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Chrisforsure edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 8 revisions


This repository hosts a variety of Automate flows tailored for Pokemon Go players. Built with LlamaLab’s Automate, these flows offer automation solutions for common in-game tasks. All flows are designed to work with the free version of Automate. It’s recommended to disable logging while using these flows, as the logs can become quite lengthy over time.

Getting Started

Installation: Instructions on how to install and set up the Automate app and the flows.

  1. Open the Google Play Store.
  2. Search for "Automate" by LlamaLab.
  3. Tap "Install" to download and install the app.
  4. Open the app from your device's app drawer.
  5. Import flows.


  • Open & send presents: This flow automates gift opening and sending in Pokémon Go, activated by the volume down button. You need to be in the friend list and have at least sent one gift with a preferred sticker. To stop the flow, press the volume up button.
  • Send presents: This flow automates gift sending in Pokémon Go, activated by the volume down button. You need to be in the friend list and have at least sent one gift with a preferred sticker. To stop the flow, press the volume up button.
  • Open presents: This flow automates gift opening in Pokémon Go, activated by the volume down button. To stop the flow, press the volume up button. Upon stopping, the flow will provide a brief summary indicating the number of times it has run. This is faster than the combined flow.
  • PoGo CalcIV scan & rename V2: This flow automates Pokémon scanning and renaming in conjunction with CalcIV, activated by the volume down button. You need to have CalcIV installed and set up a nickname profile. To stop the flow, press the volume up button.
  • Endless raid lobby: This flow re-adds you to the Pokémon Go raid lobby repeatedly before the countdown ends, aiming to signal your presence to others. It is activated by the volume down button. To stop the flow, press the volume up button.
  • Go++ [German]: Dieser Flow für Pokémon GO Plus + zählt und analysiert Items und Pokémon-Fänge. Informationen werden in einer Benachrichtigung angezeigt. Er ist aktiviert durch die Leiser-Taste. Zum Anhalten den Lauter-Knopf drücken. (This flow for Pokémon GO Plus + counts and analyzes items and Pokémon catches. Information is displayed in a notification. It is activated by the volume down button. To stop, press the volume up button.)


I welcome contributions from anyone who is interested in Automate flows for Pokemon Go players. Whether you have a bug fix, a new feature, or a suggestion, we appreciate your input and feedback. Here are some ways you can contribute to this project:

  • Suggest your own flows: If you have created or modified a flow that you think would be useful for other Pokemon Go players, you can share it with us. You can either post it on the discussion board or submit a pull request to the repository. Please make sure to include a clear description of what your flow does, how to use it, and any screenshots or videos if possible.
  • Report issues: If you encounter any problems or errors while using the flows, please let me know by opening an issue on the repository. Please include as much detail as possible, such as the flow name, the steps to reproduce the issue, and any error messages or logs.
  • Propose enhancements: If you have an idea for improving the existing flows or adding new features, you can propose it by opening an issue on the repository. Please explain your rationale and how your enhancement would benefit the users. You can also vote on the existing enhancement proposals by adding a 👍 reaction.
  • Review code: If you have some automate skills, you can help me review the changes submitted by other contributors. You can check the pull requests on the repository and leave your comments or suggestions.

Guidelines for Contributing

Before you contribute to the project, please make sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Use the latest version of Automate: The flows are designed to work with the latest version of Automate, which you can download from the Google Play Store. If you use an older version, some features may not work properly or cause errors.
  • Test your code: Before you submit your code, please make sure to test it thoroughly and ensure that it works as intended.
  • Document your code: Please add a readme to your code to explain what it does and how it works. Also add a pdf of the flow, generated by the app.

Process for Submitting Pull Requests

If you want to submit a pull request to the repository, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository: You can fork the repository by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right corner of the repository page. This will create a copy of the repository on your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the repository: You can clone the repository to your local machine by using the git clone command. You will need to have Git installed on your machine. You can find the URL of your forked repository by clicking on the "Code" button on the repository page.
  3. Create a branch: You can create a new branch for your code changes by using the git checkout -b command. Please use a descriptive name for your branch, such as feature/new-flow or fix/issue-123.
  4. Make your changes: You can make your changes to the flow using the automate app. Please keep it clean and test your code before committing.
  5. Commit your changes: You can commit your changes to your branch by using the git commit command. Please use a clear and concise commit message, such as Add new flow for catching shiny Pokemon or Fix bug in gift sending flow.
  6. Push your changes: You can push your changes to your forked repository by using the git push command. You will need to specify the name of your branch and the URL of your forked repository.
  7. Create a pull request: You can create a pull request by going to the original repository page and clicking on the "New pull request" button. You will need to select your forked repository and your branch as the source, and the original repository and the main branch as the destination. Please fill in the pull request template with the details of your code changes, such as the purpose, the description, the screenshots, and the testing steps. You can also link any relevant issues by using the # symbol followed by the issue number, such as #123.
  8. Wait for review: After you create your pull request, it will be reviewed by the project team or other contributors. You may receive some comments or suggestions on your code, which you can address by making further changes and pushing them to your branch. Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged to the main branch of the original repository.

Thank you for your interest and contribution to the project! I appreciate your help and feedback!


If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions about the Automate flows for Pokemon Go, you can contact me in the following ways:

  • Open a discussion: You can start a new discussion on the discussion board of the repository. This is the best way to share your ideas, ask for help, or connect with other users.
  • Comment on the main thread: You can also comment on the main thread of the discussion board, where we introduce ourselves and our project. You can tell us about yourself and your experience with Automate flows.
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