This file lists breaking changes, ordered by revision number.
When you instantiate your adapter, include the API revision number, and ember-data will automatically warn you of any breaking changes.
The ember-data project follows semver versioning. Because we have not yet reached 1.0, breaking changes are allowed, but we want to make sure that you are alerted to intentional breaking changes.
Once we reach 1.0, we will remove this mechanism and use normal version numbers to indicate breaking changes.
App.Store = DS.Store.create({
revision: 1
If a breaking change has been made to API revision 1, you will receive an exception pointing you to this document. Once you have reviewed the breaking changes and made any necessary changes to your application, you will want to update the revision:
App.Store = DS.Store.create({
revision: 2
This will remove the exception about changes before revision 2. You will receive another warning if there is another change.
In Revision 8, we started the work of making serializers agnostic to the underlying serialization format.
This was a good start but did not go far enough. Additionally, many people hated our initial API naming decisions, so some of the changes in this revision are an attempt to evolve the naming in a more intuitive direction.
Despite our attempts in Revision 8, there were still some lingering JSON
semantics in DS.Serializer
. Now, we have extracted all of these into a
new class called DS.JSONSerializer
, which inherits from
is an abstract base class that implements hooks for
serializing records common to all serialization formats, whether they
are JSON, typed arrays, binary representations, or whatever other format
your server engineers dream up.
is a concrete implementation that encodes specific
JSON semantics. If your adapter needs to "speak JSON" and you need to
customize how that happens, you should now subclass DS.JSONSerializer
instead of DS.Serializer
Additionally, DS.RESTAdapter
uses a subclass of DS.JSONSerializer
called DS.RESTSerializer
. The RESTSerializer
adds relational
semantics to the JSONSerializer
, encoding one-to-many relationships as
foreign keys on child records.
If you are using the REST adapter, no changes are necessary.
If your app was subclassing DS.Serializer
, change it to subclass
If you are serializing to binary representations, hooray! You can use
and you will not need to fight against assumptions about
it being JSON. This is a very advanced use case that most users will not
need to worry about.
Feedback about our rename of the toJSON
method to toData
to fromData
was not positive. Instead, we are now changing
these to serialize
and deserialize
, respectively. This change
applies to DS.Model
, DS.Serializer
, and the serializer's transform
One of the goals of Ember Data is to separate application semantics from server semantics. For example, you should be able to use a simple backend like MongoDB during development. When deploying to production, you may want to use a database better equipped to handle scale, like PostgreSQL. Despite the many differences between these two database technologies, switching between them should not require you to rewrite your application.
Ember Data accomplishes this by isolating server-specific code in the adapter. The adapter is responsible for translating application-specific semantics into the appropriate actions for the current backend.
To do this, the store must be able to provide as much information as possible to the adapter, so that developers can write adapters for key-value stores, like Riak and MongoDB; JSON APIs powered by relational databases, like Rails talking to PostgreSQL or MySQL; novel transport mechanisms, like WebSockets; local databases, like IndexedDB; and whatever other persistence schemes may be dreamed up in the future.
Previously, the store would gather up as much information as possible as
changes happened in the application. Only when the current transaction
was committed (via transaction.commit()
or store.commit()
) would all
of the information about what changed be bundled up and sent to the
adapter to be saved.
Remember that the store needs to keep track of the state of records so it knows what needs to be saved. In particular, a record loaded into the store starts off "clean"—this means that, as far as we know, the copy we have on the client is the same as the copy on the server.
A record becomes "dirty" when we change it in some way from the version we received from the server.
Obviously, a record becomes dirty if we change an attribute. For
example, if we change a record's firstName
attribute from "Peter"
, the record is dirty.
But what happens if the relationship between two records changes? Which records should be considered dirty?
Consider the case where we have two App.User
records, user1
, and an App.Post
record, post
, which represents a blog post.
We want to change the author of the post from user1
to user2
//=> user1
post.set('author', user2);
Now, which of these records should we consider dirty? That is, which of
these records needs to be sent to the adapter to be saved? Just the
post? The old author, user1
? The new author, user2
? All three?
Your answer to this question depends heavily on how you are encoding your relationships, which itself depends heavily on the persistence strategy you're using.
