example.yaml --record
  < or >
$ kubectl edit deploy deploy-example --record

Tip: deploy can be substituted for deployment when using kubectl.

  1. Immediately watch the Pods.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

The old version of the Pods will be phased out one at a time and instances of the new version will take its place. The way in which this is controlled is through the strategy stanza. For specific documentation this feature, see the Deployment Strategy Documentation.

  1. Now view the ReplicaSets.
$ kubectl get rs --show-labels

There will now be two ReplicaSets, with the previous version of the Deployment being scaled down to 0.

  1. Now, scale the Deployment up as you would a ReplicaSet, and set the replicas=5.
$ kubectl scale deploy deploy-example --replicas=5
  1. List the ReplicaSets.
$ kubectl get rs --show-labels

Note that there is NO new ReplicaSet generated. Scaling actions do NOT trigger a change in the Pod Template.

  1. Just as before, describe the Deployment, ReplicaSet and one of the Pods. Note the Events and Controlled By fields. It should present a clear picture of relationship between objects during an update of a Deployment.
$ kubectl describe deploy deploy-example
$ kubectl describe rs deploy-example-<pod-template-hash>
$ kubectl describe pod deploy-example-<pod-template-hash-<random>

Summary: Deployments are the main method of managing applications deployed within Kubernetes. They create and supervise targeted ReplicaSets by generating a unique hash called the pod-template-hash and attaching it to child objects as a Label along with automatically including it in their Selector. This method of managing rollouts along with being able to define the methods and tolerances in the update strategy permits for a safe and seamless way of updating an application in place.

Exercise: Rolling Back a Deployment

Objective: Learn how to view the history of a Deployment and rollback to older revisions.

Note: This exercise builds off the previous exercise: Using Deployments. If you have not, complete it first before continuing.

  1. Use the rollout command to view the history of the Deployment deploy-example.
$ kubectl rollout history deployment deploy-example

There should be two revisions. One for when the Deployment was first created, and another when the additional Labels were added. The number of revisions saved is based off of the revisionHistoryLimit attribute in the Deployment spec.

  1. Look at the details of a specific revision by passing the --revision=<revision number> flag.
$ kubectl rollout history deployment deploy-example --revision=1
$ kubectl rollout history deployment deploy-example --revision=2

Viewing the specific revision will display a summary of the Pod Template.

  1. Choose to go back to revision 1 by using the rollout undo command.
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment deploy-example --to-revision=1

Tip: The --to-revision flag can be omitted if you wish to just go back to the previous configuration.

  1. Immediately watch the Pods.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

They will cycle through rolling back to the previous revision.

  1. Describe the Deployment deploy-example.
$ kubectl describe deployment deploy-example

The events will describe the scaling back of the previous and switching over to the desired revision.

Summary: Understanding how to use rollout command to both get a diff of the different revisions as well as be able to roll-back to a previously known good configuration is an important aspect of Deployments that cannot be left out.

Clean Up Command

$ kubectl delete deploy deploy-example

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DaemonSets ensure that all nodes matching certain criteria will run an instance of the supplied Pod.

They bypass default scheduling mechanisms and restrictions, and are ideal for cluster wide services such as log forwarding, or health monitoring.

Exercise: Managing DaemonSets

Objective: Experience creating, updating, and rolling back a DaemonSet. Additionally delve into the process of how they are scheduled and how an update occurs.

  1. Create DaemonSet ds-example and pass the --record flag. Use the example yaml block below as a base, or use the manifest workshop-03/manifests/ds-example.yaml directly.


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: ds-example
  revisionHistoryLimit: 3
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
        nodeType: edge
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:stable-alpine
        - containerPort: 80


$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/ds-example.yaml --record
  1. View the current DaemonSets.
$ kubectl get daemonset

As there are no matching nodes, no Pods should be scheduled.

  1. Label the minikube node with nodeType=edge
$ kubectl label node minikube nodeType=edge
  1. View the current DaemonSets once again.
$ kubectl get daemonsets

There should now be a single instance of the DaemonSet ds-example deployed.

