This is a 5-day weather dashboard. You can search for any city and the dashboard will pull up the current weather conditions, as well as weather conditions for the next 5 days. You can also see past city searches on the search history and click on the history to go back to that selesscted city's weather
Enter in your city of choice and select search to view the current weather conditions and forecast for the next 5 days. Previous searches are saved in localStorage and search historys are available as buttons in order for easy access and re-searching of weather and forecasts.
Here is the deployed application:
The following screenshots demonstrates functionality:
Type in your city of choice into the search bar and click the search button.
You will see the current weather conditions for that city on the right hand side.
You will see a search history grow after each new search. You can click on any past city to get the current weather conditions.This is where my code is at currently and not finshed.