- Erase original map when re-compressing the maps.
- Edit p-bag values.
- Inventory of all the different townspeople (mostly done)
- Add "did you remember to save all of your files?" dialog when you quit with unsaved changes
- Others? (Shadow of Night has a "Dash" spell for running fast).
- Links tunic color, other spell colors?
- List of sprite equivalents between banks
- Sideview editing flow
- Enemy editing
- Known restrictions:
- Overworld map must be < 896 bytes
- Enemy lists must be < 1K
- Linked side-view areas in overworlds must be areas < 29.
- Auto-generate documentation from
? - Auto-generate documentation from
? - Document used/unused sidview areas in vanilla game.
- Create a vanilla ROM which fixes all sideview exit oddities.
- Palaces turn to stone after completion (done).
- Edit strike-for-jar items/enemies (done)
- Townspeople text editor
- Building door editor.
- Investigate and document swap/copy better (done).
- Document enemy editing WRT to "worlds". (done)
- Fix continue from palaces hack. (done)
- Add an undo stack (done)
- save commits
- include swap/copy
- optional notes field
- store project + config + history in a saved protobuf.
- Make File|Emulate more portable to windows. (done)
- Make sideview editor easier to use. (done)
- Fix sideview editor crash (fixed?)
- Reminder dialogs for "Commit to Rom" (and flag to disable)(done)
- Feature to swap sideview areas around (because of the 28 limitation)(done)
- Button on sideview connection edtior to open up the destination area. (done)
- Enemy level editor wanted (done)
- Move palaces between contitnents (done)
One-time setup:
./tools/downloader.py --nowin32 compiler SDL2
bazel build --crosstool_top=//tools/windows:toolchain --cpu=win64 :main
./tools/windows/zip4win.py --mxe tools/mxe --out z2edit.zip \ bazel-bin/main zelda2.textpb content/*
Done: Multimap editor
- Figure out drop rooms in GP (done-ish)
- Elevators and side-exits use separate subroutines.
- Dropping out the bottom uses the side-exit routine.
- Suspect Link Y-pos overflow triggers up exit.
- Figure out room reuse in Palaces 1,2,5 (fixed, config error).
- How to render when multmap puts two rooms in the same place? (use force-directed-graph to visualize).
- Overworld caves/outside areas (done)
- Palaces (done)
- Towns (done)
- Great Palace (done)
- starting levels (done)
- starting lives (done)
- starting itesm (done)
- starting spells (done)
- starting sword techs (done)
- Done: --hidpi command line flag.
- Done: hardcoded constant in ROM.
- Need documentation on how to change.
- Which sideview areas to load (done)
- Fix raft spot (done)
- Fix hidden places in East Hyrule (New Kasuto, P6) (done)
- Figure out if there is anything to do for boulders or river devil. (no, done)
- Add/Delete enemies from a sideview area (done)
- Sideview modifications should allocate new memory regions (done)
- Large/small encounter enemy lists (done)
- Initial item availability editor (doors & items) (done)
- walk anywhere (done)
- text speed (done)
- pick-up-item delay (done)
- Continue from the beginning of palaces (done)
- Enemy attributes editor (done)
- Experience table editor (done)
- Rename the ::New methods to ::Spawn (done)
- Common base class for imwidgets (done)
- Get rid of vector of callbacks in imapp in favor of vector<unique_ptr>s. (done)
- Clean up imapp. Bigtime. (done)