The open source Augmented Reality (AR) platform ARToolkit has been depreciated and is now part of the Daqri Vos API, so I decide to develop a new, modern, open source augmented reality engine with leading edge technologies. It can be used to build a variety of AR applications, including marker-based, markerless-based and SLAM-based tracking mode. Its main features includes:
- Use the Unity3D game engine with open source plugins via the C# programming language. It will not use Google ARCore, Apple ARKit or Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit.
- Build Augmented Reality applications through a step-by-step, tutorial-style project approach accompany a book called ARBook in Chinese.
- Employ a variety of AR tracking modes, including marker-based, image natural tracking-based and SLAM-based modes.
- Targets a variety of AR devices including phones, tablets, and wearable smartglasses, for Android and iOS.
- Explore and utilize AR best practices and software design patterns.