使用ML2Scratch可以将机器学习 (TensorFlow.js)与Scratch连接起来。
如果使用网络摄像头拍摄一些图像,对其进行标记并进行学习,则可以根据学习结果对相似的新图像进行分类。捕获的图像不会发送到服务器,并且所有学习和分类都在浏览器中执行。 (但是,需要网络连接才能在启动时加载应用程序并下载学习模型。)
- ML2Scratch受 BSD 3-Clause License 的保护,是开源的,任何人均可免费使用。您可以在您的课堂,讲习班上使用它。商业用途也被接受。如果您或您的学生使用ML2Scratch创建了一些很棒的东西,请使用 #ml2scratch 标签在SNS上分享,或者让我知道这些联系人中的任何一个。有趣的项目将添加到“使用例”中。
- 尝试避免机器学习的障碍#ML2Scratch#ev3(Google Translated)
- 使用ML2Scratch控制Wagara-saurus(日式恐龙)
- 用插图控制电风扇
- 智能垃圾箱](https://robotstart.info/2019/10/20/jjpc-4thprog-competition.html)
- 使用Scratch和micro:bit制作硬币分类AI机器人
- 用茉莉花瓶向前走,用罐装咖啡向后走(电影)
- ML2Scratch书架排列检查(电影)
- ML2Scratch检测到停车位已满(电影)
- OS
- Windows 8
- Windows 10
- MacOS
- Chrome OS
- iOS
- Browser
- Chrome
- Safari(iOS)
由于某些Chrome扩展程序,ML2Scratch有时不起作用。 在这种情况下,请切换到访客模式。
向摄像机显示“摇滚”手势,然后单击“火车标签1”块。 这是为了训练机器将“岩石”符号识别为标签1。
持续单击该按钮,直到捕获约20张图像。 捕获的图像数量显示在“阶段”窗口的“标签数量1”字段中。
训练后,识别结果将显示在“阶段”区域的“标签”字段中。 如果显示“ rock”,则“ label”应显示“ 1”,如果显示“ paper”,则“ label”应显示“ 2”,如果显示“ scissorsors”,则“ label”应显示“ 3” 。
You can switch the images to be learned/classified.
By default, Scratch's stage image is used for learning/classification.
If there is a webcam image on the stage, it learns/classified the webcam image, or if the "Turn off video" block stops showing the webcam image and shows a game or animation screen, etc., it uses that screen for learning/classfication.
If you want to learn/classify only the webcam's image, you can use
It can be switch to a webcam image for learning/classification. If you want to move the character by gestures on the camera image, I think this is a more accurate way to judge.
With ML2Scratch, you can download and save the trained model on your PC by using the "download learning data" block.
Click, specify the file download destination, and press the "Save" button. The learning data will be saved as a file <numerical string>.json.
The project itself is not saved automatically like a normal Scratch, so select "File" > "Save to your computer" and save it on your PC as a .sb3 file.
To reopen a saved project, choose "File" > "Load from your computer" and select the saved .sb3 file. After that, upload the learning data.
The saved learning data can be uploaded in the "upload learning data" block.
When you click, a window called "upload learning data" opens, so click the "Select file" button, select the training data file (<numerical sequence>.json), and press Click.
At this time, be aware that the data that has been learned will be overwritten.
Setup LLK/scratch-gui on your computer.
git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:LLK/scratch-gui.git cd scratch-gui npm install
In scratch-gui folder, clone ML2Scratch. You will have ml2scratch folder under scratch-gui.
git clone git@github.com:champierre/ml2scratch.git
Run the install script.
sh ml2scratch/install.sh
Run Scratch, then go to http://localhost:8601/.
npm start
ML2Scratch is under AGPL-3.0 license, open source and freely available to anyone. You can use it at your classes, workshops. Commercial usage is also accepted. If you or your students created something cool using ML2Scratch, please share it on SNS using hashtag #ml2scratch or let me know to any of these contacts. Interesting projects will be added to the "Examples of use".
这里销售印有ML2Scratch标志的文化衫 -> https://suzuri.jp/is8r_/1251743/t-shirt/s/white