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feat: Add a function to read mate alignments
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alumi committed Dec 23, 2024
1 parent b9e2241 commit cfed811
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Showing 8 changed files with 293 additions and 5 deletions.
78 changes: 75 additions & 3 deletions src/cljam/io/bam/reader.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,18 @@
(:require [ :as protocols]
[ :as refs]
[ :as header]
[ :as bai]
[ :as bai]
[ :as decoder]
[ :as lsb])
[ :as lsb]
[ :as flag]
[ :as bb])
(:import [ Closeable FileNotFoundException]
[ BAMRawBlock]
[bgzf4j BGZFInputStream]))

(declare read-blocks-sequentially*

;; BAMReader
;; ---------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,6 +50,10 @@
(if (nil? chr)
(read-blocks-sequentially* this 64 decoder)
(read-blocks-randomly* this chr start end 64 decoder))))
(read-mate-alignments [this alignments]
(protocols/read-mate-alignments this {} alignments))
(read-mate-alignments [this options alignments]
(read-mate-alignments* this options alignments))
(read-blocks [this]
(protocols/read-blocks this {} {}))
(read-blocks [this region]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,3 +170,68 @@
:len l-ref})))))]
{:header header
:refs refs}))

(defn- mate?-fn
"Returns a predicate that checks if an alignment `block` is a mate of an
alignment in the given `alignments`."
(let [query (transduce
(map (fn [{:keys [pnext qname flag]}]
[[(flag/r1? flag) pnext (count qname)] qname]))
(completing (fn [r [ks v]] (update-in r ks (fnil conj #{}) v)))
(fn mate?
[^BAMRawBlock block]
(let [b (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer (.data block))
flag (bit-and 0xFFFF (.getShort b 14))]
(when (flag/primary? flag)
(when-let [q' (query (not (flag/r1? flag)))] ; check R1/R2
(when-let [q'' (q' (inc (.getInt b 4)))] ; check POS
(let [l-read-name (dec (bit-and 0xFF (.get b 8)))]
(when-let [q''' (q'' l-read-name)] ; check length of QNAME
(.position b 32) ; offset of qname
(q''' (String. ^bytes (bb/read-bytes b l-read-name))))))))))))

(defn- read-mate-alignments-1
"Reads mate alignments in a specific chr."
[^BAMReader rdr {:keys [chunk-size] :or {chunk-size 64}} [chr xs]]
(let [refs (.refs rdr)
rid (refs/ref-id refs chr)]
(if (= chr "*")
;; unmapped
(do (.seek ^BGZFInputStream (.reader rdr)
(ffirst (bai/get-unplaced-spans @(.index-delay rdr))))
(eduction (filter (mate?-fn xs)) (read-to-finish rdr chunk-size)))
;; mapped
(->> xs
(map (comp (juxt identity identity) :pnext))
(bai/get-multi-spans @(.index-delay rdr) rid)
(fn [[begin finish]]
(read-to-finish rdr begin finish chunk-size)))
(filter (mate?-fn xs))))))))

(defn- ref-order [refs]
(into {}
(map-indexed (fn [i m] [(:name m) i]))
(concat refs [{:name "*"}])))

(defn- read-mate-alignments*
"Implementation for ``.
The following options are availabe:
- :chunk-size A size of chunks used for the internal block sequence"
([^BAMReader rdr alignments]
(read-mate-alignments* rdr {} alignments))
([^BAMReader rdr options alignments]
(->> alignments
(group-by (fn [{:keys [rname rnext]}] (case rnext "=" rname rnext)))
(sort-by (comp (ref-order (.refs rdr)) key))
(comp (mapcat (partial read-mate-alignments-1 rdr options))
(map (partial decoder/decode-alignment (.refs rdr))))))))
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/cljam/io/bam_index.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,18 @@
[bai ref-idx beg end]
(util-bin/get-spans bai ref-idx beg end))

(defn get-multi-spans
"Returns regions of a BAM file that may contain an alignment for the given
`ranges` which is a sequence of pairs of integers, begin and end."
[bai ^long ref-idx ranges]
(util-bin/get-multi-spans bai ref-idx ranges))

(defn get-unplaced-spans
"Returns a sequence of [start end) pairs of virtual file offsets that may
contain alignments that don't have RNAME."
(bai-core/get-unplaced-spans bai))

(defn bam-index
"Returns a cljam.bam-index.core.BAMIndex."
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/cljam/io/protocols.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"Returns references of the SAM/BAM file.")
(read-alignments [this] [this region]
"Reads alignments of the SAM/BAM file, returning the alignments as an eduction.")
(read-mate-alignments [this alignments] [this option alignments]
"Reads mate alignments of given `alignments`.")
(read-blocks [this] [this region] [this region option]
"Reads alignment blocks of the SAM/BAM file, returning the blocks as an eduction."))

