A python game intended at those who are visually impaired. The game works like simon says, where a facial expression maps to a sound. 2 players take turns to repeat the previous pattern of facial expressions, before adding a new expression. The game ends when a player makes a mistake. To understand what expression another player has made, each of the three possible expressions: frowning, smiling, and opening your mouth, are mapped to a sound.
In order to run the game run python game-mechanism.py
To see the facial feature tracking from the webcam run python facial_expressions.py in /lib You can run both at the same time.
Code for the facial tracking was adapted from https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/04/10/detect-eyes-nose-lips-jaw-dlib-opencv-python/ and https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/04/17/real-time-facial-landmark-detection-opencv-python-dlib/
This project won 2nd place at MLH Hack the South 2019
link to demo video: https://youtu.be/W6az4FgqbGg