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Neuroscience Cloud Analysis As a Service welcomes external developers to deploy their existing analyses onto our platform. Once analyses are built, they can be loaded onto the website interface for NeuroCAAS seamlessly where they can be accessed by users in the neuroscience community.

In this guide, we will describe a process to incrementally automate all of the steps you would need to take to set up and use your analysis. This process includes automated installation and build (which you may recognize from Docker-like services), but also includes setup of hardware, scripting of your analysis workflow, and data transfer between the machine where the compute is happening and a requesting user.

At the core of the process is a blueprint that records the steps you would like to automate, as you determine them in the course of the development process.

End Goal

The goal is to offer data analysis to users in such a way that they can analyze their data without ever having to purchase, configure, or host analyses on their own machines. This goal follows the "software as a service" model that has become popular in industry.

In this figure, you can see the resources and workflow that you will be able to support with your analysis at the end of the development process:

Key Points:

  • For users, data analysis can be done entirely by interacting with data storage in AWS S3 buckets (more on setting this up later). Data storage is already structured for them, according to individual analyses and user groups.
    s3://{analysis_name}   ## This is the name of the S3 bucket
    |- {group_name}        ## Each NeuroCAAS user is a member of a group (i.e. lab, research group, etc.) 
       |- configs
       |- inputs
       |- submissions
       |  |- {id}_submit.json 
       |- results
          |- job_{timestamp}
             |- logs
             |- process_results

When users want to trigger a particular analysis run, they upload a file indicating the data and parameters they want to analyze to a special directory called submissions (see the figure for content of this file). This upload triggers the automatic VM setup process described above, and users simply wait for the results to appear in a separate, designated subdirectory (results). Although shown as file storage here, most users will use NeuroCAAS through a web client that automates the process of uploading submission files. This S3 bucket and the relevant directory structure will be generated once you deploy your analysis scripts (see section: Deploying your blueprint). If you want to see how the user interacts with this file structure, sign up for an account on

  • Your analysis will be hosted on cloud based virtual machines (VMs). These machines are automatically set up with your analysis software pre-loaded on them, and run automatically when given a dataset to analyze. The main point of this guide is to figure out the set of steps that will make this happen for your particular analysis, and record them in a document called a blueprint.
  • A single virtual machine is entirely dedicated to running your analysis on a given dataset. Once it is done analyzing a dataset, it will terminate itself. This means there are no history effects between successive analysis runs: each analysis is governed only by the automatic setup procedure described in your blueprint.

We’ll describe the process of developing analyses for NeuroCAAS in three steps:

  1. Choosing hardware and computing environment

  2. Setting up your automatic analysis runs

  3. Testing and deployment.

All steps are available via a python and shell script based API. Development will follow a principle of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), meaning that all of your development steps will be documented in code as you build.


In order to follow the steps listed here, you will need the following installed on your local machine:

First verify your aws cli installation by running:

% aws configure

When prompted, enter the access key and secret access key associated with your IAM user account, as well as the AWS region you are closest to. IMPORTANT: If using the CTN AWS account to develop, please set your AWS region to be us-east-1. Next verify your conda installation by running:

% conda list

Then create a new environment as follows:

% conda create -n neurocaas python=3.6

Note: the argument following the -n flag is the name of the virtual python environment you are creating. We strongly recommend that you name your environment neurocaas, as it is referenced by bash scripts referenced later (in particular, and If you do not name your environment neurocaas, please change the “source activate” commands correspondingly. Now move into the root directory of the cloned neurocaas repo:

% cd /path/to/local/neurocaas/

Activate your new environment, and install necessary packages by running:

% conda activate neurocaas

% conda install pip

% pip install -r requirements.txt

% pip install .

Initializing NeuroCAAS

If you are developing within the CTN account, skip this first step, and start with the bash print\ command

To initialize NeuroCAAS, first follow the installation instructions for the binxio secret provider stack: Navigate within the repository to:


Now run the following command:

% bash

This will create the cloud resources necessary to deploy your resources regularly and handle the permissions necessary to manage and deploy cloud jobs, and ssh keys to access resources on the cloud. The results of initialization can be seen in the file global_params_initialized.json, with the names of resources listed. If you encounter an error, consult the contents of the file neurocaas/ncap_iac/ncap_blueprints/utils_stack/init_log.txt, and post it to the neurocaas issues page.