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44 changes: 43 additions & 1 deletion src/cljam/io/sam.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[ :as sam-writer]
[ :as bam-core]
[ :as protocols]
[ :as io-util])
[ :as io-util]
[ :as flag])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +70,47 @@
([rdr] (protocols/read-alignments rdr))
([rdr region] (protocols/read-alignments rdr region)))

(defn read-mate-alignments
"Returns a sequence of the mate alignments corresponding to the given
`alignments` from the `rdr`. A mate alignment here refers to a primary
alignment that has the same QNAME as the given alignment and is the opposite
R1/R2 pair. The `rdr` must be indexed."
([rdr alignments]
(protocols/read-mate-alignments rdr alignments))
([rdr options alignments]
(protocols/read-mate-alignments rdr options alignments)))

(defn make-pairs
"Pairs mate alignments from the given `alignments` and `rdr`.
This is a convenient wrapper for `read-mate-alignments`. This function
processes the alignments provided in the `alignments` sequence, pairing mate
alignments based on their QNAMEs. If a mate alignment is missing from
`alignments`, it attempts to read the mate alignment from the reader `rdr`.
Non-primary alignments are ignored. The order of the paired alignments in the
output is not guaranteed.
The following options are available:
- :chunk-size A size of chunks used for the internal block sequence"
([rdr alignments]
(make-pairs rdr {} alignments))
([rdr options alignments]
(letfn [(has-mate? [{:keys [flag]}]
(and (flag/multiple? flag)
(flag/primary? flag)))]
(let [{solos true,
pairs false} (->> alignments
(group-by :qname)
(fn [[_ vs]] (not-empty (filterv has-mate? vs))))
(group-by #(= 1 (count %))))
solos (mapv first solos)
mates (->> solos
(read-mate-alignments rdr options)
(into {} (map (juxt :qname identity))))]
(concat pairs (map (juxt identity (comp mates :qname)) solos))))))

(defn read-blocks
"Reads alignment blocks of the SAM/BAM file, returning the blocks as an eduction."
([rdr] (protocols/read-blocks rdr))
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46 changes: 45 additions & 1 deletion src/cljam/io/util/bin.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(:require [ :as util-chunk]))
(:require [ :as util-chunk]
[cljam.util.region :as reg]))

(defn max-pos
"Returns a maximum position of a binning index. The value is identical to the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,3 +102,46 @@
min-offset (get-min-offset index-data ref-idx beg)]
(->> (util-chunk/optimize-chunks chunks min-offset)
(map vals))))

(defn get-multi-spans-merge
"Calculates span information for multiple regions.
Merge query regions before computing bins."
[index-data ^long ref-idx regions]
(when (seq regions)
(let [min-shift (get-min-shift index-data)
depth (get-depth index-data)]
(->> regions
(map (fn [[b e]] {:start b :end e}))
(reg/merge-regions 1000)
(fn [{beg :start end :end}]
(get-chunks index-data ref-idx
(reg->bins beg end min-shift depth))
(get-min-offset index-data ref-idx beg))))
(#(util-chunk/optimize-chunks % 0))
(map vals)))))

(defn get-multi-spans
"Calculates span information for multiple regions."
[index-data ^long ref-idx regions]
(when (seq regions)
(let [min-shift (get-min-shift index-data)
depth (get-depth index-data)]
(->> regions
(fn [[^long beg ^long end]]
[(reg->bins beg end min-shift depth)
(get-min-offset index-data ref-idx beg)]))
([[bins min-offset]]
[(get-chunks index-data ref-idx bins) min-offset])
([[bins min-offset] [chunks' min-offset']]
[(into bins chunks')
(min (long min-offset) (long min-offset'))]))
[#{} Long/MAX_VALUE])
(apply util-chunk/optimize-chunks)
(map vals)))))
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions test/cljam/io/bam/reader_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[cljam.util :as util]
[cljam.util.chromosome :as chr]
[ :as prot]
[ :as bam.core]
[ :as flag]))

(defn- conj-flag [flag & xs]
(flag/encode (apply conj (flag/decode flag) xs)))

