first, use your favorite command line tool and go into the root of this project:
cd /waveform-visualizer
then use the follwing command in the root of this repository to build the waveform-visualizer itself:
npm run build
Note: for more instructions about the waveform-visualizer itself check out the waveform-visualizer README
then, build the example (server & client) itself:
go into the example folder:
cd /waveform-visualizer/examples/simple-waveform
install the latest nodejs (if you haven't already) nodejs
update npm to latest version
npm install npm@latest -g
install the server dependencies
cd client
npm i
npm run build
cd server
npm i
npm run build
start the server
npm run start
open the project in your browser:
- click the play button to launch the song
- the stop button (you guessed it) stops the song from playing
- click into the waveform to change the song position
- you can adjust the volume using the volume bar at the bottom
check out the /waveform-visualizer/examples/simple-waveform/client/src/
source code, especially /client/src/library/visualizer.ts
to get an idea of how you can use the visualizer in your own projects
- the audio player I used for the demo, is another of my projects and is available on npm too:
- the waveform data for the song was generated using another of my projects, the "waveform data generator" and the source code to build create your own data can be found on github:
the linting is now done via the npm run lint command of the main project
when using the express types, you will get an error at build time, that says:
Namespace 'serveStatic' has no exported member 'RequestHandlerConstructor'
to fix this I added two new sections to the example server package.json:
the first one is for npm:
"overrides": {
"@types/serve-static": "1.15.1"
the second one is for yarn:
"resolutions": {
"@types/serve-static": "1.15.1"
both will override the express static types used by the express types
as of now the related ticket on github has no PR and the problem is not solved: DefinitelyTyped issues: #49595, when this gets fixed, we will be able to remove the two sections of the package.json that do an override of the server static types version