If you're using a key-value store, like IndexedDB or Riak, your instinct
is probably to save one-to-many relationships on the parent. For
example, if you were sending the JSON for user2
to your server via
XHR, it would probably look something like this:
"author": {
"name": "Tony",
"posts": [1, 2, 3]
If, on the other hand, you were using a relational database with
something like Ruby on Rails, your instinct would probably be to encode
the relationship as a foreign key on the child. In other words, when
this relationship changed, you would send post
to the server via a
JSON representation that looked like this:
"post": {
"title": "Allen Ginsberg on Node.js",
"body": "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,\
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,\
who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking in the supernatural darkness of cold-water flats floating across the tops of cities contemplating jazz",
"author_id": 1
Previously, Ember Data implemented a strategy of picking the "lowest common denominator." In other words, because we did not know what information the adapter needed, or how it would encode relationships, we simply marked all records involved in a relationship change (old parent, new parent, and child) as dirty. If the adapter did not need to send changes to the server for a particular record, it was the responsibility of the adapter to immediately release those unneeded records.
This strategy served us well, until we came to the case of embedded records (which we are working on, but have not yet finished). In this case, choosing the "lowest common denominator" strategy and marking all records that could possibly be dirty quickly became pathological.
Imagine the case where you are writing a blog app. For legacy reasons, your JSON API embeds comments inside of posts, which are themselves embedded inside a root blog object. So, for example, when your app asks for a particular blog, it receives back a JSON payload that looks like this:
"blog": {
"title": "Shit HN Says",
"posts": [{
"title": "Achieving Roflscale",
"comments": [{
"body": "Why not choose a more lightweight solution?",
"upvotes": 256
Let's say we want to upvote the comment:
In this particular case, we actually need to mark the entire graph as dirty. And because the store had no visibility into whether or not the adapter treated records as embedded, the "lowest common denominator" rule that we had used before meant that we would have to mark entire graphs as dirty if a single attribute changed.
We knew we would be pilloried if we tried to suggest that as a serious solution to the problem.
So, after much discussion, we have introduced several new hooks into the adapter. These hooks allow the store to ask the adapter about dirtying semantics as soon as changes happen. This is a fundamental change from how the adapter/store relationship worked before.
Previously, the only time the store conferred with the adapter was
when committing a transaction (with the exception of extractId
, which
is used to preprocess data payloads from the adapter).
Now, every time an attribute or relationship changes, it is the adapter's responsibility to populate the set of records which the store should consider dirty.
Here are the hooks available at present:
Each hook gets passed a dirtySet
that it should populate with records
to consider dirty, via the add()
An implementation of the attribute change hook might look like this:
dirtyRecordsForAttributeChange: function(dirtySet, record, attributeName, newValue, oldValue) {
// Only mark the record as dirty if the new value
// is different from the old value
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
If you are implementing an adapter with relational semantics, you can tell the store to only dirty child records in response to relationship changes like this:
dirtyRecordsForBelongsToChange: function(dirtySet, child) {
Adapters with key-value semantics would simply implement the same hook for has-many changes:
dirtyRecordsForHasManyChange: function(dirtySet, parent) {
As we explore this brave new world together, you can expect similar "runtime hooks" (as opposed to commit-time hooks) to appear in the adapter API.
Adapters can now tell the store which records become dirty in response
to changes. If you are using the built-in DS.RESTAdapter
, these
changes do not affect you.
Previously, your adapter could query a record for the reasons it had
been considered dirty. For example, record.isDirtyBecause('belongsTo')
would return true
if the adapter was dirty because one of its
relationships had changed.
This was necessary because the adapter received all of the records associated with a relationship change at once, and had to "reverse engineer" what had happened and which records it cared about (see above section for more discussion.)
Now, because adapters are notified about changes as they happen, and can control which items are marked as dirty, it is no longer necessary for adapters to be able to introspect records for why they are dirty; de facto, if they are being given to the adapter, it is because the adapter told the store it wanted them to be dirty.
Therefore, DS.Model
's isDirtyBecause()
method has been removed. If
you still need this information in your adapter, it will be your
responsibility to do any bookkeeping in the
hook described above.
Previously, the store took responsibility for tracking which things were dirty about a record. Only after all "dirty factors" had been acknowledged by the adapter as saved would the store transition the record back into the "clean" state.
Now, responsibility for transitioning a record is solely the adapter's. This architecture lays the groundwork for the ability to have multiple adapters; for example, you can imagine having an IndexedDB-based write-through cache adapter for offline mode, and a WebSockets-based adapter for when your user has an internet connection.
