World server for ClubPenguin.
Install Python 3.12+ and virtualenv if you haven't already. Clone the github repo into a local directory using this command (it is recommended to use SSH):
git clone
Then move into the frostbite
directory (cd ./frostbite
) and setup a virtualenv (python3 -m virtualenv env
After this is complete, activate your newly created environment:
# for windows
# for unix
source "./env/bin/activate"
Install Poetry python dependency manager, install instructions here. Install required python dependencies:
poetry install
Install PostgreSQL server, create a file .env
in same directory as
and add in the database details (ref:
Setup the database by running the following command
alembic upgrade head
Your environment is ready to run Frostbite :)
It is recommended to create and use a virtualenv. Then, to activate your virtualenv, and go to the source root directory and start the application by executing the following command:
uvicorn main:app
It will take seconds to load up and then everything will be up and running. Press CTRL-C to gracefully stop the server. Enjoy!