Python 3 command line tool for controlling OctoPrint servers
This tool uses the OctoPrint API to control and view the status of 3D printers connected to OctoPrint servers
This project is a work in progress. Some features may not work as intended or be missing. If you have suggestions or find bugs, please report them in issues. Feel free to fork this repo to fix issues or to implement new features.
These are the features that have been implemented so far, more functions will be implemented in the future. Current progress on features can be found on the project board.
- Printer connection status
- Print job status
- File selection
- Pause, resume, cancel prints
- Start print
- System commands (shutdown, reboot, restart)
- Listing files/folders
- Retrieving file/folder information
- Setting extruder and bed temperature
- Connect and disconnect from printer
- Continuous status output with temperature status and progress bar
- GCODE and STL file uploads to server storage
- Run G-code on printer from terminal
- Layer information from OctoPrint-DisplayLayerProgress plugin if installed on server
Currently, octoprint-cli is limited to only printers with a single extruder and heated bed. Support for additional extruders and heated chambers may be implemented in the future. This program has been tested on OctoPi 0.17.0 on the Raspberry Pi 4 running OctoPrint 1.4.1 with a Monoprice Select Mini V2.
Colored and formatted text is not available on Windows systems due to the lack of support on cmd and powershell terminals
The program requires the API key to have all permissions to run
octoprint-cli can be installed from PyPI using pip
. PyPI package can be found at
pip install octoprint-cli
octoprint-cli can also be installed manually using git
git clone
cd octoprint-cli
python3 install --user
Can be found in requirements.txt
and installed with pip
- termcolor
- requests
The tool reads its configuration from either config.ini
in the application directory or from ~/.config/octoprint-cli.ini
on Linux systems
A sample config file has been included in sample-config.ini
;Set OctoPrint server address and x-api-key
;Set if the program uses colored or formatted text, this setting is turned off on windows due to cmd and powershell limitations
FormattedText = true
;Set if the program should check for updates
UpdateCheck = true
;Set maximum temperature that printer can be set to
MaxExtruderTemp = 250
MaxBedTemp = 85
General Commands
octoprint-cli version
- get OctoPrint server version information
octoprint-cli continuous
- get continuous refreshing temperature, layer, and print status
Print Commands
octoprint-cli print status
- get current print job status
octoprint-cli print select [path]
- load file on server
octoprint-cli print start
- start print job on loaded file
octoprint-cli print cancel
- cancel current print job
octoprint-cli print pause
- pauses the current print job
octoprint-cli print resume
- resumes the current print job
octoprint-cli gcode [command]
- run GCODE command on printer
octoprint-cli layers
- get layer information during prints from the DisplayLayerProgress plugin
Connection Commands
octoprint-cli connection status
- get OctoPrint print connection information
octoprint-cli connection connect
- connect to printer, serial port and baudrate are decided automatically unless specified with the -b [BAUDRATE]
and -p [PORT]
octoprint-cli connection disconnect
- disconnect from printer
Temperature Commands
octoprint-cli temp status
- get current and target temperatures of extruder and bed
octoprint-cli temp extruder [temp]
- set target temperature of extruder
octoprint-cli temp bed [temp]
- set target temperature of print bed
System Commands
octoprint-cli system restart
- restart OctoPrint server
octoprint-cli system restart-safe
- restart OctoPrint server to safe mode
octoprint-cli reboot
- reboot OctoPrint server
octoprint-cli shutdown
- shutdown OctoPrint server
File Commands
octoprint-cli files list
- list files on OctoPrint server, listing in folders can be done with -p [PATH]
flag, files/folders can be filtered using the --files
and --folders
octoprint-cli files info [file]
- get information on file on server
octoprint-cli files upload [file]
- upload local file to server
The -h
or --help
flag can bring up a help message for all commands