143 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
CloudBees CI
🚀 Features
- [Blueprints] Upgrading K8s version to 1.29 @carlosrodlop (#199)
- [Core] Update CloudBees CI to 3.19313.0 @carlosrodlop (#198)
- [Observability Enhancements]: OTEL (Adding Collector, sending metrics to Prometheus collector and Traces to Tempo), Adding Loki, Connecting FluentBit with Loki @carlosrodlop (#197)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Adding Pod Identity for CloudBees CI Services s3 permissions @carlosrodlop (#204)
- [Core Module] Adding string [EKS_TF_ADDON] to License surname to identify licenses coming from this Terraform module @carlosrodlop (#201)
🧰 Maintenance
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale] Make Shared lib compatible with HA/HS controllers #190 @carlosrodlop (#193)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Use only SPOT type for Agents @carlosrodlop (#194)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Shared Lib configuration HA vs not HA @carlosrodlop (#191)
- [Core] Remove AWS nuke @carlosrodlop (#189)
- [CI/CD] Improvements @carlosrodlop (#188)
- [CD]: Upload Vault-init log to s3 bucket | [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: solve typo oc_secret-a and standarize grafana-tempo-values.yml file name @carlosrodlop (#186)
- [CD]: Remove cd pipeline @carlosrodlop (#192)
📚 Documentation
- [Release 3.19313.0] COE Review Develop @carlosrodlop (#200)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Adding considerations on bottlerocket and cert-manager @carlosrodlop (#187)
- [DOCS-10873] Copy edits for the latest release @kellie-freeman (#202)
- CI blueprint add-on: Updated logo and minor copy edits @kellie-freeman (#196)