- Fix contact link on About page
- Upgraded from JDK to JRE 17.0.9
- Upgraded backend dependencies:
- CLARIN profiler to 1.0.14
- dropwizard to 4.0.2
- commons-compress to 1.24.0
- Upgraded WebUI runtime dependencies:
- axios to 1.6.0
- core-js to 3.33.1
- react-markdown to 9.0.0
- react-redux to 8.1.3
- react-router-dom to 6.17.0
- react-select to 5.7.7
- redux to 4.2.1
- remark-gfm to 4.0.0
- Development project changes:
- Add UI testing in CI via SauceLabs
- Upgrade CLARIN node build image (registry.gitlab.com/clarin-eric/docker-alpine-clrs-build_env) to [2.4.3](https://gitlab.com/CLARIN-ERIC/docker-alpine-clrs-build_env/-/releases/2.4.3)
- Upgraded build Java docker base image: docker-alpine-supervisor-java-base to [openjdk17_jre-1.3.10](https://gitlab.com/CLARIN-ERIC/docker-alpine-supervisor-java-base/-/releases/openjdk17_jre-1.3.10)
- Upgraded build UI test base image: cypress/browsers to [node-20.9.0-chrome-118.0.5993.88-1-ff-118.0.2-edge-118.0.2088.46-1](https://hub.docker.com/layers/cypress/browsers/node-20.9.0-chrome-118.0.5993.88-1-ff-118.0.2-edge-118.0.2088.46-1/images/sha256-c2f9b80afa112a99157b3f4bec793c7651bb9bdc292eb2a792e1ed4512763304?context=explore)
- Fix warnings in github actions
- Upgraded npm to 10.2.3
- Upgraded WebUI development dependencies:
- babel/core to 7.23.2
- babel/preset-env to 7.23.2
- babel/preset-react to 7.22.15
- babel-loader to 9.1.3
- browserslist to 4.22.1
- css-loader to 6.8.1
- cypress to 13.3.2
- eslint to 8.52.0
- node-sass to 9.0.0
- sass-loader to 13.2.2
- style-loader to 3.3.3
- stylelint to 15.11.0
- stylelint-config-sass-guidelines to 10.0.0
- stylelint-config-standard to 34.0.0
- terser-webpack-plugin to 5.3.9
- webpack to 5.89.0
- webpack-bundle-analyzer to 4.9.1
- webpack-cli to 5.1.4
- webpack-dev-server to 4.15.1
- webpack-merge to 5.10.0
- Added support for pre-flight API
- Updated contributors and license information on About page
- Upgraded to openJDK 17
- Upgraded backend dependencies:
- dropwizard to 2.1.4
- commons-compress to 1.22.2
- httpclient-cache to 4.5.14
- junit to 4.13.2
- Added backend dependencies:
- dropwizard-forms 2.1.4
- Removed direct backend dependency declarations:
- slf4j-api (pulled as Dropwizard dependency)
- logback-core (pulled as Dropwizard dependency)
- logback-classic (pulled as Dropwizard dependency)
- httpclient (pulled as Tika profiler dependency)
- jersey-media-multipart (replaced by dropwizard-forms)
- validation-api
- Upgraded WebUI runtime dependencies:
- axios to 1.2.1
- core-js to 3.26.1
- prop-types to 15.8.1
- history to 5.3.0
- react to 18.2.0
- react-dom to 18.2.0
- react-markdown to 8.0.4
- react-modal to 3.16.1
- react-redux to 8.0.5
- react-router-dom to 6.5.0
- react-router-hash-link to 2.4.3
- react-select to 5.7.0
- redux to 4.2.0
- redux-thunk to 2.4.2
- Development project changes:
- Increased Java tests connection timeout to 120000ms
- Upgraded build Java docker base image: docker-alpine-supervisor-java-base to `openjdk17-1.1.1` (was `openjdk11-2.1.0`)
- Upgraded build UI test base image: cypress/browsers to `node18.12.0-chrome106-ff106`
- Upgraded github actions run OS to ubuntu-22.04
- Upgraded github actions to v3
- Upgraded npm to 9.1.1
- Upgraded WebUI development dependencies:
- babel/core to 7.20.5
- babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties to 7.18.6
- babel/preset-env to 7.20.2
- babel/preset-react to 7.18.6
- babel-loader to 9.1.0
- browserslist to 4.21.4
- css-loader to 6.7.3
- cypress to 12.2.0
- eslint to 8.27.0
- glob-parent to 6.0.2
- node-sass to 8.0.0
- sass-loader to 13.2.0
- stylelint to 14.16.0
- stylelint-config-standard to 29.0.0
- terser-webpack-plugin to 5.3.6
- webpack to 5.75.0
- webpack-bundle-analyzer to 4.7.0
- webpack-cli to 5.0.1
- webpack-dev-server to 4.11.1
- Added support for ranged requests e6f5c01adb8ccb655f9e65d5c9012a117778723b
- Added "more text" button in content #244
- Added support for multiple files sent by calling repositories
- Added special content negotiation case for the CLARIN VCR (CMDI format)
- Fixed resource leak when backend http requests return 40x (#278)
- Improved Switchboard pop-up UI #247
- Improved "open" and "error" buttons d3acecb6ca43bc5517c0538e130dc8b62315a882
- Upgraded backend dependencies:
- dropwizard to 2.0.28
- logback-classic to 1.2.10
- logback-core to 1.2.10
- slf4j-api to 1.7.36
- Upgraded WebUI runtime dependencies:
- axios to 0.24.0
- core-js to 3.19.1
- follow-redirects to 1.14.8
- history to 5.1.0
- nanoid to 3.2.0
- react to 17.0.2
- react-dom to 17.0.2
- react-markdown to 7.1.0
- react-modal to 3.14.4
- react-redux to 7.2.6
- react-select to 5.2.1
- redux to 4.1.2
- redux-thunk to 2.4.0
- remark-gfm to 3.0.1
- Development project changes:
- Added UI tests #246. UI tests are automatically run by github CI on each push #249
- Switch style language to SCSS
- Added SCSS and Javascript linting
- Updated docker images used in build to support multi-architecture
- Upgrade npm to 8.3.2
- Upgraded WebUI development dependencies:
