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How to Mod Songs

ChrisderWahre edited this page May 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Modding songs is made easy with this tool,

if you want to automatic load your settings please read this

So lets get started by Starting the Tool,

  1. Go Over to the Settings tab and Select your Local Sound Path which is a Copy of the BGM folder in JSRF/Media/Z_ADX/BGM

  2. Select a Song, you see all songs to mod listed, you can pick everything from the List, you may ask "what are the Set files in the list?" these are basicly the Playlist that play in the Game, here (which also can be viewed by clicking "What are the Set files" in the Tool) is a post with all Playlists listed, we are using The Concept of Love in this Tutorial, so we click it to select.

  3. We are going to click "Replace this Song" and a window should open which asks to select a file to replace, supported sound files are .wav and .adx, after selecting it, click Open.

  4. Its done!... Now the Song has been replaced with the selected Sound File, if it was .wav it automaticly has been converted

  5. (Optional) Configure FTP Settings, you click on the Settings tab again and set your FTP Settings,

XBox IP gets your XBox' IP

XBox Port gets the XBox' Port (default is "21")

XBox User gets the XBox' User (default is "xbox")

XBox Password gets the XBox' Password (default is "xbox")

XBox Song Path gets the XBox' Game Path (should be in this format: "/E/Games/Jet Set Radio Future/Media/Z_ADX/BGM")

  1. (Optional) Click FTP to XBOX to send the selected file back to your XBox!