This process will also generate an ssh key, that is not printed to the repo for security reasons. In order to retrieve your ssh key, navigate within the repository to:

neurocaas/ncap_iac/ncap_blueprints/utils_stack. Type the following command:

% bash > securefilelocation/securefilename.pem

Where “securefilelocation/securefilename.pem” is a file NOT under version control. IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend you keep this file in separate, secure directory not under version control. If this key is exposed, it will expose the development instances of everyone on your account. You will reference this key when developing a machine image later. Finally, change the permissions on this file with:

% chmod 400 securefilelocation/securefilename.pem

Initializing a blueprint

To start, we will need to build a computing environment where your analysis lives along with all of its required dependencies. To do this, we first need to initialize a blueprint for your stack. Navigate to the ncap_blueprints directory, and run the command:

% bash iac_utils/ "name of your analysis algorithm"

Where the argument passed must be restricted to lowercase letters, numbers, and dash marks (-). This will create a folder with the specified name. If you navigate into this folder, you can see the blueprint that specifies an analysis pipeline.

This blueprint contains all of the details that specify the different resources and services that will support your analysis. When initializing an analysis, we can leave most of these fixed, but there are a few that we should go over: The parameters that you will probably change are:

  • STAGE: This parameter describes different stages of pipeline development. It should be set to "webdev" while initializing a blueprint.

  • Lambda.LambdaConfig.INSTANCE_TYPE: INSTANCE_TYPE specifies the hardware configuration that is run by default (can be changed on demand) and is selected from a list of instance types available on AWS.

Important parameters to keep in mind for later:

  • Lambda.LambdaConfig.AMI: AMI specifies the Amazon Machine Image where your software and dependencies are installed, and contains most of the analysis-specific configuration details that you must specify. As you develop, you will save your progress into different AMIs so they can be linked to the blueprint through this parameter.

  • Lambda.LambdaConfig.COMMAND: COMMAND specifies a bash command that will be run on your remote instance [with parameters specified in the main script section] to generate data analysis. You will most likely not have to change this command, but it is the principal way in which we will be starting analyses on a remote instance.

For now, remove all Affiliates from the UXData area except for “debuggers” we will return to these later.

Once you have configured a blueprint, navigate to the “dev_utils” folder in the “ncap_blueprints” directory, and start up IPython. The bulk of building a machine image will be done through an interactive, Python based API, described next.

Building a machine image

To handle image build and development, we have built a custom class to interface with the python AWS SDK, boto3. Make sure that your environment has the required dependencies listed in the Prerequisites section. Then import the “NeuroCaaSAMI” class from the develop_blueprint module, and give it the path to the folder you just configured:

>>> from develop_blueprint import NeuroCaaSAMI

>>> devami = NeuroCaaSAMI("../path_to_configured_folder")

By calling methods on declared objects, you can create, destroy, develop and test machine images easily, without directly interfacing with the cloud. The declared object reads the blueprint that you have built, and intelligently uses the information there to streamline development.

Launching a machine image

If you are working with a blueprint where you have already specified an AMI, you can simply call :

>>> devami.launch_devinstance(timeout =60)

Which will launch the AMI listed in your blueprint. CAUTION: The timeout parameter is the amount of time you are requesting that a development instance be active for, in minutes. By default, it is set at 1 hour. After this timeout passes, your instance can be stopped at any time, so be careful!

If you need to check the time remaining on your instance, run the command devami.get_lifetime(). You can also extend the lifetime of your instance by running devami.extend_lifetime(additional_time), where additional time is the additional number of minutes you are requesting.