  1. View the current Pods and display their labels with --show-labels.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

Note that the deployed Pod has a controller-revision-hash label. This is used like the pod-template-hash in a Deployment to track and allow for rollback functionality.

  1. Describing the DaemonSet will provide you with status information regarding it's Deployment cluster wide.
$ kubectl describe ds ds-example

Tip: ds can be substituted for daemonset when using kubectl.

  1. Update the DaemonSet by adding a few additional labels to the Pod Template and use the --record flag.
$ kubectl apply -f manifests/ds-example.yaml --record
  < or >
$ kubectl edit ds ds-example --record
  1. Watch the Pods and be sure to show the labels.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

The old version of the DaemonSet will be phased out one at a time and instances of the new version will take its place. Similar to Deployments, DaemonSets have their own equivalent to a Deployment's strategy in the form of updateStrategy. The defaults are generally suitable, but other tuning options may be set. For reference, see the Updating DaemonSet Documentation.

Summary: DaemonSets are usually used for important cluster-wide support services such as Pod Networking, Logging, or Monitoring. They differ from other workloads in that their scheduling bypasses normal mechanisms, and is centered around node placement. Like Deployments, they have their own pod-template-hash in the form of controller-revision-hash used for keeping track of Pod Template revisions and enabling rollback functionality.

Optional: Working with DaemonSet Revisions

Objective: Explore using the rollout command to rollback to a specific version of a DaemonSet.

Note: This exercise is functionally identical to the ExerciseRolling Back a Deployment. If you have completed that exercise, then this may be considered optional. Additionally, this exercise builds off the previous exercise Managing DaemonSets and it must be completed before continuing.

  1. Use the rollout command to view the history of the DaemonSet ds-example
$ kubectl rollout history ds ds-example

There should be two revisions. One for when the Deployment was first created, and another when the additional Labels were added. The number of revisions saved is based off of the revisionHistoryLimit attribute in the DaemonSet spec.

  1. Look at the details of a specific revision by passing the --revision=<revision number> flag.
$ kubectl rollout history ds ds-example --revision=1
$ kubectl rollout history ds ds-example --revision=2

Viewing the specific revision will display the Pod Template.

  1. Choose to go back to revision 1 by using the rollout undo command.
$ kubectl rollout undo ds ds-example --to-revision=1

Tip: The --to-revision flag can be omitted if you wish to just go back to the previous configuration.

  1. Immediately watch the Pods.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

They will cycle through rolling back to the previous revision.

  1. Describe the DaemonSet ds-example.
$ kubectl describe ds ds-example

The events will be sparse with a single host, however in an actual Deployment they will describe the status of updating the DaemonSet cluster wide, cycling through hosts one-by-one.

Summary: Being able to use the rollout command with DaemonSets is import in scenarios where one may have to quickly go back to a previously known-good version. This becomes even more important for 'infrastructure' like services such as Pod Networking.

Clean Up Command

kubectl delete ds ds-example

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The StatefulSet controller is tailored to managing Pods that must persist or maintain state. Pod identity including hostname, network, and storage can be considered persistent.

They ensure persistence by making use of three things:

  • The StatefulSet controller enforcing predicable naming, and ordered provisioning/updating/deletion.
  • A headless service to provide a unique network identity.
  • A volume template to ensure stable per-instance storage.

Exercise: Managing StatefulSets

Objective: Create, update, and delete a StatefulSet to gain an understanding of how the StatefulSet lifecycle differs from other workloads with regards to updating, deleting and the provisioning of storage.

