1.1.0 (2024-12-20)
- fixed errors caused by updated tseslint (8453542)
- prepare for husky v10 (ef227d0)
1.0.12 (2024-05-31)
- commitlint: relocate commitlint dependencies to devDependencies (ae4e166)
1.0.11 (2024-05-31)
1.0.10 (2024-05-30)
- ESLint: turn off vue rules that conflict with prettier (e216ca5)
1.0.9 (2024-05-30)
- fixed prettier conflict with vue rules issue (1055682)
1.0.8 (2024-05-28)
- added checking before adding script to package.json to prevent crash (caf40e3)
1.0.7 (2024-05-28)
- fixed composer crash if user didn't init git when preparing husky (1b95246)
1.0.6 (2024-05-28)
- fixed composer crash if user didn't init git when preparing husky (16eaac1)
1.0.5 (2024-05-21)
- ESLint: updated way of importing react recommended (f5588f2)
1.0.4 (2024-05-21)
- ESLint: fixed invalid package (4571a51)
1.0.3 (2024-05-21)
- ESLint: fixed incorrect handling of non module project (3d46941)
1.0.2 (2024-05-21)
- fixed fn name typo backupBeforeWrite instead of writeBeforeWrite (bbdb8fd)
- Husky: fixed husky directory unable to init issue (2a338fd)
1.0.1 (2024-05-21)
- Git: fixed .gitignore being ignored when publish issue (733b2f6)
- added --preset / -P for importing preset answers (177ceb6)
- added commitlint in workflow & integrated with husky (95851eb)
- added detail config to eslint config template (50d31b0)
- added eslint & prettier integrated scripts (c0919c8)
- added husky in workflow (28c5ec1)
- added ts questions and tasks (d54ec94)
- docker & git: implemented docker & git (cf58326)
- implement eslint commitlint config (9b09a3b)
- implemented eslint tasks (d5748ef)
- lint-staged: implemented lint-staged (ffc0055)
- release-it: implemented release-it (e4ffb87)
- add check when integrate with husky (7b3e884)
- added commitlint config to eslint ignores (74cee10)
- commitlint: fixed incorrect function name (6eca5ed)
- fixed eslint config ignores should come first issue (3f065ad)
- fixed eslint not able to look up files issue (2fe6fd6)
- fixed incorrect ignore glob (66f255e)
- fixed incorrect task order (938904f)
- fixed invalid import (b7408cd)
- prevent duplicate backup (1c24389)
- better cooperation between eslint and prettier (88742c5)
- changed release-it config from js to json due to support issue (030c9c0)
- fixed package manager const types (d990842)
- flatten code structure (8e16ea8)
- foundation refactoring to improve DX (a65d3b1)
- moved quote control to editor config (c555105)
- renamed technical stack direction to onboarding (eec66ed)
- sync task file name and function name (ecaeab1)
- updated eslint & prettier script to fit lint-staged (5367d4e)
- updated package manager install script (36e6801)