If starting with a newly configured blueprint, first select an EC2 instance type from the available list:

Then call:

>>> devami.launch_devinstance(ami = string, timeout = 60)

Where string is the id of an AMI you like, formatted as (“ami-xxxxxxxx”) (you can find many on the AWS marketplace). If you do not have a particular AMI id in mind, you can also pass one of the following special codes:

NOTE: These codes have been tested with a variety of x86 (intel based) instances (m5 series, m5a series, p2 and p3 series). If you plan to use non-x86 based instances, (such as the ARM based a1 series) please look up the AMI id for the relevant OS distribution, and pass this id as an argument.

Calling this method will initialize an instance for you, and then provide you with the ip address of that initialized instance. You can then ssh into the instance with the key that you retrieved when initializing NeuroCAAS, like so:

>>> ssh -i /path/to/your/local/sshkey ubuntu@{ip address}

Please note that if you use a custom ami, you may be prompted to log in as root, or ec2-user instead of ubuntu.

If you ever need to close the ipython console, you can always re-associate a new instance of the NeuroCaaSAMI object to your development instance with the following code:

>>> devami = NeuroCaaSAMI("../path_to_configured_folder")
>>> devami.assign_instance(instance_id)
>>> devami.start_devinstance(timeout =60)
>>> ip = devami.ip

Note that if you restart your development instance, the requested timeout will be reset (default is 1 hour again).

Developing a machine image into an immutable analysis environment

After connecting to your remote instance via ssh, you can download your code repositories and dependencies to it, and test basic functionality. Once this is done, you will have to clone the repository neurocaas_contrib into the user’s remote directory. This repo contains utility functions to connect software that lives on the instance with data on the user side, and send logs to the users as analysis proceeds. It also contains examples of projects that show how to use these utility functions. We will now explain the workflow for developing a script with the neurocaas_contrib repository.

Main script

All NeuroCAAS analyses should be triggered by running a central bash script called This script ensures that all jobs run on NeuroCAAS are managed and logged correctly. This script takes 5 arguments, as follows:

% bash $bucketname $path_to_input $path_to_result_dir $path_to_config_file $path_to_analysis_script

The first four parameters refer to locations in Amazon S3 where the inputs and results of this analysis will be stored. These parameters correspond to the directory structure given in the "end goals" section as follows:

  • $bucketname: {analysis_name}
  • $path_to_input: {group_name}/inputs/name_of_dataset
  • $path_to_result_dir: results/job_{timestamp}
  • $path_to_config_file: {group_name}/configs/name_of_config_file These will be automatically filled in by NeuroCAAS when users request jobs, but can be manually filled in for certain test cases. For more info see the section, "Testing a machine image."

The fifth parameter, $path_to_analysis_script, is a analysis-specific bash script, that will be run inside the script. It will call all of the analysis source code , transfer data in to the instance, etc. This will be the subject of the next subsection, Analysis script.

This script-in-a-script organization ensures two things:

  • Reliability of logging. Logging progress mid-analysis can be a delicate process, and standardizing it in a single main script helps to ensure that developers will not have to worry about this step.

  • Correct error handling. In the event that analysis scripting runs into an error, we want to be able to detect and catch these errors. We can do so much more easily if all relevant code is executed in a separate script, ensuring that the relevant steps necessary to report the error to the user, and run appropriate cleanup on the instance are carried out.

In the rest of this subsection, we will walk through the content of This will be more of a reference for interested parties. If you would like to get started developing your own analysis, you can jump ahead to the next subsection, Analysis script.

Content of
4 execpath="$0"
5 scriptpath="$(dirname "$execpath")/ncap_utils"
6 ## Get in absolute path loader: 
7 source "$scriptpath/"

First, we get the absolute path to the subdirectory containing our utility functions, and load in path management functions from

10 set -a
11 neurocaasrootdir=$(dirname $(get_abs_filename "$execpath"))
12 set +a

Throughout this script, we will declare a set of environment variables that can be accessed by the child analysis script. The first of these is $neurocaasrootdir- the absolute path to the neurocaas_contrib repo.

14 source "$scriptpath/"
15 ## Import functions for data transfer 
16 source "$scriptpath/"

We have previously mentioned that this repo contains a variety of helper functions to connect the remote instance with a user. These shell functions are stored separately in the file (for setting up logging files), and (for transferring data between your instance and the user.) By sourcing them, we make them available to use in this script.