- babel/core to 7.16.0
- babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties to 7.16.0
- babel/preset-env to 7.16.4
- babel/preset-react to 7.16.0
- babel-loader to 8.2.3
- browserslist to 4.18.1
- css-loader to 6.5.1
- glob-parent to 5.1.2
- style-loader to 3.3.1
- webpack to 5.35.0
- webpack-bundle-analyzer to 4.5.0
- webpack-cli to 4.9.1
- webpack-dev-server to 4.5.0
- webpack-merge to 5.8.0
- terser-webpack-plugin to 5.2.5
- Added WebUI development dependencies:
- cypress 9.1.0
- cypress-file-upload 5.0.8
- node-sass 7.0.0
- sass-loader 2.3.0
- Support unique service ids
- Improve resources UI
- Add extract text option
- Remove profiler submodule from source and install it as artifact from Maven Central
- Support variadic inputs (optional and multiple resources per input)
- Upgraded backend dependencies:
- dropwizard to 2.0.25
- logback-classic to 1.2.6
- logback-core to 1.2.6
- slf4j-api to 1.7.32
- commons-compress to 1.21
- Upgraded WebUI dependencies:
- caniuse-lite to 1.0.30001251
- Allow repositories to customize Switchboard popup title
- Backwards compatibility for legacy repository calls
- Added dictionary mode when selecting short text, with editable selection
- Show data outline for text based formats
- Show contents of archive files
- Show unsafe badge and description (on mouse hover) for tools not offering SSL transport
- Multiple improvements to Switchboard popup
- Added support for matching online tools which are not integrated with the Switchboard
- Improved support for input of multiple files
- Added configurable funding badge
- Upgraded backend dependencies:
- dropwizard to 2.0.22
- Upgraded WebUI dependencies:
- lodash to 4.17.21
- browserslist to 4.16.5
- Set content-encoding when serving text utf8 files
- Allow repos to specialize resource profile (mediatype only)
- Add maxFiles configuration entry
- Added API v2 (support for POST calls #119)
- Added Switchboard popup
- Improved design of WebGUI match/list tools section
- Improved file format detection (support for 'ply' '3d' and 'cmdi' formats)
- Improved filename extraction from input URLs
- Improved tool wrapping for popup and phone sizes
- Cache tool logos
- Cache uploaded resources
- Added support for multiple files input (experimental - disabled by default)
- Fixed missing languages #150
- Fixed markdown highlighting bug introduced with #149
- Upgraded backend dependencies:
- dropwizard to 2.0.15
- Upgraded WebUI dependencies:
- react-markdown to 5.0.3
- Added SSHOC funding information
- Fixed a bug where some tools were not showing up in the "All Tools" list #141
- Updated backend dependencies:
- jersey-media-multipart to 2.32
- dropwizard to 2.0.14
- Updated WebUI dependencies:
- react-markdown to 5.0.0
- lodash to 4.17.20
- react-router-dom to 5.2.0
- Added support temporary redirects (HTTP 307) when resolving handles
- Updated WebUI dependencies: axios, core-js, react, react-dom, react-modal, react-redux, react-select, redux
- updated dependencies: profiler, validation-api, dropwizard
- added new profiler module with support for tei, tcf, conllu and other formats
- added support for markdown (GitHub flavor) in tools description, auth info and licence
- improved help section (link to tool registry) and about section (funding info)
- updated dependencies: acorn, gson, jaxb, slf4j, logback, jersey, guava, dropwizard
- fixed file system watcher bug (increase timer)
- updated dependencies: logback, tika
- fixed compatibility with IE 11
- rewrote UI help section to conform to version 2.x.x
- fix footer hiding content in Safari
- track tool match calls and tool invocation calls in Matomo
- update documentation
- add configuration option for hiding development tools
- allow configuration in `config.yaml` to be set via system environment variables
- multiple security fixes
- fully rewritten and redesigned UI as single page app (React+Redux & react-router)
- updated Switchboard API to allow it being called from any repository (any origin)
- rewritten backend with support for temporary storing user data: simplified installation procedure, removed dependence on nextcloud and other external containers
- externalized tool definitions to github.com/clarin-eric/switchboard-tool-registry
- minor UI updates
- updated to latest version of babel
- removed reference to CLARIN help desk in HELP pop-ups
- updated help desk
- tackled https://github.com/clarin-eric/LRSwitchboard/issues/40
- github instructions
- code cleaning:
- deleted superfluous methods (App.jsx: showFiles, handleChange)
- deleted superfluous state information
- deleted superfluous constants in util wrt. web services support
- move code to clear Dropzones to DropArea component
- new UI behaviour when invoked from VLO/D4Science/B2DROP
- added cross-references to switchboard back-end repository in README.md
- removed support for web services
- (clrs-rest backend (registry) has not been updated yet)
- changed nginx configuration for D4Science integration
- reduced URL name display to 40 characters.