  1. Create StatefulSet sts-example using the yaml block below or the manifest workshop-03/manifests/sts-example.yaml.


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: sts-example
  replicas: 3
  revisionHistoryLimit: 3
      app: stateful
  serviceName: app
    type: OnDelete
        app: stateful
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:stable-alpine
        - containerPort: 80
        - name: www
          mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
  - metadata:
      name: www
      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
      storageClassName: standard
          storage: 1Gi


$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/sts-example.yaml
  1. Immediately watch the Pods being created.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

Unlike Deployments or DaemonSets, the Pods of a StatefulSet are created one-by-one, going by their ordinal index. Meaning, sts-example-0 will fully be provisioned before sts-example-1 starts up. Additionally, take notice of the controller-revision-hash label. This serves the same purpose as the controller-revision-hash label in a DaemonSet or the pod-template-hash in a Deployment. It provides a means of tracking the revision of the Pod Template and enables rollback functionality.

  1. More information on the StatefulSet can be gleaned about the state of the StatefulSet by describing it.
$ kubectl describe statefulset sts-example

Within the events, notice that it is creating claims for volumes before each Pod is created.

  1. View the current Persistent Volume Claims.
$ kubectl get pvc

The StatefulSet controller creates a volume for each instance based off the volumeClaimTemplate. It prepends the volume name to the Pod name. e.g. www-sts-example-0.

  1. Update the StatefulSet's Pod Template and add a few additional labels.
$ kubectl apply -f manifests/sts-example.yaml --record
  < or >
$ kubectl edit statefulset sts-example --record
  1. Return to watching the Pods.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

None of the Pods are being updated to the new version of the Pod.

  1. Delete the sts-example-2 Pod.
$ kubectl delete pod sts-example-2
  1. Immediately get the Pods.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

The new sts-example-2 Pod should be created with the new additional labels. The OnDelete Update Strategy will not spawn a new iteration of the Pod until the previous one was deleted. This allows for manual gating the update process for the StatefulSet.

  1. Update the StatefulSet and change the Update Strategy Type to RollingUpdate.
$ kubectl apply -f workshop-03/manifests/sts-example.yaml --record
  < or >
$ kubectl edit statefulset sts-example --record
  1. Immediately watch the Pods once again.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

Note that the Pods are sequentially updated in descending order, or largest to smallest based on the Pod's ordinal index. This means that if sts-example-2 was not updated already, it would be updated first, then sts-example-1 and finally sts-example-0.

  1. Delete the StatefulSet sts-example
$ kubectl delete statefulset sts-example
  1. View the Persistent Volume Claims.
$ kubectl get pvc

Created PVCs are NOT garbage collected automatically when a StatefulSet is deleted. They must be reclaimed independently of the StatefulSet itself.

  1. Recreate the StatefulSet using the same manifest.
$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/sts-example.yaml --record
  1. View the Persistent Volume Claims again.
$ kubectl get pvc

Note that new PVCs were NOT provisioned. The StatefulSet controller assumes if the matching name is present, that PVC is intended to be used for the associated Pod.

Summary: Like many applications where state must be taken into account, the planning and usage of StatefulSets requires forethought. The consistency brought by standard naming, ordered updates/deletes and templated storage does however make this task easier.

Exercise: Understanding StatefulSet Network Identity

Objective: Create a "headless service" or a service without a ClusterIP (ClusterIP=None) for use with the StatefulSet sts-example, then explore how this enables consistent service discovery.

  1. Create the headless service app using the app=stateful selector from the yaml below or the manifest workshop-03/manifests/service-sts-example.yaml.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: app
  clusterIP: None
    app: stateful
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80


$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/service-sts-example.yaml
  1. Describe the newly created service
$ kubectl describe svc app

Notice that it does not have a clusterIP, but does have the Pod Endpoints listed. Headless services are unique in this behavior.

  1. Query the DNS entry for the app service.
$ kubectl exec sts-example-0 -- nslookup app.default.svc.cluster.local

An A record will have been returned for each instance of the StatefulSet. Querying the service directly will do simple DNS round-robin load-balancing.

  1. Finally, query one of instances directly.
$ kubectl exec sts-example-0 -- nslookup

This is a unique feature to StatefulSets. This allows for services to directly interact with a specific instance of a Pod. If the Pod is updated and obtains a new IP, the DNS record will immediately point to it enabling consistent service discovery.

