You can find the latest, uploaded Package Repositry on NPM: The currently most updated version is defined in package.json
To use the SDK, you can simply run
yarn dev
in a terminal. If you are editing this SDK, please leave this window open. This code compiles the typescript to javascript.
To be more specific, this will install all packages if they're not installed yet. It will then link the package repository to your global, locally editable repository (using yarn link
), and then it will run tsc --watch
to account for any items that you edit. If you pull a new version, please make sure to run this command again. You can also run yarn dev-clean
to delete any previous packages and reinstall everything from scratch. This deletes node_modules/
and package-lock.json
before you apply anything.
You can find the exact line of commands executed in qpools-sdk/package.json
in the script
The Serpius Endpoint currently is on version v4.0.0. The file-structure it should delpoy looks like the following.
"network": mainnet | devnet,
"allocations": [
"inputToken": {
"address": PublicKey, // this is the token mint
"decimals": number,
"logoURI": string,
"name": string,
"symbol": string
"assets": [
id: string,
weight: number,
protocol: marinade | solend | saber,
apy_24h: number
One specific example of what the API could return looks as follows:
"network": "mainnet",
"allocations": [
"inputToken": {
"address": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"decimals": 6,
"logoURI": "",
"name": "USD Coin",
"symbol": "USDC"
"assets": [
"lp": "USDC",
"weight": 1000,
"protocol": "solend",
"apy_24h": 5.65
"lp": "USDCpo-USDC",
"weight": 0,
"protocol": "saber",
"apy_24h": 5.59