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Sprint 2 Planning Meeting

sfiquet edited this page Mar 10, 2018 · 3 revisions


Date: 5 March 2018

Sprint 1 Review

Goal: Go over the sprint and reflect on the experience gained.


  • Assess the number of incomplete tasks
  • Determine why they were left incomplete
  • Discuss how the next sprint will be improved by factoring in the lessons learned
  • Discuss how the workflow worked to or against your team's advantage
    • Too many meetings? What can we do instead?
    • for Sprint Planning, producing task cards directly in Waffle didn't work well. Work on a shared document instead?
  • Discuss any new ideas that stemmed from completing the tasks. Create notes or cards to keep these ideas handy for the future.

Sprint 2 Planning

Like last time we will:

  • Choose features to include in sprint 2
  • Break them down into individual tasks
  • Identify which tasks depend on another task's completion and which tasks are independent or can be done in parallel
  • Review the cards as a team
  • Assign cards as a team: Everybody should know who is doing what

Meeting Notes

Sprint 1 Review

Tasks non completed: 2

  • Wireframe for Projects page (not done)
  • Projects page (unfinished)

What happened:

The big issue was that Burak left the team mid-week. As he was assigned the task of implementing the Welcome page, the first thing we needed for the app, it was necessary to re-shuffle task assignments. The re-shuffling didn't work all that great.

There was also a misunderstanding of the scope of task #28: While implementing the Projects API, Guido started work on the Projects page task that was originally assigned to Sylvie. As she hadn't started on the task it was agreed to reassign it to Guido.

Both issues together meant Sylvie worked on the Welcome page first and never had time to create the Projects wireframe.

Meanwhile Guido created a basic client page without the wireframe as a guide, but run into routing issues and realised styling with Bootstrap was a roadblock for him.

Workflow - Meetings:

As we are not always online at the same time, it is cumbersome to have many meetings a week.

To reduce the number of meetings:

  • We agreed to do stand-ups on Slack twice a week instead of doing a Stand-up Review meeting and a Progress meeting.
  • Code Reviews can be done when reviewing PRs. We might not need a special meeting for this.
  • Sprint Reviews can be done on Slack.

We will still do an audio chat for the Sprint Planning once a week.

Sprint 2 Planning

Tasks identified for Sprint 2:

Display projects (continued from Sprint 1)

  1. add routing in client
  2. merge Guido's branch for issue #27 into development
  3. add styling to page

Those tasks must be done sequentially.

Add a MongoDB database

Structural work that can be done as part of any of the following tasks

Register with email

  • define the user API
  • front-end
  • back-end: API + database

Create project

  • front-end
  • back-end: API + database

Set up ESLint

Meta work for better code quality

Suggestions from Jamie:

  • use Postman to test endpoints
  • consider using Redux