Releases: cloudbees-oss/terraform-aws-cloudbees-ci-eks-addon
Releases · cloudbees-oss/terraform-aws-cloudbees-ci-eks-addon
CloudBees CI
🚀 Features
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Adding EFS Lifecycle Storage Class @carlosrodlop (#222)
- [Core] Update CloudBees CI to 2.492.1.3, Kubernetes version 1.31, Terraform EKS blueprint 1.20.0 @carlosrodlop (#221)
- [03-Karpenter] Adding new blueprints for Karpeter as Scaling Engine @carlosrodlop (#219)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Adding Container insights for observability @carlosrodlop (#218)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Pre-validates Casc bundles pipelines @carlosrodlop (#205)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Addressing problem with GP3 and Autoscaling @carlosrodlop (#217)
🧰 Maintenance
- OPS-18175: Update to large-runners @FuroremVulpes (#208)
- [Blueprints] Upgrading versions for TF Addons Modules and other 3rd party applications @carlosrodlop (#216)
- Bumping helm releases and EKS addons to latest version @carlosrodlop (#211)
- Chore: Casc branch fix and Moving KubeProm destroy to K8s @carlosrodlop (#207)
- [Makefile] Moving it inside blueprints folder @carlosrodlop (#206)
- [Release 3.21450.0] COE Review Develop @carlosrodlop (#223)
CloudBees CI
🚀 Features
- [Blueprints] Upgrading K8s version to 1.29 @carlosrodlop (#199)
- [Core] Update CloudBees CI to 3.19313.0 @carlosrodlop (#198)
- [Observability Enhancements]: OTEL (Adding Collector, sending metrics to Prometheus collector and Traces to Tempo), Adding Loki, Connecting FluentBit with Loki @carlosrodlop (#197)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Adding Pod Identity for CloudBees CI Services s3 permissions @carlosrodlop (#204)
- [Core Module] Adding string [EKS_TF_ADDON] to License surname to identify licenses coming from this Terraform module @carlosrodlop (#201)
🧰 Maintenance
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale] Make Shared lib compatible with HA/HS controllers #190 @carlosrodlop (#193)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Use only SPOT type for Agents @carlosrodlop (#194)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Shared Lib configuration HA vs not HA @carlosrodlop (#191)
- [Core] Remove AWS nuke @carlosrodlop (#189)
- [CI/CD] Improvements @carlosrodlop (#188)
- [CD]: Upload Vault-init log to s3 bucket | [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: solve typo oc_secret-a and standarize grafana-tempo-values.yml file name @carlosrodlop (#186)
- [CD]: Remove cd pipeline @carlosrodlop (#192)
📚 Documentation
- [Release 3.19313.0] COE Review Develop @carlosrodlop (#200)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Adding considerations on bottlerocket and cert-manager @carlosrodlop (#187)
- [DOCS-10873] Copy edits for the latest release @kellie-freeman (#202)
- CI blueprint add-on: Updated logo and minor copy edits @kellie-freeman (#196)
CloudBees CI
🚀 Features
- [Core] Upgrading CloudBees CI to 2.452.3.2 @carlosrodlop (#179)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Adding Shared Libraries @carlosrodlop (#183)
- [Core & Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Adding Container Registry compatibility @carlosrodlop (#182)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Integration of Hashicorp Vault @carlosrodlop (#181)
- [, CD Pipeline] Improvements for Users onboarding @carlosrodlop (#185)
📚 Documentation
- [Release 3.18306.0] COE Review Develop @carlosrodlop (#184)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Windows Builds Nodes: Clarifications on Launching times @carlosrodlop (#180)
CloudBees CI
🚀 Features
- [Core] Upgrading CloudBees CI to 2.452.2.4 @carlosrodlop (#176)
- [CI] Adding aws-nuke to purge dangling resources @carlosrodlop (#177)
- [Blueprints, At Scale]: Casc Improvements (CPE, Hibernation Exception and CB Advisor) @carlosrodlop (#164)
- [Blueprints, At Scale]: Windows Builds @carlosrodlop (#170), @carlosrodlop (#161), @carlosrodlop (#160), @carlosrodlop (#167)
- [Blueprints, all, CI]: Kubeconfig file generation improvements @carlosrodlop (#169)
- [Blueprints, all]: Adding AWS Regions as variable @carlosrodlop (#178)
🧰 Maintenance
- [CI] Replacing Push events by Pull Request and Manual Triggers @carlosrodlop (#175)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: adding check for S3 permissions @carlosrodlop (#173)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: RBAC Improvements + Adding Restore Job in Controllers @carlosrodlop (#171)