Previous "acknowledgement" API methods on the store have been removed,
such as didCreateRecord()
and didDeleteRecord()
. Now, the only
acknowledgement an adapter can perform is didSaveRecord()
, which tells
the store that all changes to the record have been saved.
If saving changes to a record is not an atomic operation in your adapter, keeping track of which more granular operations have occurred is now the responsibility of the adapter.
Previously, many areas of Ember Data assumed that data exchanged with the adapter was represented in JSON form. Many of the serializer APIs cemented this bias by including JSON in method names.
While we anticipate that most Ember.js applications will continue to use JSON as the primary mechanism for data interchange with a server, we also want to support innovation in how data is exchanged.
For example, MongoDB can exchange data as BSON--a binary encoded
serialization of JSON. Or, if you are writing a data-heavy application,
we want you to be free to transmit data to the client in whatever form
is most efficient. Now that mainstream browsers support JavaScript
objects and TypedArray
s, we anticipate this use case will
become more and more common.
To that end, we have made two changes:
- Any information that the store needs from data provided by the
adapter is interpreted via the serializer. For example, instead of
asking for the ID of a data hash via
, the store will call the adapter'sextractId
method. This change should not affect applications. - Any methods that contained the term
have been replaced with versions that useData
. For example,DS.Serializer
method has been renamed totoData
. Similarly, thetransformValueFromJSON
method has been renamed totransformValueFromData
. This change should only affect applications that use customized serializers, or were callingtoJSON
on records. Because only names and not semantics have changed, this should be a quick find and replace to bring your app up-to-date.
Previously, we said that in order for your adapter to acknowledge a
record as having been fully saved on the server, you would call
. In theory, this would mark all attributes and
relationships as having been saved by the server.
However, this was too tightly coupled to adapters that change relationships by updating foreign keys. It was buggy in general, and didn't work at all for adapters using other strategies for persisting relationships.
Now, the adapter must treat relationships as separate entities which they acknowledge independently from records participating in them.
NOTE that if you are using the REST Adapter, we have updated it to reflect these new semantics and no changes in your app should be required.
There are three basic scenarios by which an adapter can save a relationship.
An adapter can save all relationship changes by updating a foreign key on the child record. If it does this, it should acknowledge the changes when the child record is saved.
record.eachAssociation(function(name, meta) {
if (meta.kind === 'belongsTo') {
store.didUpdateRelationship(record, name);
store.didSaveRecord(record, hash);
An adapter can save one-to-many relationships by embedding IDs (or records) in the parent object. In this case, the relationship is not considered acknowledged until both the old parent and new parent have acknowledged the change.
In this case, the adapter should keep track of the old parent and new parent, and acknowledge the relationship change once both have acknowledged. If one of the two sides does not exist (e.g. the new parent does not exist because of nulling out the belongs-to relationship), the adapter should acknowledge the relationship once the other side has acknowledged.
An adapter can save relationships as separate entities on the server. In this case, they should acknowledge the relationship as saved once the server has acknowledged the entity.
Because a record's ID may be serialized and deserialized into the URL
when using Ember.Router, it is common that the type of the ID is lost
during this process. For example, if a Post has an ID of 42
serializing it to the URL /post/42
causes the ID to be coerced into a
string. Once this happens, there is later ambiguity about whether the
true ID is the number 42
or the string "42"
To resolve this ambiguity, the store now automatically coerces all IDs to strings. If your existing code uses numbers for IDs, they should continue to work with minimal change to your application.
Do note that if you ask a record for its id
, it will always report the
string representation:
var post = App.Post.find(1);
post.get('id'); // "1"
This may also have repercussions to your adapter. DS.Serializer now has
a serializeId
method that can be overridden to ensure that IDs are
correctly formatted before being sent to the persistence layer. If you
are using a custom adapter, make sure that methods like findMany
using the serializer's serializeId
or serializeIds
methods, if they
include IDs in the data payload and your backend expects them to be in
non-string format.
This is an extremely large refactor that changes many of the underlying semantics and object responsibilities. Primarily, we have moved many semantics that were hard-coded to relational databases to the REST adapter.
This means that Ember Data should work just as well with key-value stores as relational databases, or whatever persistence technology you choose. Additionally, changing between different types of back-end servers should have minimal impact on the Ember.js application itself.
