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athos committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent a514b2e commit 36b39e8
Showing 1 changed file with 284 additions and 0 deletions.
284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions src/cljam/io/cram.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
{:clj-kondo/ignore [:missing-docstring]}
(:require [ :as bb]
[ :as lsb]
[ :as])
(:import [
[java.util Arrays]
[org.apache.commons.compress.compressors CompressorStreamFactory]))

(def ^:const cram-magic "CRAM")

(defn decode-itf8 ^long [in]
(let [b (long (lsb/read-ubyte in))]
(cond (zero? (bit-and b 0x80))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x40))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x7f) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x20))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x3f) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x10))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x1f) 24)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x0f) 28)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 20)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 12)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 4)
(bit-and (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 0x0f)))))

(defn decode-ltf8 ^long [in]
(let [b (long (lsb/read-ubyte in))]
(cond (zero? (bit-and b 0x80))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x40))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x7f) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x20))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x3f) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x10))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x1f) 24)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x08))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x07) 32)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 24)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x04))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x03) 40)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 32)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 24)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x02))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (bit-and b 0x01) 48)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 40)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 32)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 24)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(zero? (bit-and b 0x01))
(bit-or (bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 48)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 40)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 32)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 24)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in)))

(bit-or (bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 56)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 48)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 40)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 32)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 24)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 16)
(bit-shift-left (long (lsb/read-ubyte in)) 8)
(long (lsb/read-ubyte in))))))

(defn decode-array [^RandomAccessFile in elem-fn]
(let [start (.getFilePointer in)
size (decode-itf8 in)]
(loop [pos start, acc (transient [])]
(if (< (- pos start) size)
(let [e (elem-fn in)]
(recur (.getFilePointer in) (conj! acc e)))
(persistent! acc)))))

(defn decode-encoding [in]
(let [codec-id (decode-itf8 in)
_n (decode-itf8 in)]
(case codec-id
0 {:codec :null}
1 (let [content-id (decode-itf8 in)]
{:codec :external
:content-id content-id})
3 (let [alphabet (decode-array in decode-itf8)
bit-len (decode-array in decode-itf8)]
{:codec :huffman, :alphabet alphabet, :bit-len bit-len})
4 (let [len-encoding (decode-encoding in)
val-encoding (decode-encoding in)]
{:codec :byte-array-len, :len-encoding len-encoding, :val-encoding val-encoding})
5 (let [stop-byte (lsb/read-byte in)
external-id (decode-itf8 in)]
{:codec :byte-array-stop, :stop-byte stop-byte, :external-id external-id})
6 (let [offset (decode-itf8 in)
length (decode-itf8 in)]
{:codec :beta, :offset offset, :length length})
7 (let [offset (decode-itf8 in)
k (decode-itf8 in)]
{:codec :subexp, :offset offset, :k k})
9 (let [offset (decode-itf8 in)]
{:codec :gamma, :offset offset})
(throw (ex-info (str "codec " codec-id " not supported") {})))))

(defn decode-file-definition [in]
(when-not (Arrays/equals ^bytes (lsb/read-bytes in 4) (.getBytes cram-magic))
(throw (IOException. "Invalid CRAM file")))
(let [major (lsb/read-ubyte in)
minor (lsb/read-ubyte in)
file-id (lsb/read-bytes in 20)]
{:version {:major major :minor minor}, :id file-id}))

(defn decode-container-header [in]
(let [len (lsb/read-int in)
ref-seq-id (decode-itf8 in)
start-pos (decode-itf8 in)
span (decode-itf8 in)
n-records (decode-itf8 in)
counter (decode-ltf8 in)
n-bases (decode-ltf8 in)
n-blocks (decode-itf8 in)
landmarks (decode-array in decode-itf8)
crc (lsb/read-bytes in 4)]
{:length len
:ref ref-seq-id
:start start-pos
:span span
:records n-records
:counter counter
:bases n-bases
:blocks n-blocks
:landmarks landmarks
:crc crc}))