Summary: StatefulSet service discovery is unique within Kubernetes in that it augments a headless service (A service without a unique ClusterIP) to provide a consistent mapping to the individual Pods. These mappings take the form of an A record in format of: <StatefulSet Name>-<ordinal>.<service name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local and can be used consistently throughout other Workloads.

Clean Up Command

kubectl delete svc app
kubectl delete statefulset sts-example
kubectl delete pvc www-sts-example-0 www-sts-example-1 www-sts-example-2

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Jobs and CronJobs

The Job Controller ensures one or more Pods are executed and successfully terminate. Essentially a task executor that can be run in parallel.

CronJobs are an extension of the Job Controller, and enable Jobs to be run on a schedule.

Exercise: Creating a Job

Objective: Create a Kubernetes Job and work to understand how the Pods are managed with completions and parallelism directives.

  1. Create job job-example using the yaml below, or the manifest located at workshop-03/manifests/job-example.yaml


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: job-example
  backoffLimit: 4
  completions: 4
  parallelism: 2
      - name: hello
        image: alpine:latest
        command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
        args: ["echo hello from $HOSTNAME!"]
      restartPolicy: Never


$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/job-example.yaml
  1. Watch the Pods as they are being created.
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels --watch

Only two Pods are being provisioned at a time; adhering to the parallelism attribute. This is done until the total number of completions is satisfied. Additionally, the Pods are labeled with controller-uid, this acts as a unique ID for that specific Job.

When done, the Pods persist in a Completed state. They are not deleted after the Job is completed or failed. This is intentional to better support troubleshooting.

  1. A summary of these events can be seen by describing the Job itself.
$ kubectl describe job job-example
  1. Delete the job.
$ kubectl delete job job-example
  1. View the Pods once more.
$ kubectl get pods

The Pods will now be deleted. They are cleaned up when the Job itself is removed.

Summary: Jobs are fire and forget one off tasks, batch processing or as an executor for a workflow engine. They "run to completion" or terminate gracefully adhering to the completions and parallelism directives.

Exercise: Scheduling a CronJob

Objective: Create a CronJob based off a Job Template. Understand how the Jobs are generated and how to suspend a job in the event of a problem.

  1. Create CronJob cronjob-example based off the yaml below, or use the manifest workshop-03/manifests/cronjob-example.yaml It is configured to run the Job from the earlier example every minute, using the cron schedule "*/1 * * * *". This schedule is UTC ONLY.


apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: cronjob-example
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 2
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1
      completions: 4
      parallelism: 2
          - name: hello
            image: alpine:latest
            command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
            args: ["echo hello from $HOSTNAME!"]
          restartPolicy: Never


$ kubectl create -f workshop-03/manifests/cronjob-example.yaml
  1. Give it some time to run, and then list the Jobs.
$ kubectl get jobs

There should be at least one Job named in the format <cronjob-name>-<unix time stamp>. Note the timestamp of the oldest Job.

  1. Give it a few minutes and list the Jobs once again
$ kubectl get jobs

The oldest Job should have been removed. The CronJob controller will purge Jobs according to the successfulJobHistoryLimit and failedJobHistoryLimit attributes. In this case, it is retaining strictly the last 3 successful Jobs.

  1. Describe the CronJob cronjob-example
$ kubectl describe CronJob cronjob-example

The events will show the records of the creation and deletion of the Jobs.

  1. Edit the CronJob cronjob-example and locate the Suspend field. Then set it to true.
$ kubectl edit CronJob cronjob-example

This will prevent the cronjob from firing off any future events, and is useful to do to initially troubleshoot an issue without having to delete the CronJob directly.

  1. Delete the CronJob
$ kubectl delete cronjob cronjob-example

Deleting the CronJob WILL delete all child Jobs. Use Suspend to 'stop' the Job temporarily if attempting to troubleshoot.

Summary: CronJobs are a useful extension of Jobs. They are great for backup or other day-to-day tasks, with the only caveat being they adhere to a UTC ONLY schedule.

Clean Up Commands

kubectl delete CronJob cronjob-example

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