This work also makes the FixtureAdapter less coupled to a particular backend, and sets the stage for local caching of Ember Data objects.
Before, if you wanted to map key names from your server-provided data to your models, you would do this:
App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string', { key: 'TITLE' });
Now, all mapping is done via
. You will now do this:'App.Post', {
title: { key: 'TITLE' }
This API works for attributes, belongs to associations and has many associations.
If you want to define a custom primary key, you will now do:'App.Post', {
primaryKey: '_id'
If you are using the RESTAdapter, you would do:'App.Post', {
primaryKey: '_id',
title: { key: 'TITLE' }
Some applications were erroneously declaring id
as an attribute on
their models. You do not need to do this. With this revision, you will
start to see an error if you try.
For example, if you were doing this:
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
id: DS.attr('number'),
name: DS.attr('string')
replace it with:
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string')
In this revision, the record's toJSON
method delegates directly to the
adapter. This should not have any significant changes to the returned
values (assuming you moved your mappings over to
described above).
The one exception is that toJSON
will no longer include the id
default. If you would like to include the id
, call:
record.toJSON({ includeId: true });
If you were using record.toJSON
in a custom adapter, make sure to
include IDs where needed.
Because mappings and transforms are now defined on a per-adapter basis, you can use your app's attribute names in your fixtures, and not have to transform them based on your backend requirements.
App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
primaryKey: '__id!__',
name: DS.attr('string', { key: '!idbNAME!' }
App.Post.FIXTURES = [
'__id__!': 1,
'!idbNAME!': "Tom Dale"
'__id__!': 2,
'!idbNAME!': "Yehuda Katz"
After:'App.Post', {
primaryKey: '__id!__',
name: { key: '!idbNAME!' }
App.Post.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: "Tom Dale"
id: 2,
name: "Yehuda Katz"
This simplifies your fixtures, because:
- It allows you to describe your fixtures in the language of your domain, rather than the language of your backend
- It allows you to avoid modifying your fixtures if your backend API changes.
Previously, transactions would automatically determine the dependencies between records when saving.
For example, if you had these models:
App.Deck = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
cards: DS.hasMany('App.Card')
App.Card = DS.Model.extend({
front: DS.attr('string'),
back: DS.attr('string'),
deck: DS.belongsTo('App.Deck')
If you created a deck and a related card at the same time, the
transaction would automatically put the Card
into a pending state
until the adapter assigned the Deck
an id
Unfortunately, this hardcoded relational semantics into the application, and also exposed adapter concerns into the application.
At present, you will need to handle these dependencies yourself, by
observing the parent's id
property. We plan to introduce a convenience
in DS.Adapter
to simplify this case.
If you are using the RESTAdapter
, you may have temporary issues with
records created using this pattern. In the interim, make sure not to
create graphs of records in the same transaction with foreign key
Previously, custom transforms were hardcoded into Ember Data, and there was a temporary API for adding new transforms. Additionally, these transforms were defined per-application, making it impossible for fixtures to use different serialization than the server. Fixing this also paves the way for local caching.
There is now a supported API for adding new transforms to your application's adapter.
// your backend uses Cocoa-style YES/NO for booleans
App.CocoaAdapter.registerTransform('boolean', {
fromJSON: function(value) {
if (value === 'YES') {
return true;
} else if (value === 'NO') {
return false;
toJSON: function(value) {
if (value === true) {
return 'YES';
} else if (value === false) {
return 'NO';
Once you have done this, you can define attributes that use the transform like this:
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
isDrugDealer: DS.attr('boolean')
In general, you want to keep these types generic, so they can be
replaced with other serialization if the backend changes requirements,
and to support simple fixtures. For example, in this case, you would
not want to define cocoaBoolean
as a type and use it throughout your
Previously, app-wide naming conventions were defined in a model
superclass using a namingConvention
Now, you need to define a custom serializer for your adapter:
var store = DS.Store.create({
adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.create({
serializer: DS.Serializer.create({
// `post` becomes `postId`. By default, the RESTAdapter's
// serializer adds `_id` to the decamelized name.
keyForBelongsTo: function(type, name) {
return this.keyForAttributeName(type, name) + "Id";
// `firstName` stays as `firstName`. By default, the
// RESTAdapter's serializer decamelizes name.
keyForAttributeName: function(type, name) {
return name;
If you were using the REST Adapter before, your app should continue to work. However, if you built a custom adapter, many of the APIs have changed.
