Raytracing is "graphics for the masses," and it's a fun way to combine programming* and visual creativity. POV-Ray is a popular program (as these things go), and easy to use (again, as these things go), and a lot of fun to use, so... I created this repository to display and share some of the code I use, both as a collection for myself and to let others grab the code and play around with it if they want to.
- .pov file are where the code is.
- .inc files are also code, but they generally are used to define certain constants or objects you reuse a lot.
- .png files...you know this one...the output of the raytrace.
I don't really care what you do with this code, but I'm a bit paranoid so it's under the MIT license -- if you do make something awesome using bits of my code, I'd appreciate a legitimate attribution.
*Raytracing uses a Scene Description Language (SDL) to define the world you wish to render. It's code, but maybe it's not really programming? I don't know. It's fun and productive and a good mental challenge, anyway.