Changelog since 2.4.1 - Release:
- Updated contributors and license information on About page
- Upgraded to openJDK 17
- Upgraded backend dependencies:
- dropwizard to 2.1.4
- commons-compress to 1.22.2
- Added backend dependencies:
- dropwizard-forms 2.1.4
- Removed direct backend dependencies:
- slf4j-api (pulled as Dropwizard dependency)
- logback-core (pulled as Dropwizard dependency)
- logback-classic (pulled as Dropwizard dependency)
- httpclient (pulled as Tika profiler dependency)
- jersey-media-multipart (replaced by dropwizard-forms)
- validation-api
- Upgraded WebUI runtime dependencies:
- axios to 1.1.3
- core-js to 3.26.1
- prop-types to 15.8.1
- history to 5.3.0
- react to 18.2.0
- react-dom to 18.2.0
- react-markdown to 8.0.3
- react-modal to 3.16.1
- react-redux to 8.0.5
- react-router-dom to 6.4.3
- react-router-hash-link to 2.4.3
- react-select to 5.6.1
- redux to 4.2.0
- redux-thunk to 2.4.2
- Development project changes:
- Increased Java tests connection timeout to 120000ms
- Upgraded build Java docker base image: docker-alpine-supervisor-java-base to
) - Upgraded build UI test base image: cypress/browsers to
- Upgraded github actions run OS to ubuntu-22.04
- Upgraded github actions to v3
- Fix warnings in github actions
- Upgraded npm to 9.1.1
- Upgraded WebUI development dependencies:
- babel/core to 7.20.2
- babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties to 7.18.6
- babel/preset-env to 7.20.2
- babel/preset-react to 7.18.6
- babel-loader to 9.1.0
- browserslist to 4.21.4
- css-loader to 6.7.2
- cypress to 11.1.0
- eslint to 8.27.0
- glob-parent to 6.0.2
- node-sass to 8.0.0
- sass-loader to 13.2.0
- stylelint to 14.15.0
- stylelint-config-standard to 29.0.0
- terser-webpack-plugin to 5.3.6
- webpack to 5.75.0
- webpack-bundle-analyzer to 4.7.0
- webpack-cli to 5.0.0
- webpack-dev-server to 4.11.1