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New member orientation


Three ways to get tool usage

Checkout - if you already know

email to schedule checkout areas, not tools checkout safety + usage

Classes - Can’t find one? Email


Some one teaches you you do low level work eventually you’ll be checked out

google groups

membership business reserve tools - 5h (email if needed longer) first come first served if not reserved


You get a drawer when (you want one and have stuff to put in your drawer)

long running projects need Membership approval

There are places to store extra materials (steel, plastic, wood, etc)

Clearly label what is yours - if you don’t put your name on it it is property of the lab

If you store materials here to long we’ll complain to you. This is not a storage space

stuff gets moved around. If you don’t want your stainless to get scratched you need to protect it

If you can’t fit your project in your bay or drawer, you need to take it home or get it out of the way

If not it may eventually get scraped.


Put tools back

Sweep up debris

Request access to the member forums

google groups or bottom of the site

request membership and we’ll add you

Email the forums 24 hours in advance by mailing the list

You can’t request anything for more than 5 hours unless it’s a 3d printer

Check the calendar because courses and meetups take priority over your reservation


Check the calendar for meetups

If you want to set up a meetup let us (officers) know

The open houses are the best time to get advice. If not ask the google groups for who can help you

Member meetings are the last Sunday of every month

You must apply for voting membership in advance of the meeting and then we’ll let you in.


You must attend safety meetings in the first two months of being here if you want to use the shops

If you can’t make the safety orientation, email us and we’ll schedule a one on one


you break it you bought it on bandsaw blades

bring most materials!

project types

we are a non-profit. If you’re doing for profit work you need to talk to us and we may ask you to pay more

Safety orientation

This is not a training session, we have classes for every individual tool

This place is a gian experiment

We are here to give people access to things that they normally wouldn’t have access to As as a result there is no one cleaning up, checking safety on a daily basis It’s easy to break equipment or hurt yourself, you’re responsible for yourself Remember that you’re taking advantage of the hard work of people who have built TXRX Be safe and respectful of those who have made this place for you Not everyone is at the same level! Some people come from an industrial background, others don’t

Be aware of your surroundings

If you see someone not being safe, say something Keep an eye out for safety hazards and point them out to officers or email

You don’t know who used things before you.

In your house you people don’t move things, but in the lab, 20 people have used it since you last did Re-configure machines, check safety equipment EVERY time you use it.

General PPE

ALWAYS wear safety glasses

Just because you’re not working doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt by someone else Even someone 30 feet away can send debris far enought to hurt you Even something as simple as an air hose can send debris flying and get in your eye Feel free to buy your own safety glasses because ours kind of suck Safety glasses are even needed in the “safe” side of txrx (etching chemicals can blind you) Think about people around you when you work If someone approaches you without safety glasses, tell them to put them on

Ear protection

Even sitting next to a dishwasher for 4 hours can damage your hearing We have foam ear plugs, the big ear muffs are much better Keep a pair of ear plugs on you just in case In general, having PPE near you will greatly increase your likelyhood of using it If you’re going to do something really loud, let people in the lab know You don’t want to startle people who are working with dangerous tools

clothing protection


There is heavy metal stuff that can shear your foot clean off If you’re going to work in the shop by yourself you need to invest in a pair of work boots If you have exposed ankles, falling hot or sharp debris can get in your shoe.


Stay away from plastics - if something hot hits it plastics melt into your skin Materials that char (natural fibers) clean off your skin very easily Long work pants and a work shirt protects you from razor sharp steel The wood shop is a little more forgiving, so we’re more lax about shorts Damaged clothing is just begging for injury Baggy clothes can get caught on tools or other items and inhibit your motion

Hair + jewelry

If you have long hair, put in a pony tail and have it in a bun or inside your shirt People have broken ther neck by having the hair caught in a lathe Hair catches on fire if your welding Jewelry can get easily caught A watch is a great conductor that can short out a welder and melt to your arm If a ring gets crushed it has to be cut off your finger, making the injury much much worse


Make sure you have plenty of ventilation Damage from fumes is cumulative! You don’t know you’re doing damage, but it’ll give you lung cancer in a decade Use a mask for anything with dust


120 Volts isn’t that bad, but can be dangerous the 480 V triple phase almost certainly will hurt you Increased power is increased danger You have to almost intentionally hurt yourself with a hand shear A press break will take your hand off without slowing down If there are exposed wires, water near electical equipment, or anything else tell us It’s easy to break wires with heavy or hot stuff Not only should you report damaged electrical, but be sure not to avoid damaging cords DO NOT BREAK OFF GROUNDING PINS ON EXTENSION CORDS

You’re not a certified repair person

Do not repair anything Report to us Ronnie will put big pieces of silver electrical tape on it that says “BROKEN” In general anything that is not hooked up should be considered broken

Fire safety

There are places to keep solvents and other flamable materials Don’t leave oily rags around Check for flamable materials before you work (other peoples oily rags) Be on the lookout! if something starts smoking when it shouldn’t, stop working and figure out why There are fire extinguishers around, be mindful of those


Don’t use things as ladders that aren’t ladders! Ladders are good for climbing on other things aren’t Someone put a ladder on a palet rack and knocked a machine over. If someone had been on the other side, they would have died Do not over load racks or place things precariously on them Watch for other people who do Putting an open box of a chemical on a rack is a hazard because someone who doesn’t know might spill some If it’s dangerous it must be labeled If it’s dangerous you must consult us as to where to store it



AVG Acrobat Notepad++ preform Laserworks Chrome Python Arduino sketchup 123D Make Inkscape Inkskape + BBS DXF Exporter Eagle Makerware Doraware Draftsight Sheetcam Maya 2015 Inventor 2015 Autocad 2015


Meshcam (?) Illustrator Photoshop