- changed handling of handle-based urls
- fixed bug where there are only web-based tools applicable, but no segmented controls being shown
- replaced all JS alerts by reactjs ones.
- ameliorated the Help Menu; FAQ section outsourced with extra link in footer.
- updated AboutHelp.
- shortened text in the drop areas
- Tool View now also sorts task groups alphabetically
- calls to clrs-rest back-end now passes-on URL parameter 'includeBetaSoftware' with 'yes'/'no' value
- modified look & feel of the resource panel
- added sorting options to the "task oriented view"; design changes, removed switch for showing WSs
- icon no longer spinning
- improved design of boxes for URL and text drop, including submit buttons
- fixed bug where help menus did not display the closing X
- moved About and For Developer Help to footer, changed Contact&Support
- fixed CLARIN logo (visibility and right alignment)
- making now use of CLRS-REST service (outsourcing Matcher & Registry)
- integrated UrlArea with DropArea (code refactoring)
- removed references to B2DROP as upload storage for the switchboard
- all files transferred to the switchboard are now uploaded to switchboard’s storage server
(including those stemmi ng from VLO/VCR/B2DROP invocations)
- mime type and language information from the VLO is now ignored (no cross-checking, for time being)
- added comment headers to all js/jsx files
- part bug-fixing, part enhancement: a resource pasted as shared link into the middle box of the LRS
is now uploaded/copied to the switchboard's file storage server. Tools connected to the switchboard
will fetch it from there. This also addresses CORS-related issues as it extends shared link from
stemming from dropbox's or eudat's cloud storage to arbitrary locations. The also addresses
issue https://github.com/clarin-eric/LRSwitchboard/issues/28.
- main.py has been relocated, see https://github.com/clarin-eric/LRSwitchboard/issues/27.
- main.py has been extended to cope with non-textual files.
- application context path has been introduced; nginx configuration has been simplified.
- update to latest stable version of node (v8.11.3); and webpack 4, and updated relevant packages
- Added NLP-HUB/D4Science for multiple languages (NER)
- fixed bug, where shared link from NC had http rather than https (needs further work)
- Added first FAQ to FAQs
- added registration details for LST webservices to metadata
- switchboard now shows the output format.
- output formats has been curated
- Added CSTLemma (hosted by D4Science
- Changed path to WebLicht from http to https
- Page reload trigger clearance of DropZone
- added switch to only show tools that do not require authentication
- added MorphoDiTa
- updated About with developer contribution
- Fixed Colibri metadata entry
- Added AlertURLUploadError to show that file upload failed
- activated text input as new input method
- activated paste URL/PID as new input method
- Activated Nextcloud-based storage rather than MPG storage server. Here, can send Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
- better support for handles
- to avoid CORS-related issues, some resources are now downloaded via Python script. That is, support to make uwsgi calls to Python, see app/ directory in distribution, and modified nginx.conf file.
- added more languages for UDPIPE
- integrated D4Science tool from switchboard
- extra DropArea where users can enter (plain) text (development version only)
- task-oriented view is now cleared whenever new data arrives
- improved information on all the WebLicht easy chains (i.e., the components of the pipeline)
- Minor improvements, minor code cleaning
- Added reverse proxy directives in nginx config to properly handle redirects from switchboard.clarin.eu
- Support for the RELDI software (Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian)
- Changelog.MD
- Fix typos in Registry entries
- VTO path to show a list of all tools
- Changed contact address to switchboard@clarin.eu
First official release.