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Encode regions properly where soft- and hard-mask are overlapped
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athos committed Nov 21, 2023
1 parent a86dfb3 commit 7288957
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 48 deletions.
90 changes: 42 additions & 48 deletions src/cljam/io/twobit/writer.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,45 +55,39 @@
(.putInt nseq)
(.putInt 0)))

(defn- mask-regions
"Returns a sequence of [start length] of masked regions."
[^bytes bs]
(let [len (count bs)]
(loop [r (transient [])
p -1
l -1
i 0]
(if (= i len)
(if (pos? l)
(persistent! (conj! r [p l]))
(persistent! r))
(if (<= (int \a) (int (aget bs i)))
(if (pos? l)
(recur r p (inc l) (inc i))
(recur r i 1 (inc i)))
(if (pos? l)
(recur (conj! r [p l]) -1 -1 (inc i))
(recur r -1 -1 (inc i))))))))

(defn- amb-regions
"Returns a sequence of [start length] of N regions."
[^bytes bs]
(let [len (count bs)]
(loop [r (transient [])
p -1
l -1
i 0]
(if (= i len)
(if (pos? l)
(persistent! (conj! r [p l]))
(persistent! r))
(if (= (int \N) (aget bs i))
(if (pos? l)
(recur r p (inc l) (inc i))
(recur r i 1 (inc i)))
(if (pos? l)
(recur (conj! r [p l]) -1 -1 (inc i))
(recur r -1 -1 (inc i))))))))
(defmacro ^:private long-pair [x y]
`(doto (long-array 2)
(aset 0 ~x)
(aset 1 ~y)))

(defn- masked-regions [^bytes bs]
(let [len (alength bs)]
(loop [i 0
masks (transient [])
mask-start -1
ambs (transient [])
amb-start -1]
(let [mask? (>= mask-start 0)
amb? (>= amb-start 0)]
(if (= i len)
(cond-> masks mask? (conj! (long-pair mask-start (- i mask-start)))))
(cond-> ambs amb? (conj! (long-pair amb-start (- i amb-start)))))]
(let [b (int (aget bs i))]
(if (< b (int \a))
(let [masks' (cond-> masks mask? (conj! (long-pair mask-start (- i mask-start))))]
(if (= b (int \N))
(let [amb-start' (if amb? amb-start i)]
(recur (inc i) masks' -1 ambs amb-start'))
(let [ambs' (cond-> ambs amb? (conj! (long-pair amb-start (- i amb-start))))]
(recur (inc i) masks' -1 ambs' -1))))
(let [mask-start' (if mask? mask-start i)]
(if (= b (int \n))
(let [amb-start' (if amb? amb-start i)]
(recur (inc i) masks mask-start' ambs amb-start'))
(let [ambs' (cond-> ambs amb? (conj! (long-pair amb-start (- i amb-start))))]
(recur (inc i) masks mask-start' ambs' -1)))))))))))

(defn- write-index!
[^TwoBitWriter w idx]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,24 +164,25 @@
(.putInt bb n))]
(write-int len)
(write-int (count ambs))
(run! #(write-int (nth % 0)) ambs)
(run! #(write-int (nth % 1)) ambs)
(run! #(write-int (aget ^longs % 0)) ambs)
(run! #(write-int (aget ^longs % 1)) ambs)
(write-int (count masks))
(run! #(write-int (nth % 0)) masks)
(run! #(write-int (nth % 1)) masks)
(run! #(write-int (aget ^longs % 0)) masks)
(run! #(write-int (aget ^longs % 1)) masks)
(write-int 0)
(write-twobit-bytes! w bs)))

(defn- write-sequences-without-index
[wtr xs]
(let [idx (map (fn [x]
(let [^String cs (or (:seq x) (:sequence x))
bs (some-> cs (.getBytes))]
bs (some-> cs (.getBytes))
[masks ambs] (masked-regions bs)]
{:name (or (:name x) (:rname x))
:seq bs
:len (count bs)
:masks (mask-regions bs)
:ambs (amb-regions bs)}))
:masks masks
:ambs ambs}))
(write-file-header! wtr (count xs))
(write-index! wtr idx)
Expand All @@ -203,8 +198,7 @@
(let [name' (or (:name x) (:rname x))
^String cs (or (:seq x) (:sequence x))
bs (some-> cs (.getBytes))
masks (mask-regions bs)
ambs (amb-regions bs)
[masks ambs] (masked-regions bs)
i (first (keep-indexed #(when (= (:name %2) name') %1) @idx-atom))]
(vswap! idx-atom update i assoc :masks masks :ambs ambs)
(write-sequence! wtr (nth @idx-atom i) bs)))
Expand Down

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