diff --git a/src/content/docs/en-us/features/package-synchronization/sync-command.mdx b/src/content/docs/en-us/features/package-synchronization/sync-command.mdx
index e1980321d99..17b1568aeb8 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/en-us/features/package-synchronization/sync-command.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/en-us/features/package-synchronization/sync-command.mdx
@@ -10,48 +10,159 @@ import Xref from '@components/Xref.astro';
## Sync Command
-Starting in 1.9.0 of the licensed extension, sync has been added as a preview feature for organizations to try out. Currently Business edition only, but expected to be in Pro+ at some point - check https://chocolatey.org/compare#compare for availability.
+Chocolatey is aware of, and manages, Chocolatey packages. What about your existing software, installed prior to your use of Chocolatey? How do you track and manage those items over time?
+Package Synchronizer, available in Chocolatey For Business, inspects Programs and Features and attempts to generate Chocolatey packaging for every item not currently under management of Chocolatey.
Sync looks at all software that is in Programs and Features that is not being managed with Chocolatey packages and brings them under management. This means you can run one command and suddenly, all of the software installed on a machine is under management by Chocolatey!
### Usage
-To synchronize your system, Simply call `choco sync` and Chocolatey will ensure that all software in Programs and Features comes under Chocolatey management and provides you the packages/package sources so you can add them to source control for managing those packages over time.
-#### Setup
+#### View software available to sync
-At 1.9.0, sync is in preview. You need to turn it on by enabling the feature `allowPreviewFeatures`:
+To see what programs are able to be synchronized use the following:
-* `choco feature enable --name allowPreviewFeatures`
+###### Chocolatey v2.x and newer
-### See it in action
+choco list --include-programs
-We've prepared a short video to show sync in action:
+###### Chocolatey v1.x and older
-[](https://youtu.be/tzSsYHYsjf4 "Chocolatey's Package Synchronizer - Sync Command")
+choco list --local-only --include-programs
- To see all feature videos for Chocolatey for Business, please visit https://chocolatey.org/resources/features#c4b.
+ The sync command will create a folder for each package it creates inside a `sync` folder in the directory from which the sync command is executed.
+ It is recommended you use a known, clean directory when running the sync command to make things a little easier to find afterwords.
+ The packaging folders can then be checked into source control, where you can manage the packages over time.
+#### Sync all unmanaged applications
+To sync all unmanaged software using default package ids, run the following:
+choco sync
+#### Sync an individual application
+It is possible to sync a specific application to Chocolatey using the following command line where `--id` is the name of the application exactly as shown in Programs and Features, and `--package-id` is the name you wish to give the Chocolatey package to track and manage the application over time
+choco sync --id='Application DisplayName' --package-id='choco-package-id'
+ If you intend to leverage [Package Internalizer]() you will want the Chocolatey package id as it exists on the Chocolatey Community Repository, allowing for automated updates to the package.
-In the following image, sync is run on a system that has 18 applications installed and a base Chocolatey for Business install. Note after running sync, all software on the machine is now being managed by Chocolatey.
+#### Scripting Package Internalizer
+If you are like us, you want to automate as much of your job as you can. All of Chocolatey's features lend themselves very well to automation, and Sync is no exception. Below is a PowerShell function you can
+use in your environment to make leveraging Package Synchronizer a cinch!
+function Sync-Package {
+ <#
+ Runs choco sync on a system
+ Run choco sync against a system with eiher a single item or from a map
+ The Package id for the synced package
+ .PARAMETER DisplayName
+ The Diplay Name From Programs and Features
+ A hashtable of DisplayName and PackageIds
-Text in the image above:
+ Sync-Package
-Package Synchronizer's Sync Command
+ Sync everything from Programs and Features not under Chocolatey management
-- Brings unmanaged software under Chocolatey management
-- Provides you the source packaging and package output
-- Automate existing systems in under 90 seconds!
-- Machine parseable with `-r`
-- Links existing packages not tracking to Programs and Features
+ Sync-Package -Id googlechrome -DisplayName 'Google Chrome'
-This image shows running `choco sync`. It shows first a system that has 18 applications installed outside of Chocolatey, then runs `choco sync` and watches Chocolatey generate packages and baseline the system. Then it shows `choco list -lo --include-programs` again, which shows that all software on the machine is now being managed by Chocolatey.
+ Sync the Google Chrome application from Programs and Features to the googlechrome package id
+ Sync-Package -Map @{'Google Chrome' = 'googlechrome'}
+ Sync from a hashtable of DisplayName:PackageId pairs
+ Requires a Chocolatey For Business license
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
+ Param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Package')]
+ [String]
+ $Id,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Package')]
+ [String]
+ $DisplayName,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Map')]
+ [hashtable]
+ $Map,
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Map')]
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Package')]
+ [String]
+ $OutputDirectory = $PWD
+ )
+ end {
+ switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
+ 'Package' {
+ choco sync --id="$DisplayName" --package-id="$Id" --output-directory="$OutputDirectory"
+ $packageFolder = Join-path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath "sync\$Id"
+ $todo = Join-Path $packageFolder -ChildPath 'TODO.txt'
+ if (Test-Path $todo) {
+ Write-Warning (Get-Content $todo)
+ }
+ }
+ 'Map' {
+ $map.GetEnumerator() | Foreach-Object {
+ choco sync --id="$($_.Key)" --package-id="$($_.Value)" --output-directory="$OutputDirectory"
+ $packageFolder = Join-path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath $_.Value
+ $todo = Join-Path $packageFolder -ChildPath 'TODO.txt'
+ if (Test-Path $todo) {
+ Write-Warning (Get-Content $todo)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ choco sync --output-directory="$OutputDirectory"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### See it in action
+Want to see for yourself how Simple bringing existing software into Chocolatey can be? We've got you!
+ To see all feature videos for Chocolatey for Business, please visit https://chocolatey.org/resources/features#c4b.
### Options and Switches