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ahmadia edited this page Nov 11, 2014 · 9 revisions

What are HashDist and HashStack?

HashDist is a software tool for reliably building reproducible software stacks, with exceptional support for building, maintaining, and deploying scientific software with complex or rapidly changing dependencies.

HashStack is a community collection of recipes for installing packages using HashDist. The recipes are in YAML format, with extensive documentation on ReadTheDocs

How do I get started?

On OS X or Linux, you should first install the hashdist command line tool, hit. We recommend using the development version:

git clone
export PATH=${PWD}/hashdist/bin:${PATH}

Now you can use HashDist to install Clawpack and friends:

# on OS X
# this will take awhile, as it needs to download all dependencies
hit build -v
# Linux stack is coming!

If you'd like to try editing the packages being installed:

git clone -b hpc3_2014_stack
cd hashstack
hit build -v clawpack.Darwin.yaml

HashStack package targets

  • hdf5
  • PETSc
  • BoxClaw
  • CUDAClaw? (need to install CUDA separately)
  • Some visualization package?
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