27 set -a
28 parseargsstd "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
29 set +a
31 echo $bucketname >> "/home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt" 
32 echo $groupdir >> "/home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt" 
33 echo $resultdir >> "/home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt" 
34 echo $processdir >> "/home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt" 
35 echo $dataname >> "/home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt" 
36 echo $inputpath >> "/home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt" 
37 echo $configname >> "/home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt" 
38 echo $configpath >> "/home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt" 

In this step, we will declare more environment variables that will be passed to our analysis script. This is perhaps the most significant step carried out by the script, as these environment variables make it much easier to move and manipulate data. The function parseargsstd is imported from the script. As follows, these variables specify certain paths inside the directory structure described in the background.

  • $bucketname <-> analysis_name
  • $groupdir <-> group_name
  • $resultdir <-> results/job_{timestamp}
  • $processdir <-> results/job_{timestamp}/process_results
  • $dataname <-> the basename of a datafile in the inputs directory.
  • $inputpath <-> {group_name}/inputs/datafile
  • $configname <-> the basename of a config file in the configs directory.
  • $configpath <-> {group_name}/configs/configfile

These variables are then printed to the file /home/ubuntu/check_vars.txt where they can be examined for debugging purposes.

40 ## Set up Error Status Reporting:
41 errorlog_init 
43 ## Set up STDOUT and STDERR Monitoring:
44 errorlog_background & 
45 background_pid=$!
46 echo $background_pid, "is the pid of the background process"

Both errorlog_init and errorlog_background are functions imported from the file. The file errorlog_init initially fetches a status file from the specific job directory in the s3 bucket and prepares it to be written to. This status file contains info on the commands run on the instance, the cpu utilization, and the high-level status of the job (INITIALAIZING, IN PROGRESS, SUCCESS or FAILED). The function errorlog_background is then run as a background process,
continually updating a local copy of the status file as well as other logging data. Finally we save the process id of this background process to terminate it later.

48 ## MAIN SCRIPT GOES HERE #####################
50 bash "$5" > "$neurocaasrootdir"/joboutput.txt 2>"$neurocaasrootdir"/joberror.txt
51 ##############################################
52 ## Cleanup: figure out how the actual processing went. 
54 errorlog_final

Now, we can finally run the bash script given to us as the fifth argument of We assume that it does not take any arguments, but it will have access to all of the environment variables declared above, which should be sufficient to perform all necessary tasks. Note that stdout and stderr are written to the neurocaas_contrib base directory, allowing us to evaluate job status by eye as well. The function errorlog_final (from performs a final update to the logging files and changes their status to "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE" depending on the result of running line 50.

55 ## Once this is all over, send the config and end.txt file
56 aws s3 cp s3://"$bucketname"/"$configpath" s3://"$bucketname"/"$groupdir"/"$processdir"/$configname
57 aws s3 cp "$neurocaasrootdir"/update.txt s3://"$bucketname"/"$groupdir"/"$processdir"/
58 kill "$background_pid"

Finally, we run some cleanup: we will transfer the configuration file used to run this job to the output directory for reproducibility (line 56), send an empty file to indicate that this stage of the job is complete (line 57), and finally kill the background logging process (line 58). The actual machine shutdown is handled by a higher level system to improve reliability and stability. Note that here in lines 56-57 we use the declared data path variables extensively. This will be the case in the actual analysis script as well.

Analysis script

TL;DR from the previous section:

  • We will assume the analysis script takes no parameters. Instead, you have access to certain environment variables declared in that should make it easier to transfer data to and from the user. These variables correspond to the directory structure explained in the background, as follows:
    • $bucketname <-> analysis_name
    • $groupdir <-> group_name
    • $resultdir <-> results/job_{timestamp}
    • $processdir <-> results/job_{timestamp}/process_results
    • $dataname <-> the basename of a datafile in the inputs directory.
    • $inputpath <-> {group_name}/inputs/datafile
    • $configname <-> the basename of a config file in the configs directory.
    • $configpath <-> {group_name}/configs/configfile We will assume that the analysis script is located in a subdirectory of neurocaas_contrib, as neurocaas_contrib/analysis_name/

