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Welcome to this step-by-step guide on deploying an EKS cluster and application with complete CI/CD!
Are you looking to streamline your application delivery process and automate your infrastructure deployment? Look no further! In this project, I'll take you through the process of setting up an EKS cluster, deploying an application, and creating a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and Terraform.
We'll start with the basics and gradually dive deeper into the technical details, so you'll find this guide helpful whether you're a beginner or an experienced DevOps engineer. By the end of this article, you'll have a fully functional EKS cluster and a simple containerized application up and running, with a CI/CD pipeline that automates the entire process from code to production.
We are going to build and deploy a lot of things. Here is the outline for our project:
I. Setting up Jenkins Server with Terraform
Creating an EC2 instance with Terraform.
Installing necessary tools:
Java, Jenkins, AWS CLI, Terraform CLI, Docker, Sonar, Helm, Trivy, Kubectl
. -
Configuring Jenkins server.
II. Creating EKS Cluster with Terraform
Writing Terraform configuration files for
cluster creation in a private subnet. -
Deploying EKS cluster using Terraform.
III. Deploying NGinx Application with Kubernetes
Writing Kubernetes manifest files
for the NGinx application. -
Deploying NGinx application to
IV. Automating Deployment with Jenkins CI/CD
pipeline for automating EKS cluster creation and Nginx application deployment. -
Integrating Terraform and Kubernetes with the Jenkins pipeline.
Configuring continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD).
To embark on our CI/CD adventure, we'll need a trusty toolkit:
Terraform — To create configuration files for the EC2 instance which will be used as a Jenkins server and EKS Cluster in a VPC.
Shell Script — To install command line tools in the EC2 instance.
Jenkins file — To create a pipeline in the Jenkins Server.
Kubernetes Manifest files — To create a simple NGINX application in the EKS cluster.
Before creating and working with the project, let's set up some dev tools first -
It's better to have an IDE to develop your project. I am using
Visual Studio Code
for the same. You can install it from the following link based on the operating system— https://code.visualstudio.com/download -
Install the CLI tools — AWS-CLI, and Terraform-CLI.
Make sure you have an AWS Free Tier Account. And then create a user in IAM Console and finally create an
Access Key ID
andSecret Access Key
in AWS Console for that user. You need to download these keys and then export those credentials in your terminal as follows —
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Copy this from the credentials file downloaded>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<Copy this from the credentials file downloaded>
The first thing we have to do is to create a new key pair for login into the EC2 instance and create an S3 bucket for storing terraform state files. This is the only manual step we are doing.
So, in the AWS management console go to "EC2
" and select "Key pairs
" in the listed overview of your resources, and then select "Create key pair" at the top right corner. You need to download these key pairs so that you can use them later for logging into the EC2 instance
Create Key pairs for the EC2 instance
Next, let's create a S3
bucket to store the terraform remote states. You can go ahead and do this manually. I have an existing s3 bucket used as remote backend in a CICD pipeline created using AWS Developer Tools.AWS-CICD. So we will simply import that existing terraform configuration as follow.
In the backend.tf
data "terraform_remote_state" "aws-cicd" {
backend = "s3"
config = {
bucket = "palm-terraform-remote-state"
key = "palm-cicd/terraform.tfstate"
region = "eu-west-1"
You will see how we will make use of any resources from the state file when needed.
Create an S3 bucket to store terraform remote state
Now, let's start writing terraform configuration for our EC2 instance
which will be used as a Jenkins
server. So, we will create the instance first and then we will install the necessary tools like jenkins
etc via a build script.
Here are the Terraform configuration files - The rest of the backend.tf file
provider "aws" {
region = var.aws_region
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashcorp/aws"
version = ">=5.25.0"
backend "s3" {
bucket = "palm-terraform-remote-state"
key = "eks-jenkins/terraform.tfstate"
dynamodb_table = "palm-terraform-locks"
kms_key_id = "arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:038462750799:key/fbfc32d6-539b-4c81-bf58-d5db169b5322"
region = "eu-west-1"
Notice the kms key and dynamodb table. They were created manually. The key is for encrypting the state file while is for terraform state LOCKING.
See the rest of the configuration files
data.tf see data.tf file
main.tf See the file jenkins-server/tf-aws-ec2/main.tf We'll be using publicly available modules for creating different services instead of resources [None]https://registry.terraform.io/browse/modules?provider=aws
- see the file scripts/install_build_tools.sh
Points to note before running terraform apply
Use the correct key pair name in the EC2 instance module
and it must exist before creating the instance. -
Use the correct bucket name in the configuration for the
in thebackend.tf
You need to use
user_data = file("scripts/install_build_tools.sh")
depending on your root module in the EC2 module to specify the script to be executed after EC2 instance creation. -
Make sure the script install_build_tools.sh is executable. Run
chmod +x install_build_tools.sh
Let's run terraform apply
and create this. Please make sure to run terraform init
if you are doing this for the first time. Also, double-check your current working directory where you are running the terraform cli
terraform apply
terraform apply
Give it some time before you go to the AWS EC2 console
and check the instance status. Even though the instance is running, it may still be installing the tools.
Jenkins Build Server Created
Now, let's log in to the Jenkins server and verify if all the tools have been installed correctly or not.
So, let's select the EC2 instance
and click on connect. You can simply connect using the EC2 Instance connect
successfully connected to the EC2 instance
We can now verify the versions of all the tools installed. Let's copy and paste the below commands.
jenkins --version
docker --version
docker ps
terraform --version
kubectl version
aws --version
trivy --version
helm version
Here is the output.
Tools version installed in the Jenkins Server (EC2 instance)
Let's configure the Jenkins in the EC2 instance
. So, copy the EC2 instance's public IP address
and paste it into the browser by adding the 8080
port which we have provided in the security group settings for Jenkins.
