This code is meant to convert 1 folder of 1 game data (usually around +7000 individual JSON files) from into a .csv file to input on a spreadsheet as per this document ( (also down below)
It's really scrappy code since something was always different with the game data. For any questions & concerns, feel free to hit me up on Discord xirimpi#3959.
Automatically have an output of the following stats as seen in this sheet This should be a quick and seamless process to save time for the team
- Date of Game
- Game Number
- Opponent
- Winning team
- 'winningteam' from
Match Subject
(100 for Team One, 200 for Team Two)
- 'winningteam' from
- Team Matching (Identify whether Blue or Red is CLG)
- Which is 100 and which is 200?
- Player → Specific Stats
- Ex. CLG Finn needs to be identified as the top laner
- First Blood
- Indicate which team obtained the first kill of the game
- First Drag
- Indicate which team obtained first dragon of the game
- First Herald
- Indicate which team obtained first herald of the game
- First tower
- Indicate which team destroyed the first tower
- Mid Tower
- Indicate which team took down the first tier 1 mid tower
- Can be the same as first tower of game
- Indicate which team took down the first tier 1 mid tower
- For each player, indicate the relative difference of the CLG player and the respective enemy player
- [Top, Jungle, Mid, AD, Support]
- CSD@10 - Creep Score Difference at 10 minutes
- GD@10 - Gold Difference at 10 minutes
fromTeam One/Two
(for each player, but doesn't tell what lane is each player)
- XPD@10 - Experience difference at 10 minutes
fromTeam One/Two
(for each player, but doesn't tell what lane is each player- CSD@15 - Creep score difference at 15 minutes
- XPD@15 - Experience difference at 15 minutes
- Indicate the relative difference between CLG and the enemy team in…
- GD@15 - Overall gold difference at 15 minutes
- GD@20 - Overall gold difference at 20 minutes
- Isolated Deaths
- Total count of deaths of a player when he’s isolated from the rest of the team
- Download one of the 2 files here (I put 2 formats because I personally like iPython notebooks but there's also a straight Python file)
- Download 1 game (folder of 7000 JSON files) from Bayes Esports
- Copy directory address of game folder
- Paste address into last function (scrim_automater) & run file
- Save output as a .csv file
- Open .csv file & copy & paste contents into Google Spreadsheet
- The 2 objective functions, I use a player to identify which team - change the player to be someone from the current year's roster