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202 lines (138 loc) · 8.62 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (138 loc) · 8.62 KB


All the configuration needed to customize vitamin is done through a .vitaminrc file at the root of your project.

##Table of content

Path (<Route>|store=><Route>)

Root route of your application. This is the only mandatory element for running vitaminjs.` You can export a function. If you do so, the function will be call with the redux store. Useful for registering listener before the application starts. You might want to do that only on client side[TODO link to IS_CLIENT].

Config option for redux, specified in the redux key of the config object.

Path Object

A path to a file exporting an object of reducers. TODO Print a nice warning when user export a simple reducer with combineReducer

Path Array

A path to a file exporting an array of redux middleware. By default, vitamin adds the router and redux-thunk middleware.

Path [ StoreEnhancers ]

A path to a file exporting an array of store enhancers.


Path to a file exporting two functions.

  • stringify: State-> String
  • parse: String -> State

Used for transmetting the state computed by the server to the client. By default, it serialize the state with JSON. It should be good if you're doing Vanilla redux. If, however, you use some fancy structure in your state (for instance Immutable.js, you can specify a different parser and stringifier.

Config option for server side rendering, specified in the server key of the config object.


The host of the node server. Default to process.env.HOSTor localhost if not set

String | Integer

The port on which the node server is listening. Default to process.env.PORTor 3000


If you don't want to serve the static files with vitaminjs, but use a custom server instead, you can specify its URL here (usually it means you want to use a CDN, or that you don't not using server side rendering). [TODO : change name to staticAssetsPath]

Path [ koaMiddleware ]

Path to a file exporting an array of koa middlewares. Useful for additional logging, proxy request, authentication or other things on server.

Path (KoaRequest, dispatch, getState) -> yieldable

Path to a file exporting an actionDispatcher. Useful for populating the store on the server before rendering. The actionDispatcher is passed the node http request object, the dispatch function, and getState as parameters. It's expected to return something that can be yield (Promise, Generator, etc..) or nothing. If it returns a yieldable, then the server will wait for its completion before continuing.

Path <ReactComponent>

You can customize the HTML layout rendered by the server (if you really need to). ####Props

  • head: The head from react-helmet
  • style: The CSS of the page as a string
  • children: The app itself (or the error pages)

Path <ReactComponent>

The page displayed when an error occurs.


  • HTTPStatus: the error throwed. Useful for printing stack. Only passed when in dev mode.
  • request: The koa request object
  • error (optional): If the page is displayed because of an error thrown during rendering (500) you'll find here the javascript Error object (with the usual name, message and stack props)
  • state (optional): The redux state object, if it's present

Path (context: { HTTPStatus: Number, request: [KoaRequest], error: Error, state: ReduxState })

This function will be called server side when an error occurs during the application rendering. Useful for advanced logging.


  • context: An object containing specifics about the error
    • HTTPStatus: the error throwed. Useful for printing stack. Only passed when in dev mode.
    • request: The koa request object
    • error (optional): If the page is displayed because of an error thrown during rendering (500) you'll find here the javascript Error object (with the usual name, message and stack properties)
    • state (optional): The redux state object, if it's present


The path relative to the application root where both server bundle is going to be generated. Default to ./build


Define the filename of the server bundle. It will be created at the root of server.buildPath. By default, it's server_bundle.js


You can specify a basepath for your vitaminjs application. It will be prepended to all the internal link inside your app. Useful for mounting your whole app on a subpath.


The path from which all the public ressources should be made available. If it's relative, the public folder will be mounted on it. It can also be absolute. It behave similarly to the webpack output.publicPath option. Default to assets.

Config options for the client


The path relative to the application root where the clients assets will be generated (bundle, files, sourcemaps...). This path will be served statically by vitamin server. Default to ./public


Define the filename of the client build. It is relative to build.path. You can include a hash, with the placeholder [hash]. Behave like webpack output.filename. By default, it's client_bundle.[hash].js


Path to the service worker, if you have one. Vitaminjs will prepend a constant named serviceWorkerOption during the compilation. This constant will contains all the assets names generated during compilation. You'll have to cache them manually, register the service manually etc... This is juste a little helper. You can access the service worker under /<basePath>/<publicPath>/sw.js. Default to `false


If you want to run your application without headers, you can define here the element ID where the app will append itself. By default, it's vitamin-app