As a first example, let's take a look at the directory neurocaas_contrib/mock. This directory contains a simple example analysis script ( This script pulls an integer parameter $waittime from a configuration file and waits that amount of time before exiting. We can walk through this script line by line:

1 #!/bin/bash
3 ## Import functions for workflow management. 
4 ## Get the path to this function: 
5 execpath="$0"
6 echo execpath
7 scriptpath="$(dirname "$execpath")/ncap\_utils"
9 source "$scriptpath/"
10 ## Import functions for data transfer 
11 source "$scriptpath/"

This initial block of code sources utility functions from the directory neurocaas_contrib/ncap_utils. These shell functions are stored separately in the file (for setting up logging files), and (for transferring data between your instance and the user.)

13 ## Set up error logging. 
14 errorlog

The function errorlog is imported from the file It records every line of this bash script after it is executed, and writes it to the json file neurocaaas_contrib/ncap_utils/statusdict.json. This file will be delivered back to the user, so that the user has a running log of what command is running on the instance, as well as other information. Importantly this function also sets the -e flag on the script, indicating that it will exit if any errors are encountered.

21 #source .dlamirc
23 export PATH="/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
25 source activate epi

Keep in mind that when these scripts are run, they will not be run as a user, but rather as root. This can introduce some gotchas- if you are working with the AWS deep learning AMI, you will need to run source .dlamirc to establish the correct links between the instance and its GPU device(s). Likewise, you will have to manually append the user's anaconda bin to the path before running source activate {} to start a conda environment. In general, it's a good idea to test the analysis script as root by running sudo -i and navigating to the user's directory to see if there are any other issues.

27 ## Declare local storage locations: 
28 userhome="/home/ubuntu"
29 datastore="epi/scripts/localdata/"
30 configstore="/home/ubuntu/" 
31 outstore="mock_results/"
32 ## Make local storage locations
33 accessdir "$userhome/$datastore" "$userhome/$outstore"

In general, it's useful to organize local analogues for the input, config, and results directories, so that you can just copy directories wholesale from s3 to the instance or vice versa. Here we've designated $datastore as the input location, the root user's home directory as the config storage directory, and $outstore as the output location (though this analysis won't have any output). The function accessdir (line 33) will then create these folders (and designate them as read/writable to all users) to prepare for data transfer.

35 ## Stereotyped download script for data. The only reason this comes after something custom is because we depend upon the AWS CLI and installed credentials. 
36 download "$inputpath" "$bucketname" "$datastore"
38 ## Stereotyped download script for config: 
39 download "$configpath" "$bucketname" "$configstore"

Here we're referencing the environment variables inherited from, and using them to download data and configuration files from the relevant locations in Amazon S3 to the locations that we designated. Note that you are also free to use the aws cli (aws s3 cp or aws s3 sync) to fetch data and configs from S3 as well. The function download can be found in the file.

43 waittime=$(jq .wait "$configstore/$configname")
44 sleep $waittime

This is the meat of the script. Now the input data and configuration files are in known locations ($datastore and $configstore), and can be referenced by known names (the variables $configname and $dataname) inherited from These parameters can then be passed to any local analysis routine. In this case, as a minimal example, we are simply getting an integer parameter from the configuration file, and waiting that amount of time. One notable difference is that this example has no output that we would generally want to route to the $outstore directory. Figuring out what goes here is the majority of the conceptual work necessary to load an analysis on NeuroCAAS.

50 cd "mock_results"
51 aws s3 sync ./ "s3://$bucketname/$groupdir/$processdir"

The last thing we do in this script is to move to our output directory (which is empty), and upload the results to the relevant directory in S3, as given by our inherited environment variables. Note that here we use the variable $processdir, instead of $resultdir, so that we can avoid dumping results directly into the job subdirectory. If you would like to write your own logs as jobs proceed, you can do so by writing them to the folder s3://$bucketname/$groupdir/$resultdir/logs/, where automatic logs will also be written.

