A LayoutManager that must be used with RecyclerView inspired by Flow Layout for iOS.
The layout manager places cells on a linear path and fits as many cells along that line as it can. When the layout manager runs out of room on the current line, it creates a new line and continues the layout process there.
Using Gradle
Requires Min SDK version >= 10
compile 'com.ch4vi.flowlayoutmanager:flowlayoutmanager:1.0.2'
Using Maven
First of all add a RecyclerView to your layout
android:scrollbars="vertical" />
Then in your class initialize the RecyclerView, in this case with 3 columns, vertical orientation and the first cell size will be 1x1, the second 2x2...
val manager = FlowLayoutManager(3, RecyclerView.VERTICAL, object : FlowLayoutManager.Interface {
override fun getProportionalSizeForChild(position: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
return when (position) {
0 -> Pair(1, 1)
1 -> Pair(2, 2)
2 -> Pair(4, 1)
3 -> Pair(3, 2)
else -> Pair(1, 1)
recyclerView.layoutManager = manager
Note If we add a cell too big for example if we have 3 columns and we add a cell 4x1, this cell will be ommited in the drawing process.
Optionally you can add a custom space between the cells adding a dimen resource named "default_card_insets" and setting an item decoration to your RecyclerView like in the example
<dimen name="default_card_insets">8dp</dimen>
FlowLayout is license under the Apache License.