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cgmeyer committed Mar 25, 2019
1 parent a49f345 commit 2ff5fc2
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Showing 2 changed files with 244 additions and 315 deletions.
280 changes: 244 additions & 36 deletions expansion/
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@@ -1,18 +1,37 @@
## Gen3 SDK Expansion pack

# Install gen3sdk via pip
!pip install --force --upgrade gen3 --ignore-installed certifi

# Download and configure gen3-client
!mkdir /home/jovyan/.gen3
!mv gen3-client /home/jovyan/.gen3
!/home/jovyan/.gen3/gen3-client configure --profile=bpa --apiendpoint= --cred=/home/jovyan/pd/bpa-credentials.json

import requests, json, fnmatch, os, os.path, sys, subprocess, glob
import pandas as pd
from import json_normalize
from collections import Counter

import gen3
from gen3.auth import Gen3Auth
from gen3.submission import Gen3Submission
from gen3.file import Gen3File

endpoint = ''
auth = Gen3Auth(endpoint, refresh_file='my-credentials.json')
sub = Gen3Submission(endpoint, auth)
file = Gen3File(endpoint, auth)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

api = ''
auth = Gen3Auth(api, refresh_file='my-credentials.json')
sub = Gen3Submission(api, auth)
file = Gen3File(api, auth)

### AWS S3 Tools:
def s3_ls(path, bucket, profile, pattern='*'):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +161,7 @@ def get_node_tsvs(node,projects=None):
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print("File previously downloaded.")
prog,proj = project.split('-')
prog,proj = project.split('-',1)
df1 = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', header=0)
Expand All @@ -159,16 +178,16 @@ def get_node_tsvs(node,projects=None):
def get_project_tsvs(projects):
# Get a TSV for every node in a project
all_nodes = list(set(json_normalize(sub.query("""{_node_type (first:-1) {id}}""")['data']['_node_type'])['id'])) #get all the 'node_id's in the data model

if isinstance(projects,str):
projects = [projects]

for project_id in projects:
#create the directory to store TSVs
mydir = str('project_tsvs/'+project_id+'_tsvs')
mydir = str('project_tsvs/'+project_id+'_tsvs') #create the directory to store TSVs
if not os.path.exists(mydir):
for node in all_nodes:
#check if the project has records in the node
res = sub.query("""{node (of_type:"%s", project_id:"%s"){project_id}}""" % (node,project_id))
res = sub.query("""{node (of_type:"%s", project_id:"%s"){project_id}}""" % (node,project_id)) #check if the project has records in the node
df = json_normalize(res['data']['node'])
if not df.empty:
filename = str(mydir+'/'+project_id+'_'+node+'.tsv')
Expand All @@ -178,7 +197,8 @@ def get_project_tsvs(projects):
prog,proj = project_id.split('-',1)
print(filename+' exported to '+mydir)
cmd = ['ls',mydir]

cmd = ['ls',mydir] #look in the download directory
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('UTF-8')
except Exception as e:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,17 +233,37 @@ def delete_node(node,project_id):
results['other'] = other
return results

def delete_records(uuids,project_id):
## Delete a list of records in 'uuids' from a project
program,project = project_id.split('-',1)
failure = []
success = []
other = []
results = {}
if isinstance(uuids, str):
uuids = [uuids]
if isinstance(uuids, list):
for uuid in uuids:
r = json.loads(sub.delete_record(program,project,uuid))
if r['code'] == 400:
elif r['code'] == 200:
results['failure'] = failure
results['success'] = success
results['other'] = other
return results

def get_urls(guids,api):
# Get URLs for a list of GUIDs
if isinstance(guids, str):
guids = [guids]
if isinstance(guids, list):
urls = {}
for guid in guids:
index_url = "{}index/{}".format(api, guid)
index_url = "{}/index/{}".format(api, guid)
output = requests.get(index_url, auth=auth).text
guid_index = json.loads(output)
url = guid_index['urls'][0]
Expand All @@ -232,6 +272,21 @@ def get_urls(guids,api):
print("Please provide one or a list of data file GUIDs: get_urls\(guids=guid_list\)")
return urls