Now, copy the administrator password from the below path and paste and continue.
Copy the Admin password
You will get the below screen. Click on Install Suggested Plugins
Install Suggested Plugin
Plugin Installing
Once all the plugins are installed, you will be presented with the following screen. Here, you can continue as an admin (click on skip and continue as admin
) or create a new user and password then click Save and Continue
Create First Admin User
Click on Save and Finish
and then on the next page Start using Jenkins.
Finally, you will get the below Jenkins Dashboard. At this point, we are ready with our Jenkins server. We'll configure the pipeline later.
Jenkins Dashboard
Moving on, let's start writing terraform configurations for the EKS
in a private
We'll use the same bucket but a different key/folder for theterraform remote state
backend.tf See tf-aws-eks
Although we are going to create the AWS EKS infrastructure via the Jenkins pipeline, we first need to validate the configuration files that we have created in the previous step.
So, let's move to tf-aws-eks
directory, initialize our working directory, and then run terraform plan
and validate
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform plan
Configuration files are all validated and terraform plan
is running fine which means we are ready to run the terraform apply
in the Jenkins pipeline.
Let's proceed to the Jenkins URL again and start configuring the pipeline.
Click on "Create a Job", type "eks-cicd-pipeline" and select pipeline then OK.
Create a Jon -> Pipeline
On the next screen, provide "description", move to the bottom, and click on "Save".
Pipeline created
Since we are going to run terraform
commands in the pipeline, which will talk to our AWS
environment, we need to provide/store AccessKey
and SecretAccessKey
somewhere in the vault so that the pipeline can use that.
Jenkins provides a facility to store secret
in the vault.
So, head on to the Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Credentials -> System -> Global credentials (unrestricted)
Create Secret text for AWS_ACESS_KEY_ID
Create Secret text for AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Access Keys created
You need to install one plugin to see the stage view in the pipeline.
Go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Plugins -> Available plugins
and select Pipeline: Stage View and click on Install.
Install Plugin — Pipeline: Stage View
Finally, let's start configuring our pipeline. Go to your Dashboard
and click on Configure
Now move to the bottom and start typing pipeline script using stages
and tasks
. You can also take help from Pipeline Syntax
However, I have included the pipeline code in Jenkinsfile as below. Let's observe a few things here —
We need to provide AWS credential variables that we added already in Jenkins.
We need to provide
location for the code with the current branch. Since this repository is public, we don't have to specify theGitHub
to access git.
Jenkinsfile See Jenkinsfile in this repository to see the complete pipeline script We have also added parameters and condition.
Copy the code into pipeline editor, Save and run the pipeline by clicking on Build with Parameters
Build with Parameters
Pipeline running
We need to wait at least 15 mins for the pipeline to be finished.
Pipeline Success
Let's verify the EKS cluster in the AWS Console.
EKS Cluster — Created
Check the logs by clicking on #4
and then console output
. We can see that the pipeline is successful and terraform plan
got executed by showing 58 resources to add.
Console Output
We have come to the last stage where we are going to deploy a simple Kubernetes application to the cluster. Ideally, in a production scenario, there will be different pipelines for the infrastructure (EKS Cluster) and the application, and again if the application is 2-tier or 3-tier, there will be separate pipelines for each tier to maintain microservices architecture.
We are going to create a simple Nginx application that we are going to access via the LoadBalancer
endpoint. Hence, let's create 2 manifest files — deployment.yaml
and service.yaml
put in the directory /manifest
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
app: nginx
replicas: 1
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
app: nginx
- name: http
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
app: nginx
type: LoadBalancer
Also add another stage in the Jenkins pipeline to apply manifest files using kubectl
utility that we installed in the EC2 instance (Jenkins Server) initially.
stage('Deploying Nginx Application') {
when {
expression { params.action == 'apply' } // Run only if 'apply' is selected
steps {
dir('manifest') {
sh 'aws eks update-kubeconfig --name palm-eks-cluster'
sh '''
if ! kubectl get namespace eks-nginx-app > /dev/null 2>&1; then
kubectl create namespace eks-nginx-app
echo "Namespace eks-nginx-app already exists."
sh 'kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml -n eks-nginx-app'
sh 'kubectl apply -f service.yaml -n eks-nginx-app'
If you have included the above in the initial run, then just proceed to the next step
Create an access entry.
EKS Cluster — Create access entry
Now, select the admin/root user or assumed role ARN.
EKS Cluster — Select IAM principal ARN
Next, select the policy/permission. Please select AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy
then click Next
and Create
Select permission — AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy
Access Entry created
Let's rerun the pipeline and check the status. This time our pipeline will be successful.
eks-cicd-pipeline successful
Let's validate the resources in the AWS EKS console -
nginx deployment is running
nginx service is running
Now copy the load balancer URL and hit it in the browser. We'll be able to access the application.
Nginx application is running in the browser
Finally, we have come to the end of this guide. We have to destroy our resources to save on the cost. Deleting applications and destroying EKS
cluster can be done via the Jenkins pipeline by just selecting the action
while doing Build with Parameters
Action — destroy
Destroy Pipeline
EKS Cluster — Deleted
Let's also delete the Jenkins
by running terraform destroy
via local CLI.
terraform destroy
terraform destroy completed
Please recheck your AWS Console manually to see if there is any resource remaining for example — EC2 key pair and S3 bucket and delete them manually.
We have successfully implemented a robust and automated infrastructure provisioning and deployment pipeline using Terraform
, and Jenkins
. We have not only designed and implemented a scalable and efficient CI/CD pipeline but also deployed a simple Nginx application in the EKS cluster. However, this is not the end but the beginning of creating complex production CI/CD applications.