- 400(already 103), all get answer(Know)
- 250(Do All easy, remember classic answer by teaching)
- 250(Do All Medium)
- 250(Do All easy and medium)
1150 (One Day 10 question,3.5 hour per day)
- Know related correct data structure&algorithm
- Correct Thinking Method
- Get the best solution
Easy to medium(for question 1-400)
Facebook,Microsoft only use easy easy,medium topic in interview.
- Stack
- Queue
- Array
- Hash Table
- Math
- String
- Linked List
- Tree
- Heap
- Dictionary tree
一上来就看答案,就照着答案写。这个做法看起来不靠谱,其实它有内在的合理性,刚开始刷 leetcode 重点不在于独立解题,而在于迅速把所有的题刷三到四遍,后面遇到新题就自然会有思路,可以迎刃而解了。
- 第一遍:知道。直接看答案,不要自己想,了解所有最优解,方法技巧第一。做题套路,以印象为主。(I am current on this round)
- 第二遍:熟悉。过 easy 题,记住;做 medium,重点题背,反复背。最简单会,大多不会。记住做题套路,以记住为主。
- 第三遍:做题。做 easy 题;做部分 medium 题,hard 题有思路。夯实 medium 基础。熟练运用做题套路,以做题为主。
- 面经:做面经,开阔思路,了解出题形式。基础决定上层建筑,基础牢轻松,不牢就痛苦 5,第四遍以上:刷题。
- List the data structure used.
- Write sample data structure in test case.
- Be the simulator to run the default test case.
- Rewrite answer when you see necessary.
- When you see the code don't follow Single Responsibility Principle.
- When you see there is better data structure.
The rewrite should don't significantly reduce the performance(make the runtime drop to below 50%) but it is acceptable and normal to increase memory usage.
- Everyday solve 3 question.
- Limit every question time usage in 30 minutes.
Far more better then online editor.Highly recommended if you use vs-code before
剑指 offer, 编程珠玑, 编程之美 大话数据结构 算法