def get_guid_for_filename(file_names,api):
# Get GUIDs for a list of file_names
if isinstance(file_names, str):
file_names = [file_names]
if not isinstance(file_names,list):
print("Please provide one or a list of data file file_names: get_guid_for_filename\(file_names=file_name_list\)")
guids = {}
for file_name in file_names:
index_url = api + '/index/index/?file_name=' + file_name
output = requests.get(index_url, auth=auth).text
index_record = json.loads(output)
if len(index_record['records']) > 0:
guid = index_record['records'][0]['did']
guids[file_name] = guid
return guids

def delete_uploaded_files(guids,api):
Expand All @@ -253,27 +308,180 @@ def delete_uploaded_files(guids,api):
print("Error deleting GUID {}:".format(guid))

def plot_categorical_property(property,df):
#plot a bar graph of categorical variable counts in a dataframe
df = df[df[property].notnull()]
N = len(df)
categories, counts = zip(*Counter(df[property]).items())
y_pos = np.arange(len(categories)), counts, align='center', alpha=0.5)
#plt.figtext(.8, .8, 'N = '+str(N))
plt.xticks(y_pos, categories)
plt.title(str('Counts by '+category+' (N = '+str(N)+')'))
plt.xticks(rotation=90, horizontalalignment='center')
#add N for each bar

def plot_numeric_property(property,df):
#plot a histogram of numeric variable in a dataframe
df = df[df[property].notnull()]
data = list(df[property])
N = len(data)
fig = sns.distplot(data, hist=False, kde=True,
bins=int(180/5), color = 'darkblue',
kde_kws={'linewidth': 2})
plt.figtext(.8, .8, 'N = '+str(N))
plt.title("PDF for all projects "+property) # You can comment this line out if you don't need title

projects = list(set(df['project_id']))
for project in projects:
proj_df = df[df['project_id']==project]
data = list(proj_df[property])
N = len(data)
fig = sns.distplot(data, hist=False, kde=True,
bins=int(180/5), color = 'darkblue',
kde_kws={'linewidth': 2})
plt.figtext(.8, .8, 'N = '+str(N))
plt.title("PDF for "+property+' in ' + project) # You can comment this line out if you don't need title

def node_record_counts(project_id):
query_txt = """{node (first:-1, project_id:"%s"){type}}""" % (project_id)
res = sub.query(query_txt)
df = json_normalize(res['data']['node'])
counts = Counter(df['type'])
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(counts, orient='index').reset_index()
df = df.rename(columns={'index':'node', 0:'count'})
return df

def list_project_files(project_id):
query_txt = """{datanode(first:-1,project_id: "%s") {type file_name id object_id}}""" % (project_id)
res = sub.query(query_txt)
if len(res['data']['datanode']) == 0:
print('Project ' + project_id + ' has no records in any data_file node.')
return None
df = json_normalize(res['data']['datanode'])
#guids = df.loc[(df['type'] == node)]['object_id']
return df

