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Packaging Binaries

Gleb Kuznetsov edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 2 revisions

We have a somewhat rudimentary strategy for distributing non-python dependencies for Millstone. We store pre-built binaries for Linux and Darwin (Mac OS X) architectures in a shared Dropbox owned by We then generate a public link which we add to

Tool-specific directions:


last updated 8/13/15

Must do separately for each architecture (i.e. linux and darwin):

Grab our branch of Lumpy

git clone

Track latest fixed branch

git checkout -b millstone origin/millstone



Create new directory to store contents of lumpy.

Copy contents of bin/ to new directory. Copy entire scripts/ dir to new directory.

Overwrite lumpyexpress.config with the version in the millstone repo at config/lumpyexpress.config.

From inside of new lumpy directory, run (replacing architecture appropriately):

zip -r ~/ *