(defn- unmap [xs]
(let [[unmapped mapped] (if (< (double (rand)) 0.5)
[0 1]
[1 0])]
(-> xs
(update unmapped assoc
:rname "*" :pos 0 :end 0
:mapq 0 :cigar "" :tlen 0)
(update-in [unmapped :flag] conj-flag :unmapped)
(update-in [unmapped :rnext] #(if (= "=" %)
(:rname (first xs))
(update mapped assoc
:rnext "*" :pnext 0 :tlen 0)
(update-in [mapped :flag] conj-flag :next-unmapped))))

(defn- generate-paired-bam [n]
(let [refs (->>
(range 24)
(map (fn [i] {:SN (str "chr" (inc (long i))),
:LN (+ 100000000 (long (rand-int 50000000)))}))
(sort-by (comp chr/chromosome-order-key :SN)))]
(range n)
(fn [i]
(let [{:keys [SN LN] :as r} (rand-nth refs)
pos (int (rand-int (- (long LN) 300)))
chimeric? (< (double (rand)) 0.3)
unmapped? (< (double (rand)) 0.2)
rnext (if chimeric?
(rand-nth (filterv (complement #{r}) refs))
pnext (int (if chimeric?
(rand-int (- (long (:LN rnext)) 300))
(+ pos (int 70) (int (rand-int 200)))))
qname (str "read" (inc (long i)))]
(cond-> [(prot/->SAMAlignment
qname (flag/encode #{:multiple :first})
SN pos (int (+ pos 150)) 60 "151M"
(if chimeric? (:SN rnext) "=") pnext 0 "*" "*" [])
qname (flag/encode #{:multiple :last})
(:SN rnext) pnext (int (+ pnext 150)) 60 "151M"
(if chimeric? SN "=") pos 0 "*" "*" [])]
unmapped? unmap))))
(apply concat)
(sort-by (juxt (comp chr/chromosome-order-key :rname) :pos))
(vector {:HD {:VN "1.4", :SO "coordinate"}, :SQ refs}))))

(defn- generate-test-case [alignments]
(let [in (->> alignments
(take 10)
(group-by :qname)
(map first)) ; take either R1 or R2
mate? (into #{} (map (juxt :qname (comp not flag/r1? :flag)) in))]
[in (filter (comp mate? (juxt :qname (comp flag/r1? :flag))) alignments)]))

(deftest read-mate-alignments-test
(util/with-temp-dir [d "read-pairs-test"]
(let [temp-bam (io/file d "tmp.bam")
[header alignments] (generate-paired-bam 10000)]

;; write a BAM with a BAI
(with-open [w (bam.core/writer temp-bam true)]
(doto w
(prot/write-header header)
(prot/write-refs header)
(prot/write-alignments alignments header)))

;; read and compare
(with-open [r (bam.core/reader temp-bam)]
(doseq [[i [input expected]] (->> #(generate-test-case alignments)
(repeatedly 10)
(map vector (range)))]
(testing (inc (long i))
(is (= expected
(prot/read-mate-alignments r input)))))))))
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions test/cljam/io/sam_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -468,3 +468,14 @@
(cio/file temp-bam-file)
(cio/as-url (cio/file temp-bam-file)))))

(deftest make-pairs-test
(testing "BAM"
(with-open [r (sam/reader test-sorted-bam-file)]
(let [[r001 r002 r003 r004 r003' r001'] (vec (sam/read-alignments r))]
(is (= [[r001 r001']]
(sam/make-pairs r [r001])))
(is (= [[r001 r001']]
(sam/make-pairs r [r001 r001'])))
(is (= [[r001 r001']] ;; r003 is not flagged as paired
(sam/make-pairs r [r001 r002 r003 r003' r004])))))))
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/cljam/io/util/bin_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,3 +197,16 @@
(number? (first %))
(number? (second %)))
(util-bin/get-spans csi* 0 1 100000)))))

(deftest get-multi-spans
(testing "tabix"
(let [tabix (tabix/read-index test-tabix-file)]
(is (= [[0 50872]]
(util-bin/get-multi-spans tabix 0 [[1 100]])))
(is (= [[0 50872]]
tabix 0 [[1 10] [10 20] [30 40] [40 50] [50 100]])))))
(testing "csi"
(let [csi (csi/read-index test-csi-file)]
(is (= [[3904 3973]]
(util-bin/get-multi-spans csi 0 [[1 100000]]))))))

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