📚 Documentation
- [Release 3.18067.0] COE Review Develop @carlosrodlop (#174)
- [Blueprints, all]: Updating Diagrams @carlosrodlop (#172)
- [Blueprints, all]: Adding more details on architecture @carlosrodlop (#166)
- [Blueprints, all]: Docs debts @carlosrodlop (#162)
- [Blueprints, At Scale]: Update at-scale.k8s.drawio.svg @kellie-freeman (#163)
CloudBees CI
🚀 Features
- [Core Module] Upgrade to CloudBees CI 2.452.1.2 @carlosrodlop (#147)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Use Secrets to pass terraform variables to Casc (part II) @carlosrodlop (#145)
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Use Secrets to pass terraform variables to Casc (part I) @carlosrodlop (#143)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale] Migration to helm-openldap/openldap-stack-ha (part II) @carlosrodlop (#141)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale] Migration to helm-openldap/openldap-stack-ha (part I) @carlosrodlop (#140)
🧰 Maintenance
- [CI] Replace set-casc-branch by set-casc-location @carlosrodlop (#148)
- [CI] Release drafter update @carlosrodlop (#146)
📚 Documentation
- [Release 3.17821.0] COE Review @carlosrodlop (#150)
- [Doc] Contribution guide update @carlosrodlop (#149)
- [Blueprint alls]: Replacing Example Domain by Acme Domain for consistency @carlosrodlop (#142)
- Minor copy edits to recently revised docs. @kellie-freeman (#139)
See .k8s.env
🚀 Features
- [Core Module] Upgrade to CloudBees CI 2.440.3.7 @carlosrodlop (#125)
- [01-getting-started Using] Using AL2023_ARM_64_STANDARD as AMI @carlosrodlop (#132)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale]: Adding missing label for BRUPOP Agent @carlosrodlop (#133)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale] Velero: Validating CloudBees Best Practices @carlosrodlop (#129)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale] Migration from Casc API 1.0 to 2.0 (part I) @carlosrodlop (#127) (part II) @carlosrodlop (#128)
- [Core Module] Default values.yaml, Delete PV when deleting Controllers via UI @carlosrodlop (#123)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale] Observability: Implementing Opentelemetry with Grafana Tempo @carlosrodlop (#122)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale] Observability: Adding Kubernetes Modern Dashboards Global, Nodes, Namespace and Pod levels @carlosrodlop (#116)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale] Node Groups Improvements: Spot Best Practices and New AMIs: Bottlerocket family and AL2023_x86_64_STANDARD @carlosrodlop (#114)
🧰 Maintenance
- [Blueprints, 02-at-scale]: Making the Admin Token test more resiliant @carlosrodlop (#110)
- [CI, GHA] TF validation: remove continue-on-error: true @carlosrodlop (#109)
- [Core Module] API requests should always use the tree parameter @tsingkofer-cb (#105)
- [Blueprints, all] Using source module from Terraform Registry @DraganBocevski (#102)
📚 Documentation
- [Blueprint 02-At scale]: Extending information on Log, Metrics and Tracing @carlosrodlop (#131)
- [Blueprints, all] Expanding details on the upgrade process @carlosrodlop (#126)
- [Blueprint 02-At scale]: Adding Missing description of Deployed Applications @carlosrodlop (#121)
- Docs. Typo Missing branches for links @carlosrodlop (#120)
- [Core Module] Extending References on Pricing and Performance for Storage types @carlosrodlop (#118)
- [Core Module] Clarifying pre-commit steps in contributing guide @kellie-freeman (#119)
🧰 Maintenance
- Preparing Release 3.17108.0 from Dev to Main @carlosrodlop (#100)
- Minor Fixes before the new Release @carlosrodlop (#99)
- [Chore] Bumping to new CloudBees CI version 2.440.2.1 @carlosrodlop (#96)
- [GHA, Release]: Simplify version section @carlosrodlop (#95)
- [Chore]: TF Action run only when TF files are updated @carlosrodlop (#94)
- [CI]: Run Terraform Test only against main @carlosrodlop (#92)
- Issue #86: Update @kellie-freeman (#90)
- Update develop with latest changes from main @carlosrodlop (#84)
📚 Documentation
- [Docs]: Removing relative URL from main README @carlosrodlop (#93)
- Update the image link @kellie-freeman (#88)
What's Changed
First Release
New Contributors
- @carlosrodlop made their first contribution in #1
- @wellsiau-aws made their first contribution in #28
- @sboardwell made their first contribution in #33
- @Vlatombe made their first contribution in #54
- @kellie-freeman made their first contribution in #63
Full Changelog: