Script to automate the build of various Libretro cores, Nxengine-evo, Retroarch, PPSSPP, ScummVM, Emulationstation-fcamod for use with RK3326 devices (including Chi, OGA, OGS, RG351P/M/MP/V, and the RK2020)
This script was designed to work with 32bit and 64bit chroot Linux environments for the RK3326 chipset.
See this document for instructions on how to create them yourself.
You can also download a prebuilt one I created by following the information here
Or you can use a Docker container contributed by Chad Scribner.
This script is designed to only build cores, retroarch and PPSSPP that are compatible with the aarch64 or armhf environment it's run from. So to build cores for the 32bit armhf environment, it should be run from an arm32 environment such as a 32bit chroot.
How to use: (In a aarch64 chroot or armhf chroot or building from Ubuntu based distro on a RK3326 device)
git clone
cd rk3326_core_builds
./ all
To build all libretro core scripts including mame and mess ones (Warning, a very long build. Maybe even over 24 hours!):
./ ALL
./ amiberry
./ applewin
./ applewinsa
./ 81
./ a5200
./ arduous
./ ardens
./ atari800
./ b2
./ beetle-psx
./ bluemsx
./ cap32
./ crocods
./ chimerasnes
./ devilutionx
./ dosbox_pure
./ desmume2015
./ doukutsu-rs-lr
./ duckstation
./ duckstationsa
./ easyrpg
./ ecwolf
./ ecwolfsa
./ emuscv
./ ep128emu
./ fake08sa
./ fake08
./ fbneo
./ fbneo-kmfd
./ fbneosa
./ freeintv
./ freej2me
./ freej2me-plus
./ gambatte
./ gearsystem
./ gearcoleco
./ genesis-plus-gx
./ genesis-plus-gx-wide
./ gpsp
./ gzdoom
./ handy
./ hatari
./ hatarib
./ fceumm
./ flycast
./ fly_flycast
./ flycastsa
./ fmsx
./ freeintv
./ freechaf
./ gearsystem
./ hypseus
./ hypseus-singe
./ linapplesa
./ lynx
##To build just mame (64bit only); <--Very long build. Could be 24 hours or more to complete.
./ mame
./ mame2000
./ mame2003
./ mame2003-plus
./ mame2010
./ mednafen
./ melonds
./ mesen
./ mess
./ mgba
./ microvisionsa
./ minivmac
./ mu
./ mupen64plus-nx
./ mupen64plussa
./ nekop2
./ neocd
./ nestopia
./ ngp
./ np2kai
./ numero
./ o2em
./ onscripter
./ onscripteryuri
./ openbor
./ openmsx
./ opera
./ piemusa
./ potator
./ pce_fast
./ pcfx
./ prboom
./ prosystem
./ puae
./ puae2021
./ puzzlescript
./ px68k
./ pokemini
./ parallel-n64
./ picodrive
./ pcsx_rearmed
./ ppsspp
./ ppsspp-libretro
`./ quasi88
`./ race
./ samecdi
./ sameboy
./ sameduck
./ scummvm
./ scummvm-libretro
./ smsplus-gx
./ solarus
./ snes9x
./ snes9x2005
./ supafaust
./ supergrafx
./ swanstation
./ theodore
./ tic-80
./ quicknes
./ uae4arm
./ uzem
./ vbam
./ vba-next
./ vectrex
./ vemulator
./ vice
./ vircon32
./ vb
./ virtualjaguar
./ wasm4
./ yabasanshiro
./ yabasanshirosa
./ yabause
./ yapesdlsa
./ x1
./ xroar
./ retroarch
./ nxengine-evo
./ sdlpop
./ es_add_scrape
./ es_build
./ NetworkManager
./ sdl2
./ wpa_supplicant
./ update
./ clean