If any of the steps above fail, the flag -e set in the function errorlog will ensure that the whole script exits. This will be used to catch and report failure cases back to the main script. If you want to be fancy, you can set up input parsing before starting analyses. Error messages can be sent to STDOUT, and will be reported back to the user via auto-generated logs.

For more involved examples, see neurocaas_contrib/{caiman,dlc,epi,locanmf,pmd}). The corresponding run_{analysis} files should provide an idea of how this basic framework can be used to serve a variety of different analysis needs, including analyses that require several different input modalities (locanmf), have train and test modes with different inputs (dlc), or accept parameters in different formats (caiman).

When it comes to testing an analysis script, we recommend doing so AFTER initially deploying your blueprint. This means that once you have tested your main analysis call (the analogue of lines 43 and 44 in the analysis script) and have a preliminary script, you can save your machine image, clean up, and deploy your updated blueprint before starting up another instance from the python console. This will create the folder structure discussed in the background section, letting you can upload test data and configs to the relevant locations in S3.

If you want to test your script locally, you can do so by:

    1. creating an s3 bucket with the structure shown in the background section
    1. uploading test data and config files to the relevant locations
    1. calling with the relevant variables.

Note that you may get many loud errors from the background process, as it will not be able to find the appropriate logging files in the s3 bucket, but this should not interrupt your main analysis script.

Saving your machine image

After you have written a script and tested it locally, you should save your machine image. In order to do so, return to your IPython console, and run the command:

>>> devami.create_devami(name)

where the name is an identifier you will provide to your newly created image. You can update your blueprint with this new image by running:

>>> devami.update_blueprint(ami_id,message=None)

Where ami_id is the id of the ami provided as output to the create command. Not providing an ami_id will update with the last image that you have created. Updating the blueprint will also automatically generate a two git commits for the repo, documenting the state of the blueprint before and after you performed this update for reproducibility purposes. The message command, if provided, will be a message associated with this pair of git commits for readability.

Cleaning up

After you have saved your machine image and updated your blueprint, you can terminate it by running:

>>> devami.terminate_devinstance()

If you have not created an image before doing so, you will be prompted for confirmation. If you would like to step away from developing for a while, you can run:

>>> devami.stop_devinstance()

And conversely,


Note that you can launch new development images, but you can only do so after terminating your current one to prevent losing track of development.

Deploying your blueprint

Once you have a working image, it is useful to deploy it as a NeuroCAAS analysis, to perform further testing using the access configuration a user would have (see “Testing a machine image”). To do so, navigate to the “neurocaas_blueprints” directory, and run the following command:

% bash iac_utils/ "name of your pipeline here"

This will run all the steps necessary to build the cloud resources corresponding to your blueprint, and you can test it further from the python API after adding some test users.

Testing a machine image

IMPORTANT NOTE: this step can only be done AFTER initially deploying a blueprint (Step 6). Our Python development API has the capacity to mock the job managers that parse user input. In order to test your machine image including the inputs and outputs that a user would see, follow these steps: 1) you upload data and configuration files to the deployed s3 bucket, just as a user would. 2) you manually write a submit.json file, like below:

    "timestamp": "debugging_identifier"

Where the dataname and configname values point to the data that you uploaded in step 1, and {group_name} corresponds to the group name depicted in the user-side data organization diagram. If you followed the instructions regarding blueprint configuration, this will most likely be "debuggers".

Then, run

>>> devami.submit_job(submitpath)

Where submitpath is the path to the submit file you wrote. This will trigger processing in your development instance as a background process (you can observe it with top). If you don't remove the instance shutdown command when you are running this test, your instance will stop after the processing finishes. You can monitor the status and output of this job as it proceeds locally from python with:

>>> devami.job_status(index)

>>> devami.job_output(index)

Where index gives the number of job you would like to analyze (default is -1, the most recent). The results themselves will be returned to AWS S3 upon job completion.

Adding users

Once your blueprint has successfully been deployed, you can authorize some users to access it. Additionally, if it is ready you can publish your analysis to the neurocaas website, and have it accessible by default to interested users. Contact your neurocaas admin at for instructions on how to proceed from here.