def get_data_file_tsvs(projects=None,remove_empty=True):
# Download TSVs for all data file nodes in the specified projects
#if no projects specified, get node for all projects
if projects is None:
projects = list(json_normalize(sub.query("""{project (first:0){project_id}}""")['data']['project'])['project_id'])
elif isinstance(projects, str):
projects = [projects]
# Make a directory for files
mydir = 'downloaded_data_file_tsvs'
if not os.path.exists(mydir):
# list all data_file 'node_id's in the data model
dnodes = list(set(json_normalize(sub.query("""{_node_type (first:-1,category:"data_file") {id}}""")['data']['_node_type'])['id']))
mnodes = list(set(json_normalize(sub.query("""{_node_type (first:-1,category:"metadata_file") {id}}""")['data']['_node_type'])['id']))
inodes = list(set(json_normalize(sub.query("""{_node_type (first:-1,category:"index_file") {id}}""")['data']['_node_type'])['id']))
nodes = list(set(dnodes + mnodes + inodes))
# get TSVs and return a master pandas DataFrame with records from every project
dfs = []
df_len = 0
for node in nodes:
for project in projects:
filename = str(mydir+'/'+project+'_'+node+'.tsv')
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print('\n'+filename + " previously downloaded.")
prog,proj = project.split('-',1)
sub.export_node(prog,proj,node,'tsv',filename) # use the gen3sdk to download a tsv for the node
df1 = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', header=0) # read in the downloaded TSV to append to the master (all projects) TSV
df_len+=len(df1) # Counting the total number of records in the node
print(filename +' has '+str(len(df1))+' records.')
if remove_empty is True:
if df1.empty:
print('Removing empty file: ' + filename)
cmd = ['rm',filename] #look in the download directory
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('UTF-8')
except Exception as e:
output = e.output.decode('UTF-8')
print("ERROR:" + output)
all_data = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
print('\nlength of all dfs: ' +str(df_len)) # this should match len(all_data) below
nodefile = str('master_'+node+'.tsv')
print('Master node TSV with '+str(len(all_data))+' total records written to '+nodefile+'.') # this should match df_len above
return all_data

def delete_records(uuids,project_id):
## Delete a list of records in 'uuids' from a project
program,project = project_id.split('-',1)
failure = []
success = []
other = []
results = {}
if isinstance(uuids, str):
uuids = [uuids]
if isinstance(uuids, list):
for uuid in uuids:
r = json.loads(sub.delete_record(program,project,uuid))
if r['code'] == 400:
elif r['code'] == 200:
def list_guids_in_nodes(nodes=None,projects=None):
# Get GUIDs for node(s) in project(s)
if nodes is None: # get all data_file/metadata_file/index_file 'node_id's in the data model
categories = ['data_file','metadata_file','index_file']
nodes = []
for category in categories:
query_txt = """{_node_type (first:-1,category:"%s") {id}}""" % category
df = json_normalize(sub.query(query_txt)['data']['_node_type'])
if not df.empty:
nodes = list(set(nodes + list(set(df['id']))))
elif isinstance(nodes,str):
nodes = [nodes]
if projects is None:
projects = list(json_normalize(sub.query("""{project (first:0){project_id}}""")['data']['project'])['project_id'])
elif isinstance(projects, str):
projects = [projects]
all_guids = {} # all_guids will be a nested dict: {project_id: {node1:[guids1],node2:[guids2]} }
for project in projects:
all_guids[project] = {}
for node in nodes:
query_txt = """{%s (first:-1,project_id:"%s") {project_id file_size file_name object_id id}}""" % (node,project)
res = sub.query(query_txt)
if len(res['data'][node]) == 0:
print(project + ' has no records in node ' + node + '.')
guids = None
results['failure'] = failure
results['success'] = success
results['other'] = other
return results
df = json_normalize(res['data'][node])
guids = list(df['object_id'])
print(project + ' has '+str(len(guids))+' records in node ' + node + '.')
all_guids[project][node] = guids
# nested dict: all_guids[project][node]
return all_guids

def download_files_by_guids(guids=None):
# Make a directory for files
mydir = 'downloaded_data_files'
if not os.path.exists(mydir):
if isinstance(guids, str):
guids = [guids]
if isinstance(guids, list):
file_names = {}
for guid in guids:
cmd = client+' download --profile='+profile+' --guid='+guid
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).decode('UTF-8')
file_name ='Successfully downloaded (.+)\\n', output).group(1)
cmd = 'mv ' + file_name + ' ' + mydir
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).decode('UTF-8')
except Exception as e:
output = e.output.decode('UTF-8')
print("ERROR:" + output)
except AttributeError:
file_name = '' # apply your error handling
print('Successfully downloaded: '+file_name)
file_names[guid] = file_name
except Exception as e:
output = e.output.decode('UTF-8')
print("ERROR:" + output)
print('Provide a list of guids to download: "get_file_by_guid(guids=guid_list)"')
return file_names

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