(def decode-block-data
(let [factory (CompressorStreamFactory.)]
(fn [in method size raw-size]
(let [raw-data (lsb/read-bytes in size)]
(if (zero? method)
(let [bais (ByteArrayInputStream. raw-data)]
;; TODO: create appropriate compressor input stream for method
(with-open [is (DataInputStream. (.createCompressorInputStream factory bais))]
( is raw-size))))))))

(defn decode-block [in]
(let [method (lsb/read-byte in)
content-type-id (lsb/read-byte in)
content-id (decode-itf8 in)
size (decode-itf8 in)
raw-size (decode-itf8 in)
data (decode-block-data in method size raw-size)
crc (lsb/read-bytes in 4)]
{:method method
:content-type content-type-id
:content-id content-id
:size size
:raw-size raw-size
:data data
:crc crc}))

(defn decode-cram-header [in]
(let [{:keys [data]} (decode-block in)
bb (bb/make-lsb-byte-buffer data)
size (bb/read-uint bb)]
(bb/read-bytes bb size)))

(defn decode-tag-dictionary [in]
(letfn [(decode-tags [in]
(loop [acc (transient [])]
(let [c1 (lsb/read-ubyte in)]
(if (zero? c1)
(persistent! acc)
(let [c2 (lsb/read-ubyte in)
t (lsb/read-ubyte in)
tag (keyword (str (char c1) (char c2)))]
(recur (conj! acc {:tag tag, :type (char t)})))))))]
(decode-array in decode-tags)))

(defn decode-preservation-map [in]
(let [_size (decode-itf8 in)
n (decode-itf8 in)]
(loop [n n, acc (transient {:RN true, :AP true, :RR true})]
(if (zero? n)
(persistent! acc)
(let [k (keyword (String. (lsb/read-bytes in 2)))
v (case k
(:RN :AP :RR) (pos? (lsb/read-byte in))
:SM (lsb/read-bytes in 5)
:TD (decode-tag-dictionary in))]
(recur (dec n) (assoc! acc k v)))))))

(defn decode-data-series-encodings [in]
(let [_size (decode-itf8 in)
n (decode-itf8 in)]
(loop [n n, acc (transient {})]
(if (zero? n)
(persistent! acc)
(let [k (keyword (String. (lsb/read-bytes in 2)))
v (decode-encoding in)]
(recur (dec n) (assoc! acc k v)))))))

(defn decode-tag-encoding-map [in]
(let [_size (decode-itf8 in)
n (decode-itf8 in)]
(loop [n n, acc (transient {})]
(if (zero? n)
(persistent! acc)
(let [k (decode-itf8 in)
c1 (char (bit-and (bit-shift-right k 16) 0xff))
c2 (char (bit-and (bit-shift-right k 8) 0xff))
t (char (bit-and k 0xff))
v (decode-encoding in)
tag (keyword (str c1 c2))]
(recur (dec n) (assoc! acc tag {:type t :encoding v})))))))

(defn decode-compression-header [in]
(let [preservation-map (decode-preservation-map in)
data-series-encodings (decode-data-series-encodings in)
tag-encoding-map (decode-tag-encoding-map in)]
{:preservation-map preservation-map
:data-series data-series-encodings
:tags tag-encoding-map}))

(defn decode-slice-header [in]
(let [ref-seq-id (decode-itf8 in)
start (decode-itf8 in)
span (decode-itf8 in)
n-records (decode-itf8 in)
counter (decode-ltf8 in)
n-blocks (decode-itf8 in)
content-ids (into [] (map (fn [_] (decode-itf8 in)))
(range n-blocks))
embedded-reference (decode-itf8 in)
reference-md5 (lsb/read-bytes in 16)
tags [(lsb/read-ubyte in) (lsb/read-ubyte in)]]
{:ref-seq-id ref-seq-id
:start start
:span span
:records n-records
:counter counter
:blocks n-blocks
:content-ids content-ids
:embedded-reference embedded-reference
:reference-md5 reference-md5
:tags tags}))

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