Some examples:
- An adapter is now responsible for saving relationship changes
- If a record is involved in a relationship change, an adapter is now
responsible for determining whether any server work needs to be done.
For example, a relational adapter may not need to do anything to a
when aComment
was moved into it. A key-value adapter may not want to do anything to theComment
in the same situation. - An adapter is now responsible for transforming data hashes it receives from the server into attributes and associations (via its serializer)
- An adapter is now fully responsible for transforming records into JSON hashes to send to the server (via its serializer)
- The
adapter method has been renamed tosave
. You may still need to overridecommit
in very custom scenarios. The defaultcommit
method now coalesces relationship changes (via the newshouldCommit
adapter hook) and passes them tosave
. Most adapters will never need to override any of these methods. - Instead of receiving a set of
iterators, thesave
method receives a list of all changed records. A newgroupByType
convenience method allows you to group the changed records by type. The defaultsave
method does this automatically, which means that the existingcreateRecords
, anddeleteRecords
APIs have not changed.
Previously, the DS.hasOne
and DS.belongsTo
associations were aliased
to one another. Now, DS.belongsTo
remains but DS.hasOne
has been
removed. We are planning on having different semantics for DS.hasOne
at a later date.
Primarily, the semantic difference between the two are related to which
record should be marked as dirty when the relationship changes. To
ensure that the semantics of your application match the framework,
please ensure that you are using DS.belongsTo
at this time.
Previously, the key used to lookup an attribute from the JSON hash loaded
into the store was the same as the attribute defined in your DS.Model
For example, if the model had a firstName
attribute, we would look for
the firstName
property in the hash provided by the server..
If you wanted to use a different key, you would need to provide an options
hash with the key
property set:
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
firstName: DS.attr('string', { key: 'first_name' }),
lastName: DS.attr('string', { key: 'last_name' }),
middleName: DS.attr('string', { key: 'middle_name' })
This obviously got very annoying very fast.
Now, models can have a namingConvention
object that is responsible for
determining how record keys and hash keys are mapped. The namingConvention
object should implement two functions, keyToJSONKey
and foreignKey
. You
can create a subclass of DS.Model
that you use in your application if you
want to share a naming convention between all of your models:
App.Model = DS.Model.extend({
namingConvention: {
// Changes fooKey to FOOKEY
keyToJSONKey: function(key) {
return key.toUpperCase();
// Determines the name of foreign keys in
// belongsTo relationships
foreignKey: function(key) {
return key.toUpperCase()+"_ID";
By default, attributes are now de-camelized to determine hash keys,
and _id
is added to the association name to determine foreign keys.
For example, here is a model and what JSON hash it would expect:
App.Profile = DS.Model.extend({
person: DS.belongsTo('App.Person'),
firstName: DS.attr('string')
id: 1,
person_id: 3,
first_name: "Steve"
If you want to revert to previous behavior, you can implement a simple naming convention object that returns the key passed to it:
namingConvention: {
keyToJSONKey: function(key) {
return key;
foreignKey: function(key) {
return key;
Previously, the attribute type used for number was integer
. However,
since it also is the correct attribute type for floats, you should now
use number
// instead of
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
age: DS.attr('integer')
// do
App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
age: DS.attr('number')
Previously, the store's filter()
method took a filtering function that
passed the hash in directly. It now passes a proxy object that
implements a get()
Instead of accessing properties of the hash directly, please use get()
inside your filter functions:
// instead of
var coolPeople = Person.filter(function(person) {
// do
var coolPeople = Person.filter(function(person) {
return person.get('name').test(/Tom/);
Previously, a record's data
property was a hash that contained the
JSON representation of the record that should be sent to your
persistence layer. Now that records store uncommitted changes in a
separate hash, you should use the new toJSON()
method to retrieve the
data hash to be sent to the server.
We could have fixed up the data
property to return the JSON
representation, and used a different property internally, but didn't
- Compatibility with ES5's JSON serialization protocol required the
implementation of a
method. - Before 1.0, we want to remove unnecessary cruft from the library.
Since we need
anyway for ES5 compatibility, we didn't want to keep around a legacy mechanism for doing the same thing.
(post 1.0, we absolutely would have left around the data
// instead of
data: record.get('data